The Pride of Naples 舌尖上的世界遺產 ── 拿坡里披薩

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2018/08/28 第379期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Pride of Naples  舌尖上的世界遺產 ── 拿坡里披薩
by William Ryan

Born in Naples, Italy, and loved the world over, the art of pizza spinning has been granted UNESCO World Heritage Status.


  Italians were singing and dancing in the streets of Naples in joyful celebration. Dozens of pizza chefs gave out free pizzas to enthusiastic crowds of locals and tourists. Why all the fuss? Neapolitans, as natives of that southern Italian city are called, invented pizza 250 years ago. The United Nations World Heritage Committee finally announced its official recognition of pizza-making, granting it UNESCO World Heritage status. __1__ The pizza chefs learned their craft by the apprentice method. __2__
  The earliest pizzas were plain, unappetizing offerings, with added lard, created to cheaply feed masses of poor people in the early 18th century. By mid-century, pizzas were being sold in taverns. __3__ Since that time, traditional Neapolitan pizzas have been based on a few simple ingredients. __4__ Authentic pizzas require distinct steps. Dough preparation must include kneading by hand, rolling the dough into a pizza crust, skillfully tossing the unbaked dough to "air" it, baking in a wood-fired stove, and rotating the pizza in the oven to make sure it is evenly cooked.
  Perhaps surprisingly, there are millions of pizza eaters all over the world who don't even know that the pizza they are so fond of originated in Italy. Neapolitans are happy because, thanks to UNESCO, that is about to change. __5__ They are confident now that the word is finally out.
(A) Before the turn of the 19th century, the first pizzerias began popping up in the city.
(B) In Naples, according to the UN culture body, there are some 3,000 professionally trained pizza chefs.
(C) The True Neapolitan Pizza Association is a non-profit organization and was founded in June 1984 in Naples with its legal and operational headquarters.
(D) Neapolitans want the world to know that pizza was born in Naples.
(E) Flour, salt, water, and yeast are carefully combined with the best available produce.
(F) They are passing down the tradition from one generation to the next.


1. 第一題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 "The United Nations World Heritage Committee finally announced its official recognition of pizza-making, granting it UNESCO World Heritage status."(聯合國世界遺產委員會最終正式宣布認可製作披薩的技術,賦予其聯合國教科文組織世界遺產的地位。),而 (B) 項句子提及 "In Naples, according to the UN culture body, there are some 3,000 professionally trained pizza chefs."(根據該聯合國文化機構統計,拿坡里大約有三千名受過專業培訓的披薩師傅。),(B) 項句子的 the UN culture body(該聯合國文化機構)指的即是前一句的 The United Nations World Heritage Committee(聯合國世界遺產委員會),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

a. body n. 機構,組織,團體
b. professionally adv. 專業地
Our manager thinks highly of the new employee because he handles everything professionally.
*think highly of...  對……評價很高

2. 第二題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 "The pizza chefs learned their craft by the apprentice method."(這些披薩師傅透過當學徒的方式來習得這項技藝。),而 (F) 項句子提及 "They are passing down the tradition from one generation to the next."
(他們將這項傳統一代代地傳承下去。),(F) 項句子的 tradition(傳統)指的即是前一句的 craft(技藝),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

pass down... / pass... down
Mr. Williams wanted to pass down his business ideas to his oldest son.

3. 第三題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 "By mid-century, pizzas were being sold in taverns."(到了該世紀中葉,小酒館裡都有販賣披薩。),而 (A) 項句子提及 "Before the turn of the 19th century, the first pizzerias began popping up in the city."
(在即將進入十九世紀前,第一批披薩店開始在這座城市紛紛出現。),(A) 項句子的 Before the turn of the 19th century(在即將進入十九世紀前)即是前一句 By mid-century(到了該世紀中葉)之後的時期,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
a. pizzeria n. 披薩店
b. pop up  突然出現;突然發生
: spring up
Many cafés have popped up around my university recently.

