老外說「What a shame!」是在駡你「真可恥」?真的嗎?

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2022/04/10 第384期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

老外說「What a shame!」是在駡你「真可恥」?真的嗎?


"What a shame!"


其實「what a shame」不是很可恥,Jimmy弄錯了。今天來看看shame這個大家似乎很熟,又用不到位的字。


1. What a shame.



Shame這個字除了「羞恥」之外,最常見的一個用法是 ... ...

「人生太苦短,別用爛音樂折磨自己」– 好萊塢配樂大師Hans Zimmer

甫剛結束的奧斯卡,《沙丘》一片勇奪了六項大獎,除了驚人的視覺特效、剪輯和美術外,氣勢磅礴的配樂也拿下了最佳原創音樂獎。音樂背後的好萊塢電影配樂大師 Hans Zimmer,是繼1994年以《獅子王》一片獲獎後,再次獲得這項殊榮。

Before you read

Hans Zimmer


好萊塢最傳奇的電影配樂大師,Hans Zimmer作為數位混音的先驅,他的作品特色在於混合電子樂和傳統交響樂的編曲方式,並利用不同的樂器引出劇情高潮。2007年,他曾獲The Telegraph選為「還在世的前百大天才」(Top 100 Living Geniuses)。


Hans Zimmer的配樂生涯獲獎無數,曾橫掃4座格萊美獎、3座全英古典音樂獎(Classic Brit Awards),並在1988年以《雨人》首次入圍奧斯卡最佳電影配樂,其後在1995年以《獅子王》獲得奧斯卡及金球獎雙項最佳原創配樂;2001年以《神鬼戰士》獲得金球獎最佳原創配樂。


2010年神劇《全面啓動》(Inception)當中,由Hans Zimmer所製作的配樂橋段「BRAAAM」被譽為經典,卻在近2-3年多次受到其他電影及預告的沿用,氾濫成災。對此,Hans Zimmer曾在Vulture訪問中,毫不掩飾表達出對這種濫用的厭煩。


節錄自 2017 年季默接受澳洲媒體SBS的訪談。


I was always making a noise on the piano. Then, one day my mom said "Do you want to have a piano teacher?" When you're a little kid, you sort of misunderstand what that means, or I certainly did.


I thought that a piano teacher was somebody who was going to teach you all that crazy noise I was hearing in my head, how to make that come out of my fingers. That's not what piano teachers do! They teach you how to play other people's music. I didn't want to play other people's music!



《全面啟動》-- 你「聽到」時間慢下來了嗎?

Everything is shifting all the time; like in the 90s everybody wanted to have an end title song. Now, whenever anybody says, should we have an end title song; I'm just thinking... that's so last century.


You know that hideous sound we made in Inception? It was a story point in the script. It's all about what happens if you slow time down; it's a story point, but it ended up in all of these people's trailers, where it's not a story point. They're just like using it to be able to cut from one non sequitur to the other and that's a bit like those songs. The song has nothing to do with the movie, and it's a marketing thing.


The whole conversation we had was to be inside he movie. For instance, one of my favorite scores is John Williams' Superman, but it's very much objective in a way. It sits above the character.

我們整場對話的意義在於走入電影世界之中,舉個例子來說,我個人最喜歡的電影配樂就是John William的《超人》,然而,但這段音樂卻沒有什麼帶入感,音樂本身甚至跟角色沒什麼關係。

*這邊指的是1978年電影《超人》(Superman)配樂,由倫敦交響樂團(London Symphony Orchestra)演奏。

You know everything about it, as opposed to the way I like working, which is to give you a glimpse at something; I'm not even going to tell you what it is, and I'm just going to invite you in and let you discover it; I'm going to let you be part of this world. Sometimes I'm going to mislead you a little bit; I'm going to make it all a little scary.


Cornfield Chase

《星際效應》-- 從一封信開始的磅礡交響樂 A love letter to my son

I see Chris, and I can tell he's making the idea up as he goes. He's going "What if I were to send you one page, just describing something, but I won't tell you what the movie is about. Will you give me one day and write whatever you get from that page?"


* Chris是《星際效應》導演Christopher Nolan的簡稱。

I got this beautiful, type-written letter which describes what it meant to be a father. So, I sat down Sunday morning and I, in turn, in a funny way, wrote a love letter to my son, what it meant to me. I've done a lot of movies, but every time I sit down, it's like blank page; Oh my god, I have no idea what to do.


I finished at around 10:30 p.m. with this really fragile, personal piece and I phoned Chris' house and his wife answered. He comes over and I play him the thing, finish it and turn around to him and I go, "So, what do you think?" He pauses for a second and goes "Suppose I'd better make the movie now!"


Then he starts talking to me about space. He talks to me about all of these things and I'm like "Hang on a second. I've just given you the tiniest, most fragile, discreet, little piece of music. What's that got to do with all this 'epicness'?" and he goes "Well, now I know where the heart of the movie is." All I knew was ultimately that there was this moment of, "You're leaving. You're leaving your child behind."


Circle of Life

《獅子王》 -- 全世界聽到心碎、淚水、釋懷,如晨曦一樣的音樂

I didn't work through it. I just took refuge in it, which I didn't realize. I wouldn't be in music if this hadn't happened, because it was two things. It was a complete refuge, to just lose yourself in playing. And the other thing was, you know everybody is trying to keep a brave face when tragedy hits.


The only thing that would put a smile on my mom's face was when she heard me play the piano. I knew that I was being a good boy when I played the piano, and that I could make her day a little brighter. In a funny way, it was sort of helpful to me, because I didn't realize that until The Lion King. My daughter was six-years-old. Weirdly, it was around the same age (that my father passed away). It's a story about fathers and sons. And you know, the father dying...


The advantage of not having a musical education is that I always have to invent, and I have to write from the heart. I don't know where else to write from. In music I have to be completely honest. I don't know how not to be, and I have to bare it all. So, it's a bit... complicated because you have to make up your mind, how much you really want people to see you.


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