Pushing On  溫馨輪椅情

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2017/12/26 第331期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Pushing On    溫馨輪椅情
This is the story of two friends that went on a life-changing journey.



   Justin Skeesuck and Patrick Gray have been best friends since childhood. They always played outside and went exploring together when they were young. As they grew up, they went to different universities but managed to stay close. They didn't miss each other's weddings or the births of their children.
   When he was in his 30s, Skeesuck got a disease that left him unable to use his muscles, and he had to be in a wheelchair. The two friends didn't want this to stop them from living life to the fullest, so they decided to hike 500 miles through Spain. This physically, mentally, and emotionally draining trip had Gray pushing Skeesuck's wheelchair most of the way. Now, there is a book about the trip called I'll Push You: A Journey of 500 miles, Two Best Friends, and One Wheelchair and a documentary called I'll Push You.
   So how did these two survive the trip? Gray said the key to making it was letting others help them when they were very tired. He added that before the trip, he always felt like he had to figure things out on his own, but now he knows that this is not always the case.
















  司基薩克三十多歲時,他得了一種讓他的肌肉無法使力的病,而且他還必須坐輪椅。這兩個朋友不想讓這種情況阻礙他們痛快淋漓過一生,所以他們決定要徒步旅行五百英里(約八百公里)橫越西班牙。在這趟令人身心俱疲的旅程中,大部分的時候是葛雷推著司基薩克的輪椅走的。現在,有一本關於他們這趟旅程的書名為《I'll Push You: A Journey of 500 miles, Two Best Friends and One Wheelchair》以及一部名為《 I'll Push You》的紀錄片。


university n. 大學
wheelchair n. 輪椅
physically adv. 身體上
emotionally adv. 情緒上

  1. push on  (尤指休息之後)繼續前行
    Although the trip was a long and lonely one, Chris pushed on.
  2. life-changing a. 改變一生的
    Quitting his previous job was a life-changing decision for Tom.
  3. journey n.(長途的)旅程,旅行
    It took Nick several months to complete his bicycle journey across Canada.
  4. manage to V  設法/勉力完成……
    Seth managed to bring up his kids without any help after his wife passed away.
  5. live life to the fullest  痛快淋漓過生活
    Sally chose to live the rest of her life to the fullest after she was told she only had months to live.
  6. mentally adv. 心理上
    Exercising on a regular basis will do you good, both mentally and physically.
  7. drain vt. 使精疲力竭;使(液體)排出/流出
    Working with children all day really drains you.
    Kate drained the spaghetti before adding the meat sauce.
  8. be the case  情況/情形正是如此
    I thought what Jack said was a fact, but that was not the case.
muscle 的相關用法
本文 "... Skeesuck got a disease that left him unable to use his muscles, and he had to be in a wheelchair." 中的名詞 muscle 表「肌肉」,相關片語有 not move a muscle,表「一動不動,文風不動」。例:

Compared to hiking, swimming exercises more of the body's muscles.

The soldier stood there without moving a muscle.







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