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2015/12/28 第169期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
a) 富裕的
b) 龐大規模
c) 障礙
When we think of India, we think of cricket, Bollywood and now start-ups. India’s information-technology success and English-speaking engineers have created a fertile ground for innovative start-ups. Angel investors and venture capital funds are 1) mushrooming. Investment in start-ups is a new trend among a) affluent Indians, triggered by the Silicon Valley-like successes of many start-ups recently.

India’s start-up industry is the youngest and fastest-growing in the world. There are more than 4,000 start-ups in India, with 28 the average age of founders. Money is also pouring in; $5 billion was invested in start-ups this year alone, a 125 percent year-on-year rise.

International investors are also tempted by the b) sheer size of India’s market. At more than 350 million, India has the third most Internet users in the world, after the United States and China. Most of them are using the Web on mobile devices. That number is expected to grow to 580 million people by 2018.

India’s government, led by tech-savvy Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has 2) gone out of its way to encourage investment in start-ups. Authorities have set up a $300-million fund for start-ups, and eased restrictions on Indians abroad who want to invest in venture capital funds there. The success in China of companies such as Alibaba has inspired many to say that India is the next big consumer Internet market.

However, big challenges still remain when it comes to running a business in India. There are many infrastructure and regulatory c) hurdles. Arjun Narayan, founder of investment company Catamaran, cautions that investors in India have to 3) jump through a lot of hoops. “India is still a decade behind becoming a matured manufacturing hub,” he says. Yet despite such concerns, the huge growth in the number of new Indian start-ups continues, as does the level of investment they are able to secure.

1. Mushrooming 湧現
South American restaurants are mushrooming in Taipei. 南美料理餐廳紛紛在台北開張。

2. Go out of one’s way  竭盡所能
Mary’s garment business is booming, as she always goes out of her way to satisfy her clients. 瑪麗的成衣生意很興隆,因為她總是竭盡所能來令顧客滿意。

3. Jump/go through hoops  克服重重難關
hoop 意為「環狀物」,本成語來自訓練馬戲團動物跳過鐵圈,類似中文的「跳火圈」之意,形容事情極為困難。
The boss pays relatively high salaries, but he expects the entire staff to jump through hoops for him. 老闆給的薪資比別人高,不過他期待所有員工為他赴湯蹈火。




  1. Is the table made from wood? 這桌子是用木頭做的嗎?
  2. Which team are you going to play with? 你們將和哪一隊比賽?
  3. I haven’t heard of my husband since he left for Beijing. 自從我先生動身前往北京後,我一直沒有收到他的消息。
  4. Please make sure that you turn out the TV before you leave. 你走之前請確認有關掉電視。
  5. Helen thought about a great idea in brainstorming. 海倫在腦力激盪時想出一個好點子。


  1. Is the table made of wood? make from和make of的區別在於:前者通常用在製造的原料已經改變、無法辨認時,後者則未變。本句中做成桌子的木頭本質並未改變,所以應該用make of。
  2. Which team are you going to play against? play with somebody是表示「和某人一起玩」,with改成against才是「與某人進行比賽」的意思。
  3. I haven’t heard from my husband since he left for Beijing. hear of解作「聽到…的事」,與hear from所代表的「接到…的消息」適用的情況不同。
  4. Please make sure that you turn off the TV before you leave. turn out雖也有「關掉」之義,但多半指熄滅燈或爐火,本句是關掉電視機,應改用turn off。
  5. Helen thought out a great idea in brainstorming. think about是「考慮、打算」的意思,本句想要表達的是「發想出來」,因此介系詞必須改為out。

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