Grammar Nazi Goes Vigilante 以塗鴉之名 守護正確文法

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2017/11/28 第341期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Grammar Nazi Goes Vigilante  以塗鴉之名 守護正確文法
by Evan Witkowski

Instead of defacing property with vandalism, one artist is fixing signs with illegal graffiti.

  Using correct punctuation and syntax is one of the cornerstones of language. _(1)_ While this often becomes fodder for funny internet memes, one man has taken it upon himself to fix the mistakes. _(2)_
  Although he keeps his identity a secret, the man responsible for correcting the signs recently came forward about his 13 years of adding apostrophes or removing misplaced ones. _(3)_ Using a long broom handle with sponges on the end to add stickers and a ladder to reach the higher signs, the man is doing the civil service of correcting the grammar of advertisements throughout his hometown of Bristol in the United Kingdom. The self-proclaimed "grammar vigilante" adds apostrophes that match the typeface and color of the sign as closely as possible or covers punctuation that is in the wrong place.
  Critics say he is breaking the law, but he told the BBC, "It's more of a crime to have apostrophes wrong in the first place." _(4)_ No complaints have been lodged with the local police so far. When his story became public, people from all over the world were calling for his services on social media by posting pictures of signs that had problematic punctuation. _(5)_ In the meantime, he says he will keep doing his duty for the good of the community.
(A) It is sad that no one seems to really care about grammar on the Internet.
(B) Instead of alerting the business owners or employees about their blunder, this street artist has been going rogue for years.
(C) He is the subject of a BBC documentary named The Apostrophiser after his custom-made tool.
(D) Other business owners are happy to have their signs fixed free of charge.
(E) Some businesses forget to double-check their signs or simply overlook an apostrophe or a misspelled word here and there.
(F) Maybe he will start a trend of graffiti editors fixing signs far and wide.


1. 第一題空格應選 (E)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Using correct punctuation and syntax is one of the cornerstones of language."(使用正確的標點符號和語法是語言的基石之一。),而 (E) 項的句子提
及 "Some businesses forget to double-check their signs or simply overlook an apostrophe or a misspelled word here and there."(有些企業忘記仔細檢查他們的招牌,或者只是忽略了撇號或是各處拼錯的單字。),前一句的 punctuation and syntax(標點符號和語法)和 (E) 項句子的 an apostrophe or a misspelled word here and there(撇號或是各處拼錯的單字)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。

a. overlook vt. 忽略
Margaret overlooked her health for many years until it was too late.
b. apostrophe n. 撇號

2. 第二題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 "..., one man has taken it upon himself to fix the mistakes."(……,有一個人已將修正這些錯誤的責任承擔在自己身上。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "Instead of alerting the business owners or employees about their blunder, this street artist has been going rogue for years."(這位街頭藝術家並不提醒企業主或其員工他們的錯誤,而是多年來我行我素地按照自己的方法行事。),空格前一句的 one man(有一個人)即為 (B) 項句子的 this street artist(這位街頭藝術家),故兩句形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

a. alert vt. 使警覺
: alert sb to sth  提醒某人警覺某事
We should alert everyone to the dangers of smoking.
b. blunder n. 愚蠢或粗心的錯誤
c. go rogue  我行我素,隨心所欲
rogue a. 胡作非為的,無賴的

3. 第三題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格後一句提及 "Using a long broom handle with sponges on the end to add stickers..."(使用細長且末端附有海綿的掃帚手柄來貼上貼紙……),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "He is the subject of a BBC documentary named The Apostrophiser after his custom-made tool."(他是 BBC(英國廣播公司)名為《The Apostrophiser》紀錄片的主要人物,該紀錄片是以他訂做的工具命名。),(C) 項句子的 his custom-made tool(他訂做的工具)指的即是後一句的 a long broom handle with sponges on the end(細長且末端附有海綿的掃帚手柄),故兩句形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

a. documentary n. 紀錄片
b. custom-made a. 訂製的,訂做的

4. 第四題空格應選 (D)

a. 空格後一句提及 "No complaints have been lodged with the local police so far."(目前沒有人向當地警方提出投訴。),而 (D) 項的句子提及 "Other business owners are happy to have their signs fixed free of charge."(其他企業主相當樂意他們的標誌被免費修正。),後一句的 No complaints(沒有投訴)和 (D) 項句子的 Other business owners are happy(其他企業主相當樂意)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。

free of charge  免費
Snacks are provided free of charge on this flight.

