The Incredible Eggless Egg  神奇綠豆蛋

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2018/08/28 第365期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Incredible Eggless Egg 神奇綠豆蛋
It is finally possible to make an omelet without breaking any eggs.



   It's no secret that one of the biggest causes of pollution is the meat industry. That's why a growing group of people is going vegetarian or vegan. In the US, the number of vegans has increased to around six percent of the population as of last year. So, more companies are looking to market a meat-free diet with plant-based replacements. Now, there's even an eggless egg.
  In late 2017, a company called JUST
showed off their new product called Just Scramble. It's a plant-based "egg" that's really made from mung beans. Finding the right recipe took four long years of testing. They even brought in Ben Roche, a Michelin-star chef, to get it right. All the hard work paid off because those who have tried it say Just Scramble tastes like the real thing.
  According to JUST, plant-based foods are a way of saving natural resources. Most farmland is used to grow
crops that feed cows, chickens, and pigs—not humans. If more people eat plants instead of meat, it could go a long way towards solving global hunger. So do something good for the planet and your health by giving Just Scramble a try.




















   肉品產業是造成汙染最主要的原因之一早已不是祕密。那正是越來越多人開始吃素或吃全素的原因。在美國,從去年以來吃素的人數已增加至 6% 的人口。所以,有更多的公司打算用植物製成的替代品來銷售無肉食品。現在,甚至出現了無蛋的蛋。
   2017 年年底,一家叫做 JUST 的公司展示了他們叫做 Just Scramble 的新產品。該產品是用植物製成的蛋,是真的用綠豆所做成的。找到正確的料理方式花了長達四年的時間實驗。他們甚至請到米其林主廚班•羅許來搞定這項產品。這些一切的努力都值得了,因為嚐過 Just Scramble 的那些人說它吃起來就跟真的蛋味道一樣。
   根據 JUST 所說,植物製成的食品是拯救自然資源的一種方法。大部分的農地都用來種餵牛、雞及豬的農作物 —— 而不是餵人。如果更多的人食用植物而不是吃肉,對解決全球飢荒很有幫助。所以嚐嚐看 Just Scramble 有益地球和你的健康喲。


▼ incredible a. 令人難以置信的;驚人的
▼ omelet
n. 煎蛋捲
▼ vegetarian
n. 素食者
▼ vegan
n. 吃全素者,純素食者
▼ replacement
n. 替代品
▼ scramble
vi. & vt. 炒(蛋)
▼ recipe
n. 料理方式;食譜


1. industry n. 產業
This young designer has taken the fashion industry by storm.

2. increase vi. & vt. 增加
The popularity of new age music has increased over the past few years.

3. market vt. 上市,推銷,行銷
This product proved to be successful because of the special way it was marketed.

4. show off... /  展現/炫耀……
Lucy couldn't help showing off her new smartphone to her coworkers.

5. product n. 產品
We will have a meeting about how to sell the new product.

6. crop n. 農作物
Our corn crop is failing because it has been too rainy this season.

7. go a long way towards V-ing  對……大有幫助
We hope that our efforts will go a long way towards helping those in need.

8. global a. 全球(化)的
Global warming is a problem that is getting more and more serious.


蝦咪!綠豆竟然不叫 green bean?!
綠豆其實叫做 mung bean,而 green bean 其實是「四季豆」,兩者差很大,也是令人混淆的英文字常勝軍,小心不要被騙啦!再介紹更多常見的豆豆大集合:

pea n. 豌豆
red bean n. 紅豆(= azuki bean)
black bean n. 黑豆
soybean n. 黃豆
soybean milk n. 豆漿

Mary felt warm all over after having a bowl of red bean soup on a cold day.

We have to grind the soybeans first to make soymilk.











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