Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail 超級捕鱷人 ── 鱷魚尾巴

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2018/08/07 第376期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail  超級捕鱷人 ── 鱷魚尾巴
by Evan Witkowski

Find out how to catch a crocodile from the masters of wrangling.


  Fearsome crocodiles are one predator not to be messed with in the wild. But that's just what Matt Wright, the host of Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail, and his adventurous Aussie mates intend to do. National Geographic is there for every second of the action, as they get up close and personal with saltwater crocodiles in the Northern Territory of Australia. Tracking and trapping crocodiles as a conservationist, Wright tangles with the deadly reptiles in order to save their lives.
  His mission is to protect the crocodiles from dangerous encounters with humans, and vice versa, by moving them to other areas instead of killing them. When an animal attacks, it is usually put to death. The increasing saltwater croc population Down Under has led to a growing need for intervention. National Geographic follows Wright as he works with local experts, farmers, and authorities to safely relocate wildlife. Every episode features Wright traveling to a remote location to save the day with his compassionate problem-solving and hands-on expertise.
  In Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail, Wright and the crew travel to Mount Keppler, just south of Darwin, Australia. Tales of a monstrous crocodile have spread there for decades. According to the stories, the croc got so big from feeding off scraps from a slaughterhouse. Will Wright and 2-fingered Tommy Nichols from Parks & Wildlife be able to catch the croc and release it back into the wild? Tune in to National Geographic for a chance to see the men build a trap and catch one of the largest crocodiles ever on Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail!


1. crocodile n. 鱷魚

2. fearsome a. 可怕的,令人生畏的
Piranhas are superb hunters that definitely deserve their fearsome fame.
*piranha n. 食人魚

3. predator n. 捕食者
If an octopus feels threatened by a predator, it may curl up to look like a rock.
*curl vi. & vt.(使)彎曲;捲曲

4. adventurous a. 富冒險精神的
: adventure n. 冒險
That adventurous man likes to go skydiving.
*skydiving n. 跳傘運動
Chris had an extraordinary adventure in India.
*extraordinary a. 非凡的

5. conservationist n. 保育人士
: conservation n. 保育(自然資源、動植物等)
Nina was inspired to be a conservationist after she watched a documentary.
The conservation group condemned the fishermen for killing endangered animals.
*condemn vt. 責難,譴責

6. intervention n. 介入;干預
: intervene vi. 介入;干預
intervene in...  介入/干預……
The teacher's intervention soon brought the dispute to an end.
I didn't intervene in the argument between Tom and Rose, because it was none of my business.

7. authorities n. 當局(恆用複數)
: the authorities concerned  有關當局
The authorities concerned agreed to launch an inquiry into the plane crash.
*inquiry n. 調查(與介詞 into 並用)

8. compassionate a. 有同情心的
Dr. Wang is very compassionate towards his patients.

9. expertise n. 專業知識/技能
Your expertise in this area is greatly appreciated.

10. scrap n. 碎片;廢料,廢品
You can reuse leftovers by composting kitchen scraps.
*leftovers n. 剩飯菜
compost vt. 將……製成堆肥

wrangler n. 捕捉者;牧人
: wrangle vt. 捕捉;放牧
reptile n. 爬蟲類動物
hands-on a. 實際操作的,親自動手的
monstrous a. 巨大的;似怪物的
slaughterhouse n. 屠宰場
: slaughter n. & vt. 屠宰;屠殺

1. get up close and personal with...  近距離接觸……
At the marine park, we were allowed to get up close and personal with the sea lions.

2. tangle with...  招惹……;與……爭執/打鬥
tangle vi. 糾纏;打鬥
If I were you, I wouldn't tangle with Rita today. She's in a terrible mood.

3. vice versa  反之亦然
Children should have more respect for their parents and vice versa.

4. be put to death  將……處死
Neither stray dogs nor stray cats will be put to death at that animal shelter.
*stray a. 流浪的,無家可歸的(貓或狗)

5. feed off / on...  (尤指動物)以……為食;因……而滋長
Frogs feed off small insects like flies and mosquitoes.
*mosquito n. 蚊子

超級捕鱷人 ── 鱷魚尾巴

  駭人的鱷魚是在野外最好別去招惹的一種掠食動物。但這正是《超級捕鱷人 ── 鱷魚尾巴》的主持人麥特.萊特以及他愛冒險的澳洲同伴打算做的。當他們與澳洲北領地的灣鱷(編按:又名鹹水鱷、食人鱷,是世界上現存最大的爬行動物。)近距離接觸時,國家地理記錄了每個動作瞬間。萊特以一名保育人士的身分追蹤並捕捉鱷魚,他去招惹這些致命的爬行動物以挽救牠們的生命。
  在《超級捕鱷人 ── 鱷魚尾巴》中,萊特和一夥人前往澳洲達爾文南邊的克普勒山。數十年來,那裡一直流傳著一隻巨大鱷魚的傳說。根據傳聞,那隻鱷魚在屠宰場覓食殘骸而長得如此巨大。萊特跟來自公園與野生動物部門的「兩指」湯米.尼可斯(編按:他的兩根手指被鱷魚咬斷。)是否能夠捉住那隻鱷魚並將其放回野外?鎖定國家地理,就有機會看到這些男子設置陷阱捕捉在《超級捕鱷人 ── 鱷魚尾巴》中有史以來最巨大的鱷魚之一!






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