The Rise of K-Pop 韓國流行音樂如何征服全球

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2020/01/07 第433期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Rise of K-Pop 韓國流行音樂如何征服全球
From The Kim Sisters to BTS, this is the story of how K-pop took over the world.


  K-pop is a worldwide sensation. From LA to Taipei to Europe to Australia and beyond, Korean pop music is on the radio and taking over streaming services. But if you think K-pop is a recent development, think again. This is a trend that’s been building for decades.
  Our story begins with The Kim Sisters, the first South Korean group to make it big overseas. The sisters were Sue, Aija, and Mia. In the 1950s, as a way to support their family, the girls sang American songs in Seoul nightclubs to American soldiers. American producer Tom Ball saw them in 1958 and knew he had to bring them to the US.
  In 1959, the sisters arrived in the US and started performing in Las Vegas. They found success in nightclubs and even sang on national television. In 1962, they covered a song by The Coasters called “Charlie Brown.” It reached number seven on the Billboard singles chart. With that, The Kim Sisters were the first huge Asian singing success in the US. Little did the ladies know they had started what would become a huge trend.


1. worldwide a. 遍及全球的
This song has gained worldwide popularity over the past few months.
* popularity n. 流行
2. trend n. 潮流;趨勢
Mona reads fashion magazines to keep up with the latest fashion trends.
3. decade n. 十年
The standard of living in this country has improved over the past two decades.
4. make it big  闖出名聲;成名,成功
In Hollywood, everyone wants to make it big, but only a few succeed.
5. overseas adv. 在國外
Maggie moved overseas as soon as she finished high school.
6. support vt. 扶養,養活
Martin’s income is barely enough for him to support his family.
7. soldier n. 軍人,士兵
It is said that Thai boxing was created by soldiers over 500 years ago.
8. cover vt. 翻唱
That singer covered some classic songs on her new album.

sensation n. 轟動;感覺
nightclub n. 夜店

Little did the ladies know they had started what would become a huge trend.
1. little(幾乎不)為否定副詞,置於句首時,其後的主詞與動詞需倒裝。由此可知,本句的 Little did the ladies know... 為否定副詞 little 移至句首所形成的倒裝句,原句實等於 The ladies little knew (that)...。
Little did I expect that Jack would fall in love with Mary.
= I little expected that Jack would fall in love with Mary.
2. 除了 little 外,其他常見的否定副詞如 hardly(幾乎不)、rarely(很少)、seldom(不常,很少)以及 never(絕不;從來沒有)等置於句首時,後面的句子也採倒裝句構。
Hardly does Marvin listen to pop music.
Rarely can you see an owl flying during the day.

  故事得從金氏姊妹花說起,她們是第一個在海外大放異彩的南韓團體。三姊妹分別為金淑子、金愛子以及金明子。在 1950 年代,這些女孩在首爾的夜店唱美國歌曲給美國大兵們聽,以此作為養家活口的方式。美國籍製作人湯姆•伯爾在 1958 年看見她們時就知道他得把她們帶到美國來。
  1959 年,這三姊妹抵達美國並開始在拉斯維加斯演出。她們在夜店的演出很成功,甚至還在全國電視節目上獻唱。1962 年,她們翻唱了一首貿易船組合(編按:美國藍調/搖滾樂團)的歌曲《查理•布朗》。這首歌登上了告示牌單曲榜第七名。金氏姊妹花藉此成為首支在美國獲得巨大成功的亞洲歌唱團體。這些小姐們並不知道她們引發了一股後來會蔚為流行的潮流。





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