The Safest Penguins in the World  被地雷守護的企鵝天堂

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2017/12/05 第328期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Safest Penguins in the World    被地雷守護的企鵝天堂
How many birds have their own personal armed guards protecting them 24 hours a day?



   The Falkland Islands are made up of several hundred small islands located at the bottom of the world off the tip of South America. For such a small, remote spot, it is amazing that it created such a political mess. In the early 1980s, both Britain and Argentina wanted to claim this chain of islands for their own. In fact, they even went to war over them. Britain finally won and controls the islands to this day.
  As a result of the war, the Falkland Islands were covered in tens of thousands of landmines. Some have been removed, but there are still around 20,000 of them left. Today, though, these dangerous weapons are actually protecting some of the islands' natives—penguins.
  The penguins benefit from the landmines because the mines separate their nesting areas from humans and their farm animals. This gives the penguins a place to raise their young in peace. Luckily, these flightless birds are not heavy enough to set off the mines. Actually, the landmines help form a unique preserve, one that people have little choice but to keep out of. In the end, the mines have helped the penguin population recover and act as their silent protectors.








  由於戰爭的緣故,福克蘭群島被成千上萬的地雷所覆蓋。有些地雷已經被移除,但仍然有大約兩萬個遺留在那裡。然而,這些危險的武器其實卻在今日保護著一些島上的原始動物 ── 企鵝。


landmine n. 地雷
mine n. 地雷;水雷
flightless a. 不能飛的
preserve n.(動植物的)保護區;禁獵區

  1. armed a. 武裝的;持槍的
    An armed robbery took place in the jewelry store the day before yesterday.
    * jewelry n. 珠寶,首飾
  2. remote a. 偏遠的,偏僻的
    Eileen took a month off and flew to a remote island for vacation.
  3. mess n. 混亂;髒亂
    Catherine's room was a mess when she got home yesterday.
  4. chain n. 一連串,一系列
    The snow led to a chain of accidents, which made it difficult for the police to save lives.
  5. remove vt. 移除
    It's painful to remove all four wisdom teeth at once.
    * wisdom tooth n. 智齒
  6. native n. 本地人,當地人
    Due to the flood, the natives were required to relocate to a safer area.
    * relocate vi. & vt.(將……)遷移;重新安置
  7. benefit from...  從……得到好處
    benefit vi. & vt. 受益;有益於
    It is for sure that millions of patients will benefit from the new medicine.
  8. recover vi. 恢復;恢復原狀
    It took a long time for me to recover from the shock.
「將 A 與 B 區隔/分開」的片語怎麼說
本文 "The penguins benefit from the landmines because the mines separate their nesting areas from humans and their farm animals." 中的片語 separate A from B 就是「將 A 與 B 分開/區隔」;另一相同意思的片語還有 keep A and B apart。例:

Mom is practicing how to separate egg whites from egg yolks for the cooking contest.

You should keep Alan and Adam apart. Those two naughty boys fight whenever they're together.

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