Celebrating Hogmanay  歡慶霍格莫內

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2018/01/02 第332期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Celebrating Hogmanay    歡慶霍格莫內
Join in the fun during the biggest Scottish holiday of the year.



   Scottish people have always done things their own way, and the holiday of Hogmanay is no exception. Most countries begin New Year's celebrations on December 31. The Scots start theirs on December 30, but then keep going until January 2 with Hogmanay. This holiday is said to have been adopted from Viking traditions in the 8th and 9th centuries. Later, celebrating Christmas was not allowed for a period of time in that country, so Hogmanay became the most important holiday in Scotland.
   There are a lot of special traditions during Hogmanay for bringing luck and fortune to your family for the coming year. One of the most unique is called first-footing. First-footing is when the first person that comes into your house during the holiday brings a lucky gift, such as coal, a black bun, shortbread, or sometimes whiskey.
   Fire and fireworks are another big part of Hogmanay celebrations. This was traditionally a way to chase away evil spirits. In many cities like Edinburgh, partygoers carry torches through the street, and some even dress up in Viking clothing. Then, when the clock strikes midnight, people hold hands and sing "Auld Lang Syne" to ring in the New Year before continuing the party until January 2.


















coal n. 木炭;煤
bun n. 小圓麵包
whiskey n. 威士忌酒
▼ partygoer n. 社交聚會常客
torch n. 火把;火炬

  1. celebrate vt. 慶祝
    celebration n. 慶祝活動
    The Simpsons family threw a party to celebrate the completion of their new house.
    Evelyn is in charge of the fireworks display for the big celebration.
  2. be no exception  不例外
    exception n. 例外
    Every student should follow the rules, and the class leader is no exception.
    Since it was my birthday, my mother made an exception and let me stay over at Nini's place.
  3. adopt vt. 採納;領養
    After a long discussion, the boss agreed to adopt my idea.
    Bernice is known for her kindness in adopting stray animals.
  4. tradition n. 傳統
    The man broke with tradition and left his business to his daughter instead of his son.
    * break with tradition  打破/破除傳統
  5. fortune n. 財富,大筆的錢
    Brook's parents left him a fortune after they died.
  6. unique a. 獨特的
    It was Anthony's unique character that made him so popular.
  7. chase away... / chase...away  驅逐/趕走……
    Dad chased the stray dogs away with a stick.
  8. spirit n. 幽靈;心靈
    Most of the people in this region believe in the existence of evil spirits.
    * existence n. 存在
動詞 strike 的用法
本文 "Then, when the clock strikes midnight, ..." 中的動詞 strike 與時間並用時表「敲(鐘),報(時)」,若要表示「整點報時」,則可以用片語 strike the hour。例:

Cinderella has to leave the party when the clock strikes twelve.

When the clock struck the hour, I realized that the train must be running late today.



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