Turkish Coffee with a Twist 不只是咖啡!土耳其咖啡占卜

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2017/12/26 第345期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Turkish Coffee with a Twist  不只是咖啡!土耳其咖啡占卜
by Jamie Blackler

Find out how Turks are turning their coffee cups into crystal balls.

   Aside from tea, coffee is the world's most popular beverage. _(1)_ In Italy, espressos are slowly sipped from tiny cups at roadside cafés. Coffee connoisseurs in France invented the French press for making it fresh. People in Turkey also have their own method of enjoying a hot cup of joe.
  The first key to enjoying Turkish-style coffee is the preparation. Turkish coffee beans are roasted multiple times. Then, they are ground to a fine powder. _(2)_ This method produces a thin layer of foam once the coffee has boiled. This helps to give Turkish coffee its distinctive flavor. However, the most interesting aspect of Turkish coffee culture has nothing to do with how it tastes.
  Since the 16th century, drinking coffee has been linked to fortune telling in Turkey. _(3)_ When each person finishes their coffee, they will turn the cup over on top of a plate. Then, they will give the cup a swirl and make a wish. Afterwards, their friends will pick up the cup and study the shape of the remaining coffee powder. _(4)_ The friends might talk about the possibility of a new romance or give advice on how to solve a problem. All in all, it's a light-hearted affair. Most predictions are positive things that their friends will enjoy hearing. _(5)_ So if you're looking to strengthen your bonds with friends and family, try serving them a cup of coffee—the Turkish way!
(A) After observing the shapes, they will interpret what it means.
(B) Next, the coffee, water, and sugar are heated on a stove top in a tiny pot called a cezve.
(C) The main purpose of the session is to build closer relationships with others.
(D) The fortune teller predicted that my friend would hit the jackpot in the future.
(E) Turks like to drink coffee with their friends.
(F) Although it's enjoyed all across the globe, many countries have developed their own unique coffee cultures.


1. 第一題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Aside from tea, coffee is the world's most popular beverage."(除了茶之外,咖啡是世界上最受歡迎的飲品。),而 (F) 項句子提及 "Although it's enjoyed all across the globe..."(儘管全球各地的人都在享用咖啡……),前一句的 world(世界)與 (F) 項句子的 across the globe(全球各地)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

unique a. 獨特的,特別的

2. 第二題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Then, they are ground to a fine powder."(然後,它們會被磨成粉末。),而 (B) 項句子提及 "Next, the coffee, water, and sugar are heated on a stove top in a tiny pot called a cezve."(接著,咖啡、水和糖在爐上一個稱作「黃銅咖啡壺」的小壺中加熱。),前一句的 Then(然後)與 (B) 項句子的 Next(接著)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

a. stove n. 爐子
b. cezve  黃銅咖啡壺?

3. 第三題空格應選 (E)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Since the 16th century, drinking coffee has been linked to fortune telling in Turkey."(自十六世紀以來,飲用咖啡在土耳其已經與占卜連結在一起。),而 (E) 項句子提及 "Turks like to drink coffee with their friends."(土耳其人喜歡和朋友一起喝咖啡。),前一句的 Turkey(土耳其)與 (E) 項句子的 Turks(土耳其人)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。

4. 第四題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Afterwards, their friends will pick up the cup and study the shape of the remaining coffee powder."(隨後,他們的朋友會拿起杯子並觀察殘餘咖啡渣的形狀。),而 (A) 項句子提及 "After observing the shapes, they will interpret what it means."(在觀察形狀之後,他們會解讀該形狀所代表的意思。),前後兩句皆提及 shape(形狀)一字,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。

a. observe vt. 觀察
Samantha likes to observe people at malls.
b. interpret vt. 解讀,闡釋
You shouldn't interpret what I said the wrong way.

5. 第五題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格後一句提及 "So if you're looking to strengthen your bonds with friends and family..."(因此,若你想要加強與朋友和家人的聯繫……),而 (C) 項句子提及 "The main purpose of the session is to build closer relationships with others."(這種活動的主要目的是與他人建立更緊密的關係。),(C) 項句子的 build closer relationships with others(與他人建立更緊密的關係)與後一句的 strengthen your bonds with friends and family(加強與朋友和家人的聯繫)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

a. purpose n. 目的;用途
: serve the purpose of...  有……的目的/功能
The meeting served the purpose of promoting peace in the Middle East.
*promote vt. 促進
b. session n. 時間;集會

twist n. 新花樣;(形勢或事態的)意外轉折
beverage n. 飲料(如茶、咖啡、果汁等)
espresso n.(義式)濃縮咖啡
connoisseur n. 鑑賞家
a cup of joe  一杯咖啡
bean n. 豆子
: coffee beans  咖啡豆
powder n. 粉(末)
foam n. 泡沫
swirl n. 旋轉

1. aside from...  除了……之外
: apart from...
Aside from playing the guitar, Jimmy plays the drums.

