The Beast on Two Wheels  雙輪猛獸 —— 哈雷重機

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2015/10/27 第218期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Beast on Two Wheels  雙輪猛獸 —— 哈雷重機

  At the turn of the 20th century, the Davidson brothers, Arthur and Walter, were designing a motorized2 bicycle with their friend, William Harley. While the first experimental3 machine could not make it up hills without someone pedaling, it was a life-changing experience. The first race that a Harley-Davidson motorcycle competed in was in 1904. The next year, Harley-Davidson sold three motorcycles they put together in their backyard shed4. In 1906, Harley-Davidson built their first factory in a building that still stands today.
  As one of the only two US motorcycle companies to survive the Great Depression5 in the 1930s, Harley-Davidson built motorcycles for the US army during World War II. After it was over, many of the soldiers wanted their own motorcycles. However, by the 1960s, Harley-Davidson was nearly bankrupt6 because their motorcycles were not as well-made as the Japanese ones. In the 1980s, Harley-Davidson was sold to a group of investors7 for US$80 million and things turned around. Over the years, Harley-Davidson has become a symbol of the open road for outlaws8 and people who like to think they are outlaws. For these people, the roar of a Harley-Davidson between their legs is the best part of owning a Harley-Davidson.








  二十世紀初時,亞瑟和華特這兩個戴維森家族的兄弟和他們的朋友威廉•哈雷一起設計了一輛裝上馬達的腳踏車。儘管這第一輛實驗用機器因為沒有人踩踏板而無法爬上山丘,但這卻是一次改變人生的經驗。第一場有哈雷摩托車競賽的比賽是在 1904 年。隔年,哈雷摩托車公司(又譯為『哈雷•大衛森機車公司』)賣出了三輛他們在自家後院小屋裡組裝的摩托車。1906 年時,哈雷摩托車公司在一棟現今依然存在的建築物裡蓋了他們的第一間工廠。

  1. the turn of the (...) century  某一世紀的開始;新舊世紀交替之時
    Jolie's great-grandmother was born at the turn of the last century.
  2. life-changing a. 改變人生的
    The trip to Africa was a life-changing decision for Mark.
  3. compete i. 參加比賽;競爭
    Tracy is looking forward to competing in the speech contest on Saturday.
  4. put together... / put...together  裝配/組裝……
    This huge Lego set is tricky to put together.
  5. survive vt. & vi. 倖存,活下來
    The girl survived after being hit by a car.
  6. turn around (...) / turn...around  (使……)好轉
    The new CEO turned the company's business around in just two years.
  7. symbol n. 象徵,符號
    a symbol of...  ……的象徵
    The white dove is a symbol of peace.
  8. roar n. 吼叫聲,喧鬧聲
    The little girl was frightened by the dinosaur's roars in the movie.
  1. beast n. 野獸
  2. motorized a. 裝上馬達的;摩托化的
  3. experimental a. 實驗(性)的
  4. shed n. 小屋,棚屋
  5. the (Great) Depression n. 經濟大蕭條
  6. bankrupt a. 倒閉的,破產的
  7. investor n. 投資者
  8. outlaw n. 亡命之徒

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