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2018/12/28 第442期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 巡迴表演採訪
【本月發燒書】 走進愛情詩界:經典英詩賞讀(20K彩色+英詩朗誦MP3)
【好康情報局】 大家都在看什麼?年度暢銷榜開獎!書展單書79折,套書75折起↘


英文中不可數名詞要怎麼計算呢?由於這些名詞不可數,我們可以搭配單位量詞來表達他們,像是一「瓶」啤酒(a bottle of)、一「壺」茶(a pot of)。下面來看看更多常見的使用方式:

● a bottle of + water/beer/wine
● a jar of + honey/tomatoes/jam
● a can of + soda/sardines/beer
● a slice of + pizza/lime/ham
● a bowl of + rice/soup/porridge
● a piece of + cake/broccoli/bread
● a package of + crackers/nuts
● a carton of + milk/juice
● a bar of + chocolate/soap
● a tube of + toothpaste/hand cream
● a pot of + coffee/tea
● a box of + macaroons/chocolate

────── 節錄寂天講堂「不可數名詞的計算」


Victor: Hi. I'm looking for the artistic director. My name's Victor, from the London Daily News.
Hannah: Oh, Victor! Hello. I'm Hannah, the director. Have a seat.
Victor: Thanks so much for agreeing to do this interview.
Hannah: No problem. But we have a rehearsal in 20 minutes, so we'll have to make it quick!
Victor: OK. First, can you tell me a bit about your upcoming tour?
Hannah:Sure. It's a contemporary dance piece called Mirrors. It's about how close friends' personalities become more and more similar.
Victor: It sounds fascinating. How many dancers are there?
Hannah: Just six.
Victor: And when does the tour begin?
Hannah: It starts on the fifth of June and runs until June 29. We'll be
performing in 10 different cities around the UK.
Victor: What kind of person would enjoy Mirrors?
Hannah: It's for everyone, I think! It contains a lot of universal truths.
Victor: Thanks a lot, Hannah. That's all I need.
Hannah: Great. When will your article be published?

維多: 嗨,我找藝術總監。我是《倫敦每日報》的維多。
漢娜: 喔,維多!哈囉,我是總監漢娜。請坐。
維多: 非常感謝妳同意接受這次的專訪。
漢娜: 不成問題的。但我們20 分鐘後就要彩排,所以得趕快把握時間!
維多: 好的。首先,可以請妳和我們分享下次巡演的資訊嗎?
漢娜: 好啊。是一齣名為《鏡子》的現代舞碼,描述好友的性格越來越相似的故事。
維多: 聽起來很吸引人。會有幾位舞者呢?
漢娜: 只有六位。
維多: 什麼時候開始巡演?
漢娜: 檔期是6 月5 日至6 月29 日。我們將於英國的十座城市演出。
維多: 哪些類型的觀眾會喜歡《鏡子》?
漢娜: 我想大家都會喜歡!劇情含括許多寫實的普遍情況。
維多: 非常感謝妳,漢娜,這樣就可以了。
漢娜: 好極了。那你的文章何時出版呢?


焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文(Level 1)【四版】(16K+1MP3)

FUN學美國各學科 Preschool 閱讀課本 1:動詞篇【二版】 (菊8K + 1MP3 + WORKBOOK練習本)

第十二夜 Twelfth Night: 永恆的莎士比亞改寫劇本10 (25K彩色+1MP3)

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