Destination Wild: Throne of the Mountain Baboon  野外遊蹤 —— 山地狒狒

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2018/01/09 第333期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Destination Wild: Throne of the Mountain Baboon    野外遊蹤 —— 山地狒狒
Can the king of the baboons hold on to his throne?





   In the highlands of Ethiopia, there is a king that rules his mountain kingdom, but his right to rule is not a sure thing. On the one hand, it is his queen that really decides if he is fit to lead the kingdom, and lately, he has not been doing his duties. On the other hand, there is a young challenger who wants to take the throne for himself. This sounds like the beginning of an epic adventure story, but it is real. There is a catch, however. The stars of National Geographic's Destination Wild: Throne of the Mountain Baboon are a family of gelada baboons.
   Follow National Geographic's talented camera crews as they show what life is like for these baboons. Although this is a kingdom of monkeys, the decisions of the king and queen are still very real. Will the king take responsibility for his kingdom and protect the family, or will the young challenger win the day? If the king doesn't prove up to the challenge, he will lose his kingdom, crown, and his right to breed. Tune in to National Geographic this month to see this humanlike story in Destination Wild: Throne of the Mountain Baboon.


















   在衣索比亞的高地,有一個國王統治著牠的山中王國,但是牠的統治權並非屹立不搖。一方面,真正決定牠是否適合領導王國的是牠的王后,而最近,牠並沒有盡到責任。另一方面,有一個年輕的挑戰者想要爭奪王位。這聽起來就像是個英勇冒險故事的開端,但它是個真實故事。不過,其中有個蹊蹺。國家地理的《野外遊蹤 —— 山地狒狒》主打星是一個獅尾狒家族。
   跟著國家地理的優秀拍攝小組來對這些狒狒的生活一探究竟。雖然這是個猴子王國,但是國王和王后的決定仍舉足輕重。國王會承擔起牠對王國的責任並保護家人,還是年輕的挑戰者會獲勝呢?如果國王沒有證明牠具備迎戰資格,牠將會失去牠的王國、王位,以及繁衍後代的權利。收看這個月的國家地理,來看看《野外遊蹤 —— 山地狒狒》中這個如同人類般的故事吧。


throne n. 王位,王權;(君王的)寶座
baboon n. 狒狒(產於非洲和南亞)
highlands n. 高地,高原(恆用複數)
epic a. 英勇的,史詩般的;壯觀/盛大的

  1. hold on to...  守住/保住……
    Raymond held on to his dream of becoming a famous designer.
  2. (be) fit to V  適合做……
    The careless man isn't fit to look after kids.
  3. do sb's duty  盡某人的責任/義務
    The men were called to do their duty and serve their country.
  4. decision n. 決定,抉擇
    We finally reached a decision after those long meetings.
  5. take responsibility for (doing) sth  承擔(做)某事的責任
    You should take responsibility for crashing your friend's car.
  6. win the day  最終獲得勝利;占上風
    Justice won the day, and those bad people were put in jail.



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