2. have nothing to do with...  與……無關
: have something to do with...  與……有關
The evidence shows that John has nothing to do with the homicide.
*homicide n. 凶殺案
Bart's job has something to do with animals.

3. be linked to...  與……有關聯
Obesity is linked to heart disease.
*obesity n. 肥胖

1. sip vt. 啜飲(三態為:sip, sipped, sipped。)
I suggest you sip the hot chocolate carefully.

2. preparation n. 準備
: in preparation for...  為……而準備
In preparation for the competition, Luke got up every morning at six to swim.

3. roast vt. 烤;烘
The coffee lover likes to roast his own beans.

4. multiple a. 多重的,眾多的
Betty checked the locks on her doors and windows multiple times before she finally felt safe.

5. grind vt. 研磨,磨碎(三態為:grind, ground, ground。)
The dried kernels were ground into cornmeal.
*kernel n. 玉米粒
cornmeal n. 玉米粉

6. boil vi. & vt.(使)沸騰
The water is boiling.
Molly boiled some water to make tea for her guests.

7. distinctive a. 特殊的,獨特的
Each of the tribes has its distinctive traditions and cultures.

8. aspect n. 方面,層面
Culture includes all aspects of people's lives.

9. fortune telling   算命
fortune n. 幸運(不可數); 財富(可數)
Today, tarot cards are associated with mysticism and used for fortune telling.
*tarot cards  塔羅牌
mysticism n. 神祕主義

10. afterward(s) adv. 隨後,之後
Greg ended his relationship with Carla abruptly and regretted it afterwards.
*abruptly adv. 突然地

11. remaining a. 剩餘的
: remain vi. 依然,保持
Do you want to finish the remaining pizza?
Many people in the show rose to fame, but few remained popular for long.
*rise to fame  成名

12. light-hearted a. 輕鬆愉快的
Nancy prefers to watch light-hearted comedies rather than serious dramas.

13. affair n. 事件;戀愛事件;風流韻事
: have an affair (with sb)  (和某人)搞外遇/有婚外情
Elaine tried to hide from her husband the fact that she was having an affair with her coworker.
*hide sth from sb  瞞著某人某事

14. prediction n. 預測,預言
: predict vt. 預測
I was amazed when the fortune teller's prediction about my life came true the next day.
The old woman predicted that Miranda would give birth to twins next year.
*give birth to...  生下……

15. strengthen vt. 加強,增強
You can try watching English TV programs to strengthen your listening ability.


   除了茶之外,咖啡是世界上最受歡迎的飲品。儘管全球各地的人都在享用咖啡,許多國家卻已發展出自己獨特的咖啡文化。在義大利,街頭咖啡館的人們用小杯子慢慢啜飲著濃縮咖啡。法國的咖啡鑑賞家則發明法式濾壓壺(編按:又稱濾壓壺(press pot)或咖啡濾壓壺,是由玻璃杯和金屬濾網組成的咖啡烹煮工具。)來製作現泡咖啡。而土耳其人也有自己享用一杯熱咖啡的方式。
  自十六世紀以來,飲用咖啡在土耳其已經與占卜連結在一起。土耳其人喜歡和朋友一起喝咖啡。每個人喝完咖啡時,他們會把杯子倒過來蓋在盤子上。接著,他們會轉動杯子並許願。隨後,他們的朋友會拿起杯子並觀察殘餘咖啡渣的形狀。在觀察形狀之後,他們會解讀該形狀所代表的意思。朋友可能會談論新戀情的可能性,或是就如何解決問題提供建議。總而言之,這是一件輕鬆愉快的事情。大多數預言都是他們的朋友樂意聽見的正面解讀。這種活動的主要目的是與他人建立更緊密的關係。因此,若你想要加強與朋友和家人的聯繫,試試看招待他們一杯咖啡吧 ── 以土耳其飲用咖啡的方式!
1. F  2. B  3. E  4. A  5.C






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