Mission Critical: Namibia, Sanctuary of Giants 關鍵任務:巨人天堂納米比亞

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2017/12/05 第342期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Mission Critical: Namibia, Sanctuary of Giants  關鍵任務:巨人天堂納米比亞
by Evan Witkowski

In the race for wildlife conservation, Namibia is on the front lines.

  Throughout the African continent, the threats of poaching and habitat destruction are causing wildlife populations to shrink. The country of Namibia is a hotbed for conservation efforts, which are highlighted in National Geographic's Mission Critical: Namibia, Sanctuary of Giants. Locals of this southwest African nation run their own nature preserves, where animals are free to roam unharmed under the watchful eye of the conservationists.
  Although the surrounding landscape is mostly desert, one area called Damaraland is home to more black rhinos than anywhere else on the planet. Conservationists there track and record the movement of the rhinos, and when the animals reach three years old, they remove their horns to protect them from poachers. Rhino horns are worth more than their own weight in gold on the black market, so poachers will go to great lengths to kill these majestic creatures, only to take the horn and let the rest of the animal's body go to waste.
  African elephants, giraffes, cheetahs, and other endangered wildlife species also call Namibia home. This country is trying to maintain one of the last refuges for these iconic animals, and it's an uphill battle to rescue them from extinction. Namibia's government is working together with expert scientists and biologists to come up with innovative strategies. Their goal is to stop the destruction of natural wildlife resources and safeguard these animals from poachers to increase their chances of survival in the future. So make sure you support their efforts by tuning in to watch Mission Critical: Namibia, Sanctuary of Giants on National Geographic.


1. conservation n.(自然資源、動植物等的)保育
: conserve vt. 保育;節約
conservationist n. 保育人士
The conservation group condemned the fishermen for killing endangered animals.
*condemn vt. 責難,譴責
Al conserves energy by turning off the lights whenever he leaves the room.
Nina was inspired to be a conservationist after she watched a documentary.

2. poaching n. 盜獵行為
: poach vt. 偷獵(動物),盜獵
poacher n. 盜獵者
Tragically, the rising price of rhino horns causes an increase in poaching of the protected animals.
They can't poach salmon from our waters.

3. destruction n. 破壞
The floods brought destruction to the area, leaving many people homeless.

4. shrink vi. 縮小,縮水(三態為:shrink, shrank, shrunk。)
Sandra's sweater shrank in the washer.

5. highlight vt. 強調,使突出
The commercial highlights the smartphone's user-friendly functions.

6. preserve n. 保護區 & vt. 保存,維護
The Koli National Park is Finland's best-known natural preserve.
Cutting down forests has harmful effects, so we should work hard to preserve them.

7. roam vi. 漫遊
Sarah roamed around in search of her lost puppy.

8. watchful a. 注意的;警惕的
Currently, scientists are keeping a watchful eye on the disease.
*keep an eye on...  注意……

9. track vt. 追蹤,跟蹤
The scientist is trying to track the evolutionary development of sharks.
*evolutionary a. 演化的

10. majestic a. 雄偉的;壯麗的
The majestic scenery of the Grand Canyon will leave you breathless.

11. endangered a. 瀕臨絕種的
: endangered species  瀕臨絕種的物種
species n. 物種(單複數同形)
Polar bears will soon become an endangered species due to global warming.

12. maintain vt. 保持,維持
Alcohol affects a person's ability to maintain their balance.

13. expert a. 內行的;專家的 & n. 專家
You should talk to a consultant for expert advice on expanding your business.
*consultant n. 顧問
Dr. Davis is an expert in child psychology.
*psychology n. 心理學

14. safeguard vt. 保護
This agreement will safeguard the consumers from being exploited.
*exploit vt. 剝削

sanctuary n. 動物保護區;庇護所
continent n. 大陸,洲
hotbed n. 溫床
rhino n. 犀牛(是 rhinoceros 的縮寫)
horn n. 角
cheetah n. 獵豹
refuge n. 庇護所
: refugee n. 難民,流亡者
uphill a. 艱難的;上坡的
biologist n. 生物學家
: biology n. 生物學

1. be home to...  為……的棲息地/大本營
This forest is home to nearly 20 species of butterflies.

2. (be) worth one's weight in gold  
This cookbook is worth its weight in gold.

3. go to great lengths to V  竭盡所能做……
length n. 長度
: 數字 + in length  長度方面(有……)
Sally went to great lengths to get her ex-boyfriend back, but it didn't work out in the end.
*work out  成功
A football field measures 100 yards in length.

4. S + V, only to V  ……,竟然/結果卻……
Phil studied all night for the exam, only to fail the next day.

5. go to waste  被浪費掉
If you don't eat these eggs today, they will go to waste.

6. call... home  將……視為家園
Bob calls the city he was born in home.

7. tune in (to...)  收看/收聽(……)
tune vi. 轉到……頻道 & vt. 為……調音 & n. 曲調,旋律
: sing out of tune  唱歌走音
My mother tunes in to her favorite show every Tuesday night.
David tuned his guitar before the performance.
Gina was singing out of tune because she was too nervous.




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