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2018/01/05 第392期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 實現莫非定律
【本月發燒書】 小王子 The Little Prince
【好康情報局】 【暢銷單字書展7折起】學習,從基礎開始!

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Living Murphy's Law

You woke up 20 minutes late this morning. Racing through breakfast, you spilled black tea on your school uniform. Your mother saw this and got angry at you. The beautiful weather turned to rain while you were on your way to school—without an umbrella. When you arrived, your teacher announced a surprise quiz in math, your worst subject.

Sound familiar? If so, you may be living Murphy's law: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

Chances are you've heard some version of Murphy's law somewhere. You may even have applied it to your own life at a time when nothing seemed to go right. Or you may have applied it to someone else's life. Do you have a friend who always gets terrible marks, can't play any sport, and looks funny with any haircut? If so, you've probably thought or said, "If there's any way to do it wrong, he or she will." Call this Murphy's law in the third person.

But the law isn't always negative. An early version states that "Whatever can happen will happen," which sounds pretty optimistic if you're feeling good. And "Anything that can go wrong probably will" is a useful reminder to think of all possibilities before starting a task. Of course, it's also a handy excuse if you mess up that task!

Just where Murphy's law comes from is a mystery, but there's nothing mysterious about a bad day. Especially when you know how to describe it.

你今天睡過頭20 分鐘才起床,急急忙忙吃早餐,卻將紅茶灑到學校制服,你媽媽看見了還大發雷霆。上學途中,本來風和日麗的天氣卻突然下雨,而且你居然沒帶傘。到校後,老師竟突然宣布要抽考你最不拿手的數學。

覺得很耳熟嗎? 如果是的話,表示你可能實現了莫非定律:凡是可能會出錯的事,都將出錯。




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小王子 The Little Prince

《小王子》猶如穹蒼中一顆燦然動人的明星,讓久居樊籠的我們,尋回內心深處純真的夢想、樸實無偽的友誼;喚醒深陷世俗囹圄而不自覺的心靈,與生命中最寶貴、卻也最容易被忽略、遺忘的真情。 ...詳全文

商用英文勝經:提升商業金融閱讀力【二版】 老人與海 The Old Man and the Sea【原著雙語隨身書】 OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句
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