Outdoor Offices: Wave of the Future?  新浪潮:戶外辦公室

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2018/01/30 第336期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Outdoor Offices: Wave of the Future?    新浪潮:戶外辦公室
An office might not be the most productive area to get your work done.


   Most people who spend their days stuck inside an office know that it can get a little boring sometimes. Day after day of sitting in an uncomfortable chair waiting for the workday to be over can be hard. Now, some forward-thinking companies are taking steps to make job environments more comfortable for their workers. Recent research has shown that being surrounded by trees, grass, and plants helps people become more productive. Therefore, it seems only natural that some companies would want to increase efficiency by surrounding their employees with nature.
  Office spaces that are outdoors have all the
necessities of a modern office such as electricity, plugs, and Wi-Fi, but they are built closer to nature. The spaces range from small tables outdoors in a park, to actually having desks and computers set up outside. While there are worries related to rain and other forms of bad weather, working outside seems to be a lot less stressful than being trapped inside all day. So far, outdoor offices have been a big hit at companies that have set them up. Maybe one day, you will get to set up your office outside.




efficiency n. 效率
plug n. 插座(非正式用法);插頭(英式用法)
stressful a. 充滿壓力的,緊張的


1. productive a. 富有成效的;多產的
The boss usually holds the meeting in the morning, because everyone feels more productive at that time.

2. stuck a. 動不了的,困住的;束手無策的
We were stuck in a traffic jam for over an hour on our way home.

3. uncomfortable a. 不舒服的
Allen feels uncomfortable in his new suit.

4. forward-thinking a. 有前瞻性的,有遠見的
= forward-looking
Our company needs someone who is dynamic and forward-thinking to lead us.
* dynamic a. 充滿活力的;動力的

5. research n. 研究
The research shows that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.

6. be surrounded by...  被……所圍繞
surround vt. 包圍;圍繞
The president was surrounded by a group of reporters.

7. necessity n. 必需品,日用品
Lots of families can't even afford to buy some basic necessities of life.

8. electricity n. 電
The rent is only NT$5,000 a month, but water and electricity are not included.

一步一步慢慢來(one step at a time)!
與 step 相關的用法有哪些?

本文 "Now, some forward-thinking companies are taking steps to make job environments more comfortable for their workers." 中的片語 take steps 表「做些必要的事來防制某事的發生」,也就是我們常說的「採取……手段(措施)來防制……」。另外,與 step 相關的片語還有 be / keep / stay one step ahead (of sb/sth),表「(比某人/某物)領先一步」。例:

The government is taking steps to provide better street lights in order to prevent crimes at night.

Prices stay one step ahead of wages.

The secret of success in business is to get one step ahead of the other firms, and stay there.



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