5. 第五題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 "..., people from all over the world were calling for his services on social media..."(……,世界各地的人們在社群媒體上……來要求他的服務。),而 (F) 項的句子提到 "Maybe he will start a trend of graffiti editors fixing signs far and wide."(也許他會造成一股塗鴉藝人到處去修正標誌的趨勢。),前一句的 social media(社群媒體)和 (F) 項句子的 trend(趨勢)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

Nazi n. 納粹黨員;納粹黨
vigilante n. 自發組織的維持治安者
deface vt. 損毀……的外表
punctuation n. 標點符號(總稱)
: punctuation mark  標點符號
syntax n. 語法;句法
fodder n. 素材;飼料
meme n. 網路爆紅現象
sponge n. 海綿
self-proclaimed a. 自稱的
proclaim vt. 宣佈;宣告
typeface n. 字體

1. come forward  站出來;挺身而出
: step forward
The police wanted those who had witnessed the robbery to come forward.

2. call for...  要求/呼籲……
The protesters are calling for the release of the wrongly convicted prisoner.
*convict vt. 將……定罪

3. do one's duty / duties  盡某人的職責/義務
If you are unable to do your duties, we will replace you with someone else.
*replace A with B  用 B 取代 A

1. vandalism n. 故意破壞公物的行為
: vandalize vt. 任意破壞
These beautiful rocks have suffered vandalism from humans.
The front door of my apartment was vandalized yesterday.

2. graffiti n. 塗鴉

3. cornerstone n. 基石;基礎
Tolerance is the cornerstone of a healthy society.
*tolerance n. 寬容

4. identity n. 身分;認同
: identify vt. 辨認,辨識
identify A as B  確認 A 為 B
The identity of the murderer is not yet known at this point.
*murderer n. 凶手;謀殺者
A witness identified the man in green as the thief.

5. misplaced a. 錯放的
The robot can help people find misplaced things by identifying them with a sensor.

6. civil a. 公民的;國內的
: civil rights  公民的權利(恆用複數)
The Civil Rights Movement brought many changes to the US.

7. critic n. 批評者,評論家
The art critic found it difficult to distinguish the authentic painting from the fake.
*distinguish A from B  分辨/區分 A 與 B
authentic a. 真跡的

8. lodge vt. 提出(申訴、抗議等)
: lodge a complaint (against...)  對……提出投訴
The woman lodged a complaint against her supervisor.

9. problematic a. 有問題的
Putting this plan into action could be very problematic.
*put... into action  將……付諸實行

以塗鴉之名 守護正確文法

  雖然身分保持神祕,但負責修正標誌的這名男子最近站出來坦承他十三年來加上撇號或移除誤植撇號的行為。他是 BBC(英國廣播公司)名為《The Apostrophiser》紀錄片的主要人物,該紀錄片是以他訂做的工具命名。這名男子在他的家鄉英國布里斯托從事修正廣告文法的市民服務,使用細長且末端附有海綿的掃帚手柄來貼上貼紙,並使用梯子到達更高的標誌。他自稱為「文法守護者」,盡可能地添加符合那些符號字體和顏色的撇號,或是蓋掉在錯誤位置的標點符號。
  批評者說他違反了法律,但他告訴 BBC:「一開始就用錯撇號更是一種犯罪行為。」其他企業主相當樂意他們的標誌被免費修正。目前沒有人向當地警方提出投訴。當他的故事公開之後,世界各地的人們在社群媒體上張貼標點符號有問題的標誌圖片來要求他的服務。也許他會造成一股塗鴉藝人到處去修正標誌的趨勢。同時,他表示他將會為了社區的利益而繼續盡責。
答案:1. E  2. B  3. C  4. D  5.F


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