An Animal Shelter that Only Hires Homeless Animal Lovers 這裡,讓愛不流浪

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9999/12/31 第349期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱



An Animal Shelter that Only Hires Homeless Animal Lovers  這裡,讓愛不流浪
by Ivy Liu

One place is forging a new path to new homes with unconditional love and patience.


  Glenn Greenwald might not be a household name to some readers, but his work should be recognizable to most. The Pulitzer prize-winning journalist is best known for his reporting in The Guardian on classified documents provided by Edward Snowden. _(1)_ On top of his illustrious career, Greenwald set his sights on opening a shelter for abandoned animals in Rio de Janeiro with his husband, David Miranda. _(2)_ They unveiled a brilliant plan back in May 2017. _(3)_
  If you
were initially taken aback by their decision, you might have to reevaluate your reaction. Money does not define a person's worth or their capacity, nor does it make a person less deserving of love. Some homeless people always provide food for their dog first over themselves. _(4)_ Many times, their pets are their only friends and companions, giving and receiving unconditional love. _(5)_ Based on these examples, homeless people make perfect candidates to take care of abandoned pets. As of July 2017, the shelter was being crowdfunded due to economic difficulties in Brazil, but it already had its first employee to develop the shelter: 20-year-old Lucas Mendes. Hopefully, Greenwald and Miranda's vision will help get more animals and homeless people off the street and into a nurturing environment.

(A) Both are huge animal lovers, and as a result of their rescue efforts, they have adopted 23 furry members into their family.
(B) They will even
forgo receiving services they need because the conditions require giving up their furry companion.
(C) The plan was to
employ homeless people who lived on the streets with their pets to care for the animals at the shelter.
(D) Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people.
(E) He was even
portrayed by Zachary Quinto in the 2016 Oliver Stone movie, Snowden.
(F) With their pets, they feel less
depressed and their will to live is reinforced by taking care of them.


1. 第一題空格應選 (E)

a. 空格前一句提及 "The Pulitzer prize-winning journalist is best known for his reporting in The Guardian on classified documents provided by Edward Snowden."(這位曾獲普立茲獎的新聞記者因在《衛報》上刊登了由愛德華•史諾登提供的機密文件而盛名遠播。),而 (E) 項句子提及 "He was even portrayed by Zachary Quinto in the 2016 Oliver Stone movie, Snowden."(柴克瑞•恩杜甚至在奧利佛•史東於 2016 年執導的電影《神鬼駭客:史諾登》中飾演他。),前一句的 Edward Snowden(愛德華•史諾登)與 (E) 項句子的 Snowden(《神鬼駭客:史諾登》)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。

portray vt. 飾演;描繪
Helen's poems portrayed the world as a dark, confusing place.

2. 第二題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 "... Greenwald set his sights on opening a shelter for abandoned animals in Rio de Janeiro with his husband, David Miranda."(……葛林華德與他的丈夫大衛•米蘭達決定在里約熱內盧為被遺棄的動物開設一間收容所。),而 (A) 項句子提及 "Both are huge animal lovers, and as a result of their rescue efforts, they have adopted 23 furry members into their family."(他們兩人非常熱愛動物,而且由於他們的救援行動,他們已經領養了二十三隻毛茸茸的家庭成員。),(A) 項句子的 Both(他們兩人)指的即是前一句的 Greenwald(葛林華德)和 David Miranda(大衛•米蘭達),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。

a. as a result of...  因為/由於……
: due to...
My bills accumulated as a result of being unemployed.
*accumulate vi. 累積,聚積
b. adopt vt. 收養,領養
Cindy decided to adopt the stray puppy that she found by the riverside.
c. furry a. 毛茸茸的,覆有毛皮的

3. 第三題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格前一句提及 "They unveiled a brilliant plan back in May 2017."(他們在 2017 年的五月揭露了一項絕妙的計畫。),而 (C) 項句子提及 "The plan was to employ homeless people who lived on the streets with their pets to care for the animals at the shelter."(這項計畫是要僱用和寵物一同露宿街頭的街友,讓他們在收容所照顧動物。),前後兩句皆提及 plan(計畫)一字,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

a. employ vt. 僱用
John was employed for his computer skills.
b. care for...  照顧……,照料……

4. 第四題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Some homeless people always provide food for their dog first over themselves."(有些遊民總是先把食物讓給他們的狗狗。),而 (B) 項句子提及 "They will even forgo receiving services they need because the conditions require giving up their furry companion."(他們甚至會放棄接受自己所需要的服務,因為種種條件需要他們放棄那些毛茸茸的夥伴。),(B) 項句子的代名詞 They(他們)指的即是前一句的 Some homeless people(有些遊民),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

a. forgo vt. 放棄(三態為:forgo, forwent, forgone。)
Due to tight budget, the newlyweds decided to forgo their honeymoon.
*newlywed n. 新婚者(常用複數)
b. companion n. 同伴;朋友

