微小改變 翻轉人生! Small Changes That Can Transform Your Life JAN 02,2022/Analytical Editors
In his book Atomic Habits, author James Clear outlines a systematic method for self-improvement. Rather than highlighting achieving goals, he stresses the importance of small, incremental gains. This is where the concept of "atomic" comes from since atoms are the smallest units of matter known to humankind. Clear argues that by striving for tiny, sustained improvements in any endeavor, success is inevitable... .
作者詹姆斯.克利爾在他的《原子習慣》一書中概述了一種有系統的自我提升方法。他沒有強調實現目標這件事,而是著重在微小、漸進式增長的重要性。這就是「原子」概念的來源,因為原子是人類已知的最小物質單位。克利爾主張,藉由在任何努力中爭取微小、持續的進步,成功就會是必然的。... - systematic a. 有系統的
- sustained a. 持續的
- inevitable a. 必然的,不可避免的