The terrible experiences of war often stay with soldiers long after they leave the battlefield. Many exsoldiers develop a condition called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sufferers experience nightly bad dreams and panic attacks and may become moody, jumpy, or depressed. But it's not just human soldiers who suffer from PTSD. Dogs used by the military suffer too. Because of their sensitive noses and excellent instincts, dogs are being used more and more by the military. They are used to find bombs, track down enemy fighters, and clear buildings of dangers before human soldiers enter. They're excellent soldiers, well-trained and disciplined, following orders without question. But dogs are also very emotional animals, who form strong relationships with the soldiers they serve beside. During their tours of duty, military dogs experience the same types of traumatic events as regular soldiers. Experiences such as losing a fellow soldier, getting wounded, or coming under heavy fire cause these brave animals great stress. And they bring the emotional scars of these experiences home with them when their duty is done. The treatment for these dogs is, again, similar to that for humans. Dogs with mild PTSD can be cured with a period of rest. More serious cases require drugs to help them stay calm. Some dogs, unfortunately, never fully recover and must be re-homed with loving families who understand their condition. It's sad that the wars of men hurt not only people, but also man's best friend. 戰爭中所遭遇的殘酷體驗,常使離開戰場已久的士兵揮之不去,許多退伍軍人因而罹患一種叫做「創傷後壓力症候群」(PTSD)的病症。患者每夜惡夢連連、惴惴不安,且可能變得易怒、神經質或憂鬱。但不是只有軍人會得創傷症侯群,陪人類上戰場的狗戰士們也會如此。 狗狗靈敏的嗅覺能力和絕佳的第六感,使他們越來越常被軍方募集利用。軍犬被用來偵測爆破物、搜尋敵軍,和清除建築內的危險物以利士兵進入。他們是優秀的奇兵,訓練有素且遵守紀律,毫無質疑地服從命令。狗狗也是非常有感情的動物,常與並肩作戰的戰士建立強烈的情感連結。 軍犬於戰爭執勤期間,經歷的創傷與一般軍人無異,例如失去同袍、受傷,或是遭遇猛烈砲火,這些可怕經歷使這些大無畏的動物承受無比壓力。當他們除役後,便帶著這些情感傷疤踏上返鄉路。 一如治療罹患創傷症候群的人類,患病犬類的治療也大同小異。患病軍犬可經由一陣子的休養痊癒,嚴重者則須靠藥物協助穩定情緒。不幸地,有些狗狗無法完全康復,必須由瞭解其狀況的愛心家庭領養。 何其悲哀的是,人類戰爭所帶來的創傷不只侷限於人,也傷害了人類最好的朋友。 |