The Hidden Trauma of Ukraine’s Soldiers 烏克蘭官兵的隱藏創傷

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2023/10/20 第455期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 The Hidden Trauma of Ukraine's Soldiers 烏克蘭官兵的隱藏創傷
Spreading State Restrictions on China Show Depths of Distrust in the U.S. 州政府加碼抗中 引發企業焦慮
The Hidden Trauma of Ukraine's Soldiers 烏克蘭官兵的隱藏創傷
文/Nicole Tung


Night brings little sleep and terrifying dreams. Day brings panic attacks and flashbacks. All are exhausted and some think of suicide. They fear their own thoughts, and what those thoughts might drive them to do.


Vladyslav Ruziev, a 28-year-old Ukrainian sergeant, has recurring nightmares about his experience being pinned down with his unit last winter, powerless to do anything about the constant Russian artillery, the bitter freeze, the comrades he saw lose arms and legs. "Sometimes the ground was so thick with the wounded that the evacuation vehicles drove over their bodies by mistake in the chaos," he said, recalling scenes he witnessed on the front earlier this year.


In a year and a half of war, many of Ukraine's troops have had breaks totaling only about two weeks. And when they do get short respites away from the front, what many of them need most is treatment for psychological trauma.


Andriy Remezov knows that suffering all too well — after going in 2014 to fight the Russian proxy forces in the East, he returned home and went into a tailspin.


"I got addicted to drugs and alcohol, and even thought about suicide, but my comrades rescued me," said Remezov, 34. He got treatment, became a psychologist and got married.


He rejoined the army last year. On a two-day trip to Kyiv, Ukraine's capital, sipping coffee in his kitchen with his wife, Marharyta Klyshkan, he explained that each time he leaves the front, he spends some quiet time mentally reviewing what he has endured "so I can put it on a shelf in my mind." Otherwise, he said, "all this information can just destabilize me."


Ukraine's mental health system can handle only a fraction of the need, he said, and most soldiers make the mistake of trying to tough it out on their own, as he once did.


A handful of centers in Ukraine treat mental trauma with traditional psychotherapy and alternative treatments: electrical stimulation, time with animals, yoga, aquatic therapy and more.


Oleksiy Kotlyarov, 36, a military surgeon, sees years' worth of grisly wounds every day at an understaffed medical station near the front, under incessant shelling, with minimal rest. Suffering depression, panic attacks and bouts of crying, he has been diagnosed with PTSD.


Kotlyarov spoke for many soldiers when he said: "I'm not the same person as I was before this war. I have low empathy, I've become tolerant to violence."



Spreading State Restrictions on China Show Depths of Distrust in the U.S. 州政府加碼抗中 引發企業焦慮
文/Alan Rappeport

州政府加碼抗中 引發企業焦慮

At a moment when Washington is trying to reset its tense relationship with China, states across the country are leaning into anti-Chinese sentiment and crafting or enacting sweeping rules aimed at severing economic ties with Beijing.


The measures, in places including Florida, Utah and South Carolina, are part of a growing political push to make the United States less economically dependent on China and to limit Chinese investment over concerns that it poses a national security risk. Those concerns are shared by the Biden administration, which has been trying to reduce America's reliance on China by increasing domestic manufacturing and strengthening trade ties with allies.


But the state efforts have the potential to be far more expansive than what the administration is orchestrating. They have drawn backlash from business groups over concerns that state governments are veering toward protectionism and retreating from a long-standing tradition of welcoming foreign investment into the United States.


Nearly two dozen mostly right-leaning states — including Florida, Texas, Utah and South Dakota — have proposed or enacted legislation that would restrict Chinese purchases of land, buildings and houses. Some of the laws could potentially be more onerous than what occurs at the federal level, where a committee led by the Treasury secretary is authorized to review and block transactions if foreigners could gain control of American businesses or real estate near military installations.


The laws being proposed or enacted by states would go far beyond that, preventing China — and in some cases other "countries of concern" — from buying farmland or property near what is broadly defined as "critical infrastructure."


The restrictions coincide with a resurgence of anti-China sentiment, inflamed in part by a Chinese spy balloon that traveled across the United States this year and by heated political rhetoric ahead of the 2024 election. They are likely to pose another challenge for the administration, which has dispatched several top officials to China in recent weeks to try to stabilize economic ties. But while Washington may see a relationship with China as a necessary evil, officials at the state and local levels appear determined to try to sever their economic relationship with America's third-largest trading partner.



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