Damascus, the Lonely City大馬士革 寂寞之城

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2017/12/29 第198期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Damascus, the Lonely City大馬士革 寂寞之城
Too Many Children in California Can加州學童識字差 家長老師學生告政府
Damascus, the Lonely City大馬士革 寂寞之城
文/Somini Sengupta

On a cool evening in early November, in a backroom of the Damascus Opera House, a women's choir was rehearsing an old favorite, a sunny ballad from a childhood cartoon. When they reached the chorus — "How sweet it is to live in one house, how sweet to live in one hometown" — one of the singers, Safana Baqleh, began to weep into her hands.

The song reminded her of all that she had lost. Her closest friends had either left Syria or blocked her on Facebook over political disagreements. Sometimes, the solitude felt crushing. "I want to take my baby for a walk, but I have no one to visit," Baqleh said. "No one. Absolutely no one."



After more than six years of war, nearly a fourth of all Syrians live in exile. The loneliness of those who remain hangs like thick fog over Damascus, the capital. Lifelong Damascenes wonder why they are still here, when so many friends and family have packed up, died or disappeared. Newcomers, displaced by the war, move cautiously, unsure about their fate, or who is who.

I traveled to Damascus recently on a rare visa issued to a U.S. journalist. I was almost always accompanied by a government-registered escort, which seemed to make some people reticent, and there were parts of the city I wasn't allowed to visit.



Still, it was impossible not to notice how Damascus had been altered since pro-democracy protests erupted nearly seven years ago, only to be crushed by President Bashar Assad and then morph into a civil war that scattered Syrians across the world and turned their country into a chessboard for more powerful countries.

In recent months, Assad's forces, helped by Iran and Russia, have reclaimed much of the country from insurgents. There are fewer checkpoints in Damascus than before, the streets are bustling later into the evenings and electricity has been completely restored. Still, some afternoons, government forces blast artillery into rebel enclaves on the city's edge; in retaliation, rebels fire shells into the narrow lanes of the old section of the city, not long ago killing a shopkeeper playing backgammon with his neighbor.



In a park in the city's center, families who fled the latest war zones sit with plastic bags and babies. A soldier sits in the bushes, keeping a close eye on everything and everyone.

On the main highway, shiny new restaurants cater to people who have enriched themselves during the war. In the middle of the workday, you walk in to find men in track suits silently smoking water pipes, watching everyone.







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Too Many Children in California Can加州學童識字差 家長老師學生告政府
文/Christine Hauser

Parents and educators at struggling schools in California say students there are not reading well, and lawyers last week sued the state, arguing that it had failed to provide the children with the resources they needed to learn.

The lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on behalf of parents, teachers and students at three schools — La Salle Avenue Elementary School in Los Angeles; Van Buren Elementary School in Stockton; and Children of Promise Preparatory Academy, a charter school in Inglewood.



It said California had failed to follow up on its own report by state literacy experts that found there was a "critical need" to address the skills and development of students, particularly those who are learning English, have disabilities, are economically disadvantaged, or are African-American or Hispanic.

The suit, announced in a statement, is the first in the United States to seek recognition of the constitutional right to literacy, the lawyers said. It alleges that the state failed to intervene when students achieved low proficiency rates in reading and fell behind at the three schools, which are among the lowest performing in the state.



"It has been five years since the state identified urgent literacy issues and their remedies, but it is yet to implement a plan to address these issues," said Michael Jacobs, a partner at Morrison & Foerster, which filed the suit along with the nonprofit law firm Public Counsel.

"In the meantime, children in underserved districts fall further behind and lack even the most basic literacy skills," he said. "It's time for the state to be held accountable for the success of every student."



The state of California, its Education Department and board, and the superintendent of public instruction, Tom Torlakson, were named as defendants in the lawsuit.

A spokesman for the Education Department, Bill Ainsworth, had no comment on the lawsuit. But he said that California had one of the nation's "most ambitious" programs to serve low-income students, and that it was investing more than $10 billion annually to help underserved students.

The state also collects data to help educators figure out where to target resources, he said, adding that 228 districts will receive additional support next year, including the three schools named in the suit.





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