Island Hunters  島嶼搜奇

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2017/12/19 第330期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Island Hunters    島嶼搜奇
The island of Bali mixes great scenery and Zen.




  Bali is one of the most beautiful places in the world. As a matter of fact, the Trip Advisor website and app named it the world's top travel destination in March of 2017. This month on National Geographic, the host of Island Hunters, Liesel Hlista, takes viewers all over the island.
  First, the show goes to Bali's amazing beaches. This is where thousands of tourists come every year to play in the water, scuba dive under the surface, and surf the waves. Then, Hlista visits a meditation and yoga studio, as well as a cooking school to learn to cook a great Balinese meal. Finally, she rides elephants and takes a helicopter over an amazing volcano. Throughout the program, Hlista shows people how Bali combines natural beauty with Zen Buddhism.
  In Island Hunters, Hlista displays what makes Bali different from all the other beaches in Southeast Asia and the world. If you have ever thought about taking a trip to Bali or have been there before, you'll want to catch Island Hunters this month on National Geographic.

























   峇里島是世上最美的地方之一。實際上,在 2017 年三月貓途鷹旅遊點評網站及其手機應用程式都指出它是全球最棒的旅遊景點。在這個月的國家地理《島嶼搜奇》中,主持人莉澤爾.赫莉絲塔將帶觀眾走遍這座島嶼。


Zen [ zEn ] n. 禪宗(日本佛教的一大宗派,重視冥想)
= Zen Buddhism
viewer n.(電視)觀眾
scuba dive vi. 帶自攜式潛水呼吸器潛泳
meditation n. 打坐,冥想;沉思
volcano n. 火山

  1. scenery n. 風景(集合名詞,不可數)
    The scenery in the mountains is beautiful beyond description.
    * beyond description  非筆墨所能形容
  2. advisor n. 顧問
    My advisor suggested that I should rethink the topic of my thesis.
    * thesis n. 論文
  3. surf vi. 衝浪 & vt. 上(網)
    Tom goes surfing every weekend during the summer.
    Al usually surfs the Internet to find information to help him write his research papers.
  4. throughout prep. 在……期間;遍及……
    Many sightings of UFOs have been reported throughout the world.
    * sighting n. 看見,發現
  5. combine vt. 結合;合併
    combine A with B  將 A 與 B 結合
    In order to improve efficiency, the general manager decided to combine the sales section with the marketing section.
    * efficiency n. 效率,效能
  6. display vt. 展示,陳列
    All the exam results will be displayed online.







克朗金錢遊戲 冰島的經濟復甦之路
在 1994 至 2008 年間,克朗的幣值飆升了驚人的 900%。隨著貨幣幣值越飆越高,這個亞北極國家飛得離太陽太近,因而在 2008 年遭遇創下歷史記錄的經濟崩跌。將近十年後,冰島不但存活下來,還繁榮了起來。冰島是怎麼辦到的?


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