4. 第四題空格應選 (E)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Since that time, traditional Neapolitan pizzas have been based on a few simple ingredients."(從那時起,傳統的拿坡里披薩即以一些簡單的食材製作而成。),而 (E) 項句子提及 "Flour, salt, water, and yeast are carefully combined with the best available produce."(麵粉、鹽、水以及酵母和可取得的最佳農產品被仔細地融合在一起。),前一句的 ingredients(食材)即是 (E) 項句子的 Flour, salt, water, and yeast(麵粉、鹽、水以及酵母)及 produce(農產品),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。

a. yeast n. 酵母
b. combine A with B  結合 A 與 B
Combining a healthy diet with daily exercise is a good way to stay fit.
c. produce n. 農產品(集合名詞,不可數)

5. 第五題空格應選 (D)

a. 空格後一句提及 "They are confident now that the word is finally out."(現在既然這個消息終於傳開了,他們也就信心大增了。),而 (D) 項句子提及 "Neapolitans want the world to know that pizza was born in Naples."(拿坡里人希望全世界知道披薩誕生於當地。),後一句的 the word(這個消息)指的即是 (D) 項句子的 that pizza was born in Naples(披薩誕生於拿坡里),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。

heritage n. 遺產
fuss n. & vi. 大驚小怪,小題大作
: fuss over...  對……大驚小怪
native n. 當地人 & a. 當地的
craft n. 手藝,手工藝
apprentice n. 學徒
unappetizing a. 引不起食慾的
offering n. 捐助物;供品,祭品
lard n. 豬油
tavern n. 小酒館
knead vt. 揉,捏(麵團)(本文為動名詞用法)
crust n. 麵包皮

1. spin vt. & vi.(使)快速旋轉(三態為:spin, spun, spun。)
Our geography teacher spun the globe and pointed to the Hawaiian Islands.
Everyone stared in amazement when the dancer spun on his head.

2. grant vt. 給予;同意,准予
: grant sb sth  給予某人某物
The committee granted Emma a scholarship.

3. enthusiastic a. 熱情的;熱衷的
: be enthusiastic about...  熱衷於……
Amanda is very enthusiastic about dancing, so she takes dance lessons and practices all the time.

4. invent vt. 發明,創造
Cellphones have come a long way since they were invented.
*have come a long way  變化/進步很大

5. announce vt. 宣布,公布
That host announced the winner of the competition to an excited audience.

6. recognition n. 認可;表彰
: in recognition of...  表揚/表彰……
Those scientists have won international recognition for their great findings.
In recognition of Paul's contributions, the committee has decided to give him an award.

7. ingredient n.(烹調的)材料;成分
I bought all the ingredients for the lemon tart at the local supermarket.
*tart n. 塔(點心)

8. authentic a. 道地的;真正的
This restaurant serves authentic Chinese food.

9. distinct a. 與眾不同的,獨特的
This oil was infused with herbs and spices, giving it a distinct flavor.
*be infused with...  添加/注入……
infuse vt. 浸漬;使充滿

10. skillfully adv. 有技巧地
Students skillfully decorated everything from the building's entrance to the auditorium.
*auditorium n. 禮堂

11. toss vt. 拋,投擲 & vi. 輾轉反側
: toss and turn  輾轉反側,翻來覆去
We tossed a coin to decide who would go first.
George tossed and turned for hours, worrying about the upcoming exam.

12. rotate vt. & vi.(使)旋轉
Rotate the handle by 180 degrees to open the door.
Stay away from the helicopter when its blades start to rotate.
*helicopter n. 直升機
blade n. 刀片;刀刃

1. give out... / give... out  發送/分發……
Sarah helps give out food to homeless people at the shelter.

2. masses of... / a mass of...  大量的……
: lots of... / a lot of...
There were masses of people in town today.

3. by hand  用手工;用手做
Oriental rugs are very expensive because they are made by hand.
*oriental a. 東方的

4. be fond of...  喜歡……
What sorts of entertainment are you fond of?

5. originate in / from...  起源/源自於……
originate vi. 起源
Skiing originated in Europe and then spread to other countries.

舌尖上的世界遺產 ── 拿坡里披薩

  在拿坡里的街道上,義大利人愉快地唱歌跳舞慶祝著。數十位披薩師傅發送免費披薩給熱情的當地居民與觀光客。如此大驚小怪是為了什麼?拿坡里人 ── 這座南義大利城市當地人的稱呼 ── 在兩百五十年前發明了披薩。聯合國世界遺產委員會最終正式宣布認可製作披薩的技術,賦予其聯合國教科文組織世界遺產的地位。根據該聯合國文化機構統計,拿坡里大約有三千名受過專業培訓的披薩師傅。這些披薩師傅透過當學徒的方式來習得這項技藝。他們將這項傳統一代代地傳承下去。
答案: 1. B  2. F  3. A  4. E  5.D






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