There’s Nothing Ropy about This Bridge! 歷久不衰的秘魯繩橋

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2020/01/07 第444期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

There’s Nothing Ropy about This Bridge!  歷久不衰的秘魯繩橋
by Bruce E. Bagnell


  Quick! Say “Queshuachaca” three times fast. You can’t? Don’t worry. Many people can’t, either. Still, knowing something about Queshuachaca is worthwhile.
  In an age __1__ it seems that nearly everything is disposable, even relationships, it’s nice to know that some people still follow ancient practices that bring people closer to nature and to each other. So it is with Queshuachaca, meaning “rope bridge” in the Quechua language, which is still spoken among the descendants of the Inca Empire. The Inca were masters of architecture and engineering. Their ability to construct public works is evidenced by the survival of Machu Picchu and an elaborate road system __2__ throughout their extensive mountainous territory.
  Their ingenuity is also seen in small-scale projects like Queshuachaca, a rope bridge that connects two Peruvian villages on either side of a steep gorge. Villagers on each side braid rope as part of an annual ritual to __3__ the previous bridge, which is well-worn after a year of rain, wind, and human traffic. They use any natural materials that are __4__ in their high Andes environment, including grasses that are braided to produce rope. Handmade over a three-day period, the rope bridge runs 28 meters from bank to bank, is 1.2 meters wide, and rises 14 meters above the river. It achieved international __5__ in 2013, when UNESCO designated Queshuachaca as a World Heritage Site. Today, Queshuachaca remains the last 100% rope bridge of a once mighty civilization.
1. (A) what  (B) when  (C) which  (D) while
2. (A) reaches  (B) reached  (C) reaching  (D) to reach
3. (A) replace  (B) disguise  (C) sharpen  (D) condemn
4. (A) influential  (B) expressive  (C) occasional  (D) available
5. (A) fame  (B) muse  (C) trade  (D) vigor

ropy a. 劣質的;破舊的
empire n. 帝國
architecture n. 建築
engineering n. 工程學
public works  公共工程/建設
mountainous a. 山區的,多山的
ingenuity n. 心靈手巧;善於創造發明
gorge n. 峽谷
well-worn a. 使用很久的;穿舊了的
heritage n. 遺產
civilization n. 文明

1. In an age when it seems that nearly everything is disposable, even relationships, it’s nice to know that some people still follow ancient practices that bring people closer to nature and to each other.
a. 空格前有表「時間」的名詞 age(時代),空格後為一完整子句,可知空格應置入可修飾時間的關係副詞 when,以引導後方的形容詞子句修飾先行詞 age。
• At midnight when the house is silent, Dana feels totally at peace.
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

2. Their ability to construct public works is evidenced by the survival of Machu Picchu and an elaborate road system reaching throughout their extensive mountainous territory.
a. 原句實為:
Their ability to construct public works is evidenced by the survival of Machu Picchu and an elaborate road system which reaches throughout their extensive mountainous territory.
b. 在形容詞子句中,若關係代名詞作主詞且其前無逗點(即限定修飾)時,可將該形容詞子句化簡成分詞片語。首先將關係代名詞刪除,之後的動詞變成現在分詞;若動詞為 be 動詞,變成現在分詞 being 後,可將 being 省略。
c. 根據上述,將關係代名詞 which 刪除並將動詞 reaches 變成現在分詞 reaching 後即成本句,故 (C) 項應為正選。

3. Villagers on each side braid rope as part of an annual ritual to replace the previous bridge, which is well-worn after a year of rain, wind, and human traffic.
a. (A) replace vt. 替換,取代
replace A with B  以 B 取代 A
• We’re going to replace our air conditioner with a new one next week.
(B) disguise vt. 假扮,裝扮 & n. 假扮,偽裝
disguise oneself as...  將自己喬裝成……
in disguise  假扮,偽裝
• Gina disguised herself as a man in order to join the club.
• The taxi driver turned out to be a police officer in disguise.
(C) sharpen vt. 使銳利/提高
• My pencil is broken. Can you sharpen it for me?
• This book is targeted at students who want to sharpen their writing skills.
(D) condemn vt. 譴責
• Greenpeace condemned those people for slaughtering whales.
b. 根據語意,村民每年都會編織繩子「替換」前一座經過一年風雨和人來人往的橋梁,可知 (A) 項應為正選。

