Washed Up  沖上岸的美

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2015/10/27 第234期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Washed Up  沖上岸的美
by William Ryan

Alejandro Durán's art transforms trash from around the world into something beautiful, and with a message.

  Alejandro Durán is an artist with a mission. His passionate purpose is to _(1)_ global attention to a man-made catastrophe, namely the pollution of our oceans. By doing so, he hopes to _(2)_ public awareness and change the way we think about consumption and waste. Durán's studio is a _(3)_ of once-pristine Caribbean coastline, which is part of a large federally protected reserve in Mexico called Sian Ka'an. There, he collects countless small pieces of plastic trash that have washed up on the shore. The artist _(4)_ the ugly debris into fantastic color-based sculptures. These site-specific art installations collectively make up the _(5)_ project that the artist dubbed Washed Up. Durán says he has sorted plastic waste from 50 countries on six continents. Sometimes, he arranges the objects in a creative way that makes it seem like the ocean waves have brought them to the shore. Other times, the artist makes them _(6)_ natural objects, such as algae, fish, and fruits. In this way, Durán makes the point that our natural environment, no matter _(7)_ undeveloped, is never safe from the severe impact of global consumerism. Sian Ka'an is _(8)_ to be a global treasure, not a storehouse for the world's trash. Home to numerous flora and fauna, this UNESCO World Heritage Site contains 20 pre-Columbian archaeological sites. It also boasts the world's second-largest coastal barrier reef.
  Washed Up underscores with urgency the man-made _(9)_ to the global environment. Humans produce so much consumer waste that most species of marine life have been
_(10)_ affected, and waste management and disposal has seemingly become a major international industry. Albert Einstein once famously said that to solve a problem, something must change. Few would argue over that.
(A) raise (B) adversely (C) how (D) draw (E) supposed
(F) converts (G) resemble (H) stretch (I) threat (J) ongoing

  1. His passionate purpose is to draw global attention to a man-made catastrophe, namely the pollution of our oceans.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    draw / attract / catch sb's attention 吸引某人的注意
    同: draw / attract / catch the attention of sb
    Stacy tried to draw Doug's attention by wearing a short red skirt.
    b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  2. By doing so, he hopes to raise public awareness and change the way we think about consumption and waste.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    raise (public) awareness  喚起(大眾的)意識/注意
    (常與介詞 of 或 about 並用)
    The purpose of this ad is to raise awareness about the vulnerability of the elderly.
    *vulnerability n. 虛弱
    b. 根據上述用法,(A) 項應為正選。
  3. Durán's studio is a stretch of once-pristine Caribbean coastline...
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,空格後有介詞 of,得知空格內應置單數名詞。
    b. 選項中為單數名詞的有(H) stretch(一片區域)及 (I) threat(威脅),惟根據語意,(H) 項應為正選。
    c. stretch n.(地域或水域的)一片,一塊
    The horse was standing in a stretch of open field.
  4. The artist converts the ugly debris into fantastic color-based sculptures.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    convert A into B  把 A 轉變成 B
    同: transform / change / turn A into B
    The land owner converted the old house into a hotel.
    b. 根據上述用法,(F) 項應為正選。
  5. These site-specific art installations collectively make up the ongoing project that the artist dubbed Washed Up.
    a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,空格後有名詞 project(計劃),得知空格內應置形容詞以修飾 project。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的有(E) supposed(假定的)及 (J) ongoing(進行的),惟根據語意,(J) 項應為正選。
    c. ongoing a. 進行中的
    There is an ongoing debate about legalizing gambling.
    *legalize vt. 使合法化
  6. Other times, the artist makes them resemble natural objects, such as algae, fish, and fruits.
    a. make / have / get 可作使役動詞,使役動詞就是一種命令某人從事某件事的動詞,加了受詞後,可用原形動詞或不定詞片語(to + 原形動詞)作受詞補語。茲分類敘述如下:
    make / have + 受詞 + 原形動詞 叫……做……
    get + 人 + to + 原形動詞  叫某人做……
    Brad's father made him paint the house.
    The boss had the secretary type out the letter for him.
    Dad got me to wash the car for him.
    b. 空格前有使役動詞 makes 及受詞 them,得知空格內應置原形動詞。選項中為原形動詞的僅剩 (G) resemble(像),置入後亦符合語意,故為
    c. resemble vt. 像,與……相似
    同: look like...
    After the massive earthquake, the city resembled a battlefield.
  7. In this way, Durán makes the point that our natural environment, no matter how undeveloped...
    a. 表『不管/不論……』的副詞連接詞,可用 "no matter + 疑問詞" 來表示,常見的尚有下列:
    no matter what = whatever 不管/不論什麼
    no matter who = whoever 不管/不論誰
    no matter how = however 不管/不論如何
    No matter how nice Al is, I still don't like him.
    = However nice Al is, I still don't like him.
    b. 由於 how 是疑問副詞,因此在 no matter how 所引導的副詞子句中可修飾動詞、形容詞或副詞,且當其修飾形容詞或副詞時,須將該形容詞或副詞往前移位,置 how 之後,使 how 直接修飾該形容詞或副詞。
    c. 選項中符合上述的僅有 (C) how(如何),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
  8. Sian Ka'an is supposed to be a global treasure, not a storehouse for the world's trash.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    be supposed to V  應該??(語氣比 should 委婉些)
    Jenny was supposed to meet me at eight o'clock, but she didn't show up.
    b. 根據上述用法,(E) 項應為正選。
  9. Washed Up underscores with urgency the man-made threat to the global environment.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 man-made(人為的),得知空格
    內應置名詞以被 man-made 修飾。
    b. 選項中為名詞的僅剩(I) threat(威脅),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. threat n. 威脅(常與介詞 to 並用)
    The supervisor saw the new manager as a threat to his position.
  10. Humans produce so much consumer waste that most species of marine life have been adversely affected...
    a. 空格前有表被動語態的現在完成式 have been,空格後有過去分詞 affected(受到影響),得知空格內應置副詞以修飾 affected。
    b. 選項中為副詞的僅有 (B) adversely(不利地;相反地),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. adversely adv. 不利地;相反地
    Undoubtedly, some managers will react adversely to this approach.