5. 第五題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Many times, their pets are their only friends and companions, giving and receiving unconditional love."(許多時候,他們的寵物是他們唯一的朋友與同伴,給予並接受他們無條件的愛。),而 (F) 項句子提及 "With their pets, they feel less depressed and their will to live is reinforced by taking care of them."(有了他們的寵物,他們感到不那麼憂愁,而且他們的求生意志也因為要照顧牠們而增強。),前後兩句皆提及 their pets(他們的寵物)一詞,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

a. depressed a. 感到憂鬱的,沮喪的
Jill felt really depressed because she was unable to pass the exam.
b. reinforce vt. 加強,強化
Keeping a diary helps reinforce your writing skills.

shelter n. 收容所,避難所
forge vt. 建立;偽造
a household name  家喻戶曉的人或事物
household a. 為人熟知的;家庭的
journalist n. 新聞記者
classified a. 機密的;分類的
illustrious a. 輝煌的,傑出的
reevaluate vt. 重新評估
: evaluate vt. 評估
crowdfund vt. & n. 群眾集資
nurturing a. 養育的,培養的

1. be best known for...  因……而最出名
Joseph Pulitzer is best known for establishing the Pulitzer Prize.

2. on top of...  除了……外
: in addition to...
On top of everything else, Susan still owes her landlord NT$15,000 for the rent.

3. set one's sights on...  某人決心要做到/決定……
Paul has set his sights on getting into a college in France.

4. be taken aback  感到吃驚(恆用被動語態)
: take sb by surprise  使某人吃驚(多採主動用法)
Kent was taken aback by the horrible scene when he stepped into the room.
The president's sudden resignation took everyone by surprise.
*resignation n. 辭職

5. be deserving of...  值得/應得……
These criminals are deserving of their punishment.

6. provide A for B  提供 A 給 B
: provide B with A
The charity provided blankets, tents, and food for the earthquake victims.

1. unconditional a. 無條件的
Good parenting consists of giving your children unconditional love and support.
*consist of...  包含……;由……組成

2. recognizable a. 認得出的,可辨認的
: unrecognizable a. 認不出來的
Taipei 101 is an easily recognizable landmark in Taipei.
臺北 101 大樓是臺北市很容易辨認的地標。
*landmark n. 地標
After the plastic surgery, Larry was almost unrecognizable.

3. abandoned a. 被遺棄的;廢棄的
The city knocked down the abandoned building to make room for the new park.
*knock... down / knock down...  摧毀/拆毀……
make room for...  為……騰出空間

4. unveil vt. 揭露,使公諸於世;揭幕
A new exhibition by the artist will be unveiled at the museum on Friday.

5. brilliant a. 傑出的,優秀的;聰明的
Alice is the one who brought up this brilliant idea.

6. initially adv. 起初,原本
: initial a. 最初的,開始的
Initially, Albert Einstein's research was ignored by other scientists.
*ignore vt. 忽視,忽略
After the initial filming, the director spent six months editing his movie.
*edit vt. 剪輯,剪接(錄音、影片等)

7. define vt. 下定義;闡釋
: definition n. 定義
In terms of happiness, what defines it for you?
You need to focus your attention on the application of this theory rather than its definition.
*application n. 應用

8. capacity n. 能力;容量
The company is trying to expand its factory's production capacity.

9. candidate n. 人選,候選人
Robert is undoubtedly the best candidate for the job.
*undoubtedly adv. 無疑地

10. vision n. 遠見;視野
: envision vt. 想像;默想
We respect our CEO a lot because he is a man of great vision.
Now, I'd like you to envision a society free of poverty and disease.
*poverty n. 貧窮,貧困



  對於某些讀者而言,葛倫•葛林華德或許不是一位家喻戶曉的人物,但大多數人應該都認得他的作品。這位曾獲普立茲獎的新聞記者因在《衛報》上刊登了由愛德華•史諾登提供的機密文件而盛名遠播。柴克瑞•恩杜甚至在奧利佛•史東於 2016 年執導的電影《神鬼駭客:史諾登》中飾演他。除了輝煌的生涯以外,葛林華德與他的丈夫大衛•米蘭達決定在里約熱內盧為被遺棄的動物開設一間收容所。他們兩人非常熱愛動物,而且由於他們的救援行動,他們已經領養了二十三隻毛茸茸的家庭成員。他們在 2017 年的五月揭露了一項絕妙的計畫。這項計畫是要僱用和寵物一同露宿街頭的街友,讓他們在收容所照顧動物。
  倘若你起初會因為他們的決定感到吃驚,你可能必須重新評估你的反應。金錢不能定義一個人的價值或能力,也不會讓某人較不值得被愛。有些遊民總是先把食物讓給他們的狗狗。他們甚至會放棄接受自己所需要的服務,因為種種條件需要他們放棄那些毛茸茸的夥伴。許多時候,他們的寵物是他們唯一的朋友與同伴,給予並接受他們無條件的愛。有了他們的寵物,他們感到不那麼憂愁,而且他們的求生意志也因為要照顧牠們而增強。根據這些例子,遊民成為照料遭遺棄寵物的理想人選。自 2017 年七月起,由於巴西的經濟困難,這間收容所接受群眾集資,但它已經有了第一位員工可以幫助發展該收容所:現年二十歲的盧卡斯•曼德斯。希望葛林華德和米蘭達的願景會幫助更多動物與無家可歸的人離開街頭,並進入有助於他們身心發展的環境。
1. E  2. A  3. C  4. B  5.F


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