4. They use any natural materials that are available in their high Andes environment, including grasses that are braided to produce rope.
a. (A) influential a. 有影響力的
• Steven Spielberg is one of the most influential directors in the movie industry.
(B) expressive a. 表現的;富於表情的
be expressive of...  表現出……
• This collection is expressive of the designer’s love of nature.
(C) occasional a. 偶爾的
• Occasional periods of relaxation are important for efficient work.
(D) available a. 可取得的
be available to...  
• The yoga class is available to the members of that fitness center free of charge.
b. 根據語意,村民運用任何「能」在他們高聳的安地斯山環境中「取得的」天然素材,這其中包括用來編成繩索的草,可知 (D) 項應為正選。

5. It achieved international fame in 2013, when UNESCO designated Queshuachaca as a World Heritage Site.
a. (A) fame n. 名聲,名氣
fame and wealth  名利
• Rafael pursued nothing but fame and wealth all his life.
(B) muse n. 靈感來源
• Eddie’s wife is the muse of most of his artworks.
(C) trade n. 買賣,貿易,交易
• About 50% of that country’s trade is with the US.
該國約有 50% 的貿易是與美國進行的。
(D) vigor n. 活力,精力
with vigor  充滿活力地
• Janet turned off the TV, picked up her books, and started studying with vigor.
b. 根據語意,當克斯瓦恰卡橋被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產,它在國際間便享有「盛譽」,可知 (A) 項應為正選。

designate A (as) B  把 A 指定/任命為 B
designate vt. 指定;指派
• The boss designated Mr. Sharp as the next chairman of this committee.

1. worthwhile a. 值得(做)的
It is worthwhile to V  做……是值得的
= It is worthwhile V-ing
• It is worthwhile to take some time to exercise every day.

2. disposable a. 用完即可丟的;一次性的
• It’s convenient to use disposable chopsticks, but it’s not environmentally friendly.

3. descendant n. 後裔,後代
• I was amazed to know that my neighbor is a descendant of Confucius.

4. construct vt. 建造,構築
• A bridge has been constructed to connect the two cities.

5. evidence vt. 證明(常用被動語態)
as evidenced by...  由……可證明
• The photographer is very dedicated to her work, as evidenced by her exhibit.

6. elaborate a. 複雜的;詳盡的;精緻的
• A simple blouse will go with that skirt; you don’t need anything too elaborate.

7. braid vt. 把……綁成辮子 & n. 辮子
• Hannah always braids her hair in the summer to stay cool.

8. annual a. 年度的,每年的
• That department store is going to have its annual sale in a couple of days.

9. ritual n. 儀式;習俗
• Last time that ancient ritual was practiced was more than 10 years ago.

10. material n. 素材,材料
• Concrete is a practical building material.

11. handmade a. 手工製的
• When Mom received my handmade card on Mother’s Day, she smiled from ear to ear.

extensive a. 廣闊的;大規模的;廣泛的
• Larry’s luxurious mansion stands on extensive grounds.
以下介紹 extensive 的相關衍生字:
a. extendable a. 可延長/伸長的
• The lease on the apartment I rent is extendable.
*lease n.(房子、汽車等的)租約
b. extend vt. & vi.(使)延長/延伸/擴大
extended a. 延長的;伸長的
• The project’s deadline has been extended to next Friday.
• Our client base has extended to all parts of the world.
c. extension n. 延長;延伸
• Henry requested an extension on his loan payments.
d. extent n. 程度
to some extent  某種程度上來說
= to some degree
• To what extent do you love me, honey?
• To some extent, making mistakes is not entirely a bad thing because we can learn from them.


  快試試看!試著快速說「Queshuachaca」三次。做不到嗎?別擔心。很多人也無法。但了解一些關於 Queshuachaca 的資訊還是很值得。
  他們的心靈手巧也體現在像是克斯瓦恰卡橋的小規模工程上,這座繩橋連接位於一條陡峭峽谷兩側的兩座秘魯村落。兩邊的村民每年都會編織繩子,作為替換前一座經過一年風雨和人來人往的橋梁年度儀式的一環。他們運用任何能在他們高聳的安地斯山環境中取得的天然素材,這其中包括用來編成繩索的草。這座繩橋於三天的時間內以手工製成,在兩岸之間橫跨二十八公尺、寬 1.2 公尺且懸於距離河面十四公尺的空中。2013 年,當克斯瓦恰卡橋被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產,它在國際間便享有盛譽。時至今日,克斯瓦恰卡橋仍是曾經強盛文明現存的最後一座完全由繩索製成的橋梁。
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A





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