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2017/11/17 第385期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 機上娛樂的歷史
【本月發燒書】 一次學會KK音標:融合字母拼讀雙效學習
【好康情報局】 【主題書展】FUN學美國英語套書展│全面75折!

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The History of In-Flight Entertainment

The first in-flight movie on a plane was shown in 1921. For many years, airlines showed movies on planes by using film projectors and screens. In-flight entertainment improved as technology got better. In the 1960s, smaller screens and headsets were introduced. Then, in the 1970s, Braniff Airways began providing video games for its passengers to play while in the air.

In 1988, Northwest Airlines became the first airline to provide individual monitors for passengers. The screens were tiny, but they allowed passengers to make their own audio and video selections. These days, many airlines have installed individual monitors for all seats. These monitors operate by remote control or have touchscreens. In addition, some airlines provide Wi-Fi, so passengers can check their email and surf the Internet on their flights.

飛機上的第一部機上電影出現在1921 年。多年以來,飛機上都以投影機與螢幕來播放電影。機上娛樂隨著科技發達而更進步。1960 年代,小螢幕與耳機被引進上了飛機。接著1970 年代,布蘭尼夫航空開始在航程中提供旅客電玩遊戲。

1988 年,西北航空成為首個提供個人螢幕給旅客的航空公司。那時螢幕雖小,卻足以讓旅客自行選擇個人的音樂與影片。至今,許多航空公司都在每個座位安裝了個人螢幕,旅客可以使用遙控器或是觸控螢幕來操作。另外,有些航空也提供無線網路,讓旅客可以在航程中查看電子郵件和上網。

<< 選自12堂空服人員專業英文必修課 >>


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