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2023/01/27 第654期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 大聊嗜好與興趣
【英語學習Plus】 Amadeus Mozart: The Man and the Mystery 莫札特:謎樣的音樂家
【本月發燒書】 讀出英語核心素養4:九大技巧打造閱讀力(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★ 2023年線上國際書展 ★



★ What's your hobby? 你的嗜好是什麼?
S:How do you like to relax?
R:I go sailing every weekend.What's your hobby?
S:To be honest, I like to stay at home. I cook and sew.

★ I'm on Facebook and Twitter!我上臉書與推特!
R:Do you spend much time on social media?
S:I try not to. I'd rather read a book than stare at a screen.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「大聊嗜好與興趣」

Amadeus Mozart: The Man and the Mystery 莫札特:謎樣的音樂家

Amadeus Mozart is one of the most famous and enduringly popular classical composers in history. He was born on January 27,1756, in Salzburg, Austria. His father, Leopold Mozart, was one of the best music teachers in Europe at the time. In fact, Leopold published a very successful violin textbook the same year that his son Wolfgang Amadeus was born. Under his father's influence and teaching, Mozart began to show a talent for music at a very young age. He started composing his own music when he was only five years old. By the time he was six, he could play the piano blindfolded.

When he was young, Mozart traveled frequently and performed for many of Europe's royal courts. During his travels, he met a great number of famous musicians of the time. According to some historians, Mozart could speak up to 15 languages. By the time of his death, he had written about 600 compositions, and many of them are still well-known today.

Mozart had money problems throughout his life. He frequently had to write letters to friends and beg them to lend him some money. This was a little strange because Mozart earned a good salary for most of his life. The problem was that he spent more than he earned. Mozart died in late 1791 at the age of 35. Mystery still surrounds the circumstances of Mozart's death. In particular, historians disagree on what sickness caused his death. Some even believe that he was poisoned by Antonio Salieri, another composer who was jealous of Mozart's talent.

Mozart is considered to be one of the greatest musicians who ever lived, and his influence on classical music has been profound. Although more than two centuries have passed since Mozart's death, his talent remains unsurpassed.


年幼的莫札特經常旅行,在各家王公貴族的宮廷裡表演。旅途中,他遇見當時許多著名的音樂家。有些歷史學家指出,莫札特會說的語言高達15 種。莫札特一生創作約600 首曲子,而其中許多曲子至今仍相當知名。

莫札特終其一生都為錢所困。他常需要寫信向朋友尋求金援。這點非常令人匪夷所思,因為莫札特的大半生其實賺進不少錢,或許問題就出在他總是入不敷出。1791 年末,莫札特撒手人寰,享年35 歲。他的死因是個謎,沒有人知道死於何種疾病。尤其歷史學家對造成他死亡的疾病亦意見分歧。有些人甚至認為他是被另一位作曲家安東尼奧.薩列里,因妒忌其才華而毒殺。




英文閱讀聽力素養訓練課:格林童話 (16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP))

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