法國大選籠罩在阿爾及利亞戰爭陰影下 Shadows of Algerian War Loom Over France’s Presidential Campaigns

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2022/04/29 第380期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 法國大選籠罩在阿爾及利亞戰爭陰影下 Shadows of Algerian War Loom Over France's Presidential Campaigns
'The Era of the Foreign Correspondent Is Over' 「駐外記者的時代過去了」
法國大選籠罩在阿爾及利亞戰爭陰影下 Shadows of Algerian War Loom Over France's Presidential Campaigns
文/Constant Méheut


Shadows of Algerian War Loom Over France's Presidential Campaigns Grim conspiracy theories about replacing white, Christian French with Muslims from North Africa. Vows to limit immigration from the region. And the evocation of memories of a supposedly glorious colonial past in Algeria.


While President Emmanuel Macron of France has tried over the past year to address the painful memories of his country's colonial history in Algeria, the long shadows of that past — provoked by such messages — have increasingly pervaded the campaigns of right-wing candidates in next week's presidential elections.


In the fall, one far-right candidate, Éric Zemmour, said, "France does not have to welcome and keep all the criminals from North Africa." Another, Marine Le Pen, said that memories could not be reconciled "by scourging ourselves in front of Algeria."


Macron's attempts to heal the wounds of France's colonization of Algeria have included acknowledging crimes committed by French military and by police, recognizing France's lack of regard for former settlers and Algerians who had fought for the country, and easing access to archives related to the war.


On the 60th anniversary of the Évian Accords, which brought an end to the war for Algerian independence, Macron said, "The Algerian War, its unsaid things, had become — and still are, when I listen to our news — the matrix of resentments."


Karim Amellal, a French Algerian member of the government's so-called Memories and Truth Commission on Algeria, said that Macron wanted to "untangle a knot that is the source of many problems, many stereotypes, many tensions."


But those reconciliation efforts have been mainly drowned out in a presidential campaign that has been dominated by heated debates on immigration and identity, themes heavily entwined with France's colonial past in Algeria.


The legacy of Algeria has perhaps been most evident in the phrase "great replacement," a racist conspiracy theory claiming that white Christians were being replaced by nonwhite immigrants. The concept was popularized during the campaign by Zemmour, whose Jewish family comes from Algeria, and then picked up by Valérie Pécresse, the candidate of the mainstream right, in coded attacks on Muslim immigrants.


Macron said that his efforts over the past year had been intended "to forget nothing, to deny nothing of the irreducible nature of the sufferings, of the pains, of what has been experienced, but to assume that they are all French."


'The Era of the Foreign Correspondent Is Over' 「駐外記者的時代過去了」
文/Michael M. Grynbaum


It will be named for a word that is the same in dozens of languages. It will recruit English-speaking journalists from countries like India and Singapore to cover the news. And according to its cofounder, "The era of the foreign correspondent is over."


These are among the ideas in store for the new media venture led by Justin Smith, the former chief executive of Bloomberg Media, and Ben Smith, the former editor of BuzzFeed and media columnist for The New York Times, according to remarks by Justin Smith during an online seminar.


The Smiths, who are not related, have been tight-lipped about plans for their new company, which has captured the fascination of the media industry because of its high-profile founders and their ambitious pledge to compete with international outlets like Reuters, The Associated Press and The Times.


The Smiths are seeking tens of millions of dollars in funding from prominent investors. They announced the hiring of Gina Chua, a top editor at Reuters who will serve as executive editor.


Justin Smith offered some new details during an hourlong Zoom interview sponsored by the Harvard Business School Club of New York.


"We've chosen a brand that we're going to be unveiling in a couple of months that is the same word in 25 or 35 different languages," Smith told the moderator. "It is very intentionally going to be able to live in Asia or Europe or the Middle East or America."


Smith did not reveal the name that he had selected. English words that are the same or similar in many other languages include taxi, tea, coffee, chai, sugar, pajama, radio and soup.


Smith also shared his thoughts about what he called the end of an era where news outlets based in London, New York or Washington dispatched journalists to foreign countries to report on the goings-on there. He asked why foreign readers would not prefer a homegrown English-speaking native to report the news in their region.


"The idea that you send some well-educated young graduate from the Ivy League to Mumbai to tell us about what's going on in Mumbai in 2022 is sort of insane," Smith said.


Instead, he said he would pursue "very educated, English-language-educated journalists all around the world," describing an opportunity "for scaling local and regional newsrooms at a lower cost."


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