federally adv. 聯邦地
site-specific a. 因地制宜的
installation n. 裝置藝術
collectively adv. 共同地;全體地
algae n. 海藻(複數)
衍: alga n. 海藻(單數)
consumerism n. 消費主義
storehouse n. 倉庫
flora n. 植物群
fauna n. 動物群
archaeological a. 考古學的
underscore vt. 強調,重視

  1. wash up... / wash... up  (海浪)把……沖上岸邊
    An empty boat was washed up by the tide.
  2. argue over...  就(事)而爭論
    衍: argue with...  與(人)爭論
    Please don't argue over such trivial matters.
    *trivial a. 瑣碎的
    Don't argue with me, son. Just do as you are told.
  1. passionate a. 有強烈感情的,熱愛的
    衍: be passionate about...  對……熱愛
    Harry is passionate about cooking and prepares most of his meals at home.
  2. catastrophe n. 災難
    同: calamity n.
  3. namely dv. 也就是
    The policy changes may lead to some problems, namely a recession and higher unemployment rates.
  4. pristine a. 未經開發的;原始的
  5. reserve n. 保護區
  6. plastic a. 塑膠的;整形的 & n. 塑膠
    衍: a plastic bag  塑膠袋
    plastic surgery  整形手術
    Many stores no longer give customers plastic bags for the sake of environmental protection.
    *for the sake of...  為了……的緣故
    I'm against plastic surgery unless it's done for medical purposes.
  7. debris n. 殘骸,廢墟;碎片(不可數)
    The church was reduced to a pile of debris in the earthquake.
    *be reduced to sth  淪為/化成某物
  8. dub vt. 把……稱作
    The single was dubbed the best song of the decade by an online poll.
  9. sort vt. 分類,整理
    衍: sort of...  有點/有幾分……
    = kind of...
    Linda sorted her documents into two piles.
    The movie is sort of boring.
  10. heritage n. 遺產
  11. boast vt.(某城市/國家等地方)擁有(好的事物或特徵)& vi. 誇耀,吹噓
    衍: boast of / about...  誇耀/自誇……
    That island boasts one of the world's rarest birds.
    I don't like John because he always boasts about how rich he is.
  12. barrier reef n. 堡礁
  13. disposal n. 處理;支配
    衍: at sb's disposal  由某人支配
    The disposal of hazardous waste is a matter of urgency.
    There will be a car and driver at your disposal during your stay.
  14. seemingly adv. 表面上,看似

答案: 1. D 2. A 3. H 4. F 5. J 6. G 7. C 8. E 9. I 10. B

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