The Hermitage Cats of St. Petersburg 博物館尋貓蹤

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2019/01/01 第396期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Hermitage Cats of St. Petersburg  博物館尋貓蹤
by Bruce E. Bagnell


  The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, is the second-largest art museum in the world after the Louvre in Paris, France. Both museums house some of the greatest artwork of all time, and both are visited by millions of people annually. One unusual difference between them, though, is that the Hermitage holds not only artistic treasures but a collection of living history as well.
  The Hermitage was built in the mid-18th century as part of the royal Russian family’s Winter Palace complex. Empress Elizabeth had cats brought in to rid the several palace buildings of mice and rats. The cats did their job well and were given homes in the basements of the buildings and the title of Hermitage cats.
  The 74 Hermitage cats that live at the museum now are among the most pampered cats in the world, and that is saying a great deal. A press secretary is in charge of the feline brood, with three full-time volunteer caretakers attending to the cats’ every need. There are even kitchens for preparing meals for the cats because they all have different preferences. The cats can roam around outside or lounge around the sunlit courtyards during the summer. Since generations of cats have lived at the Hermitage, there is even a cat graveyard.
  This may all seem over the top, but Russian and foreign visitors alike love seeing the Hermitage cats while admiring some of the world’s greatest artistic treasures within the majestic royal architecture of the State Hermitage Museum itself. Thanks to Empress Elizabeth, the Hermitage cats have a lasting legacy of their own.
1. How did cats begin to inhabit the buildings of the Russian royal family’s Winter Palace?
(A) The cats were borrowed from the Louvre Museum in Paris.
(B) The French royal family gave the Russian royal family a gift of cats.
(C) A Russian royal ordered that cats be brought into the Winter Palace.
(D) Artists and visitors to the Hermitage Museum donated the cats.
2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The Hermitage Museum was built after the Louvre Museum.
(B) The Louvre Museum was built after the Hermitage Museum.
(C) The Hermitage Museum is larger than the Louvre Museum.
(D) The Louvre Museum is larger than the Hermitage Museum.
3. Why is the phrase “that is saying a great deal” used in the third paragraph?
(A) To emphasize how pampered the Hermitage cats are.
(B) To point out that cats are a popular pet.
(C) To let readers know more information about cats.
(D) To advise readers not to pamper their pet cats.
4. What is mentioned about the architecture of the Winter Palace?
(A) It has a few buildings in it.
(B) It needs to be restored to its original beauty.
(C) It uses a style that is popular all over Russia.
(D) It was designed especially for cats.


hermitage n. 隱居處
artwork n. 藝術品
treasure n. 寶藏
empress n. 女皇;皇后
basement n. 地下室
feline n. 貓科動物 & a. 貓科的
brood n. 一窩幼崽
sunlit a. 太陽照射的
graveyard n. 墓地
architecture n. 建築風格

1. a collection of...  ……的收藏
•Bill showed us a very fine collection of old coins.

2. be in charge of...  負責/掌管……
= take charge of...
•Ed will be in charge of the new project.

3. attend to sb/sth  處理某事/照顧某人
•Doctor Li is busy attending to her patients.

4. be over the top  過度,過頭
•I thought Molly saying she was born to be a model was over the top.

5. ... of one’s own  屬於自己的……
•Believe it or not, that guy has a plane of his own.

1. artistic a. 藝術的
•Both of the sisters are very artistic, though they are completely opposite in style.

2. complex n. 綜合設施 & a. 複雜的
•This shopping complex consists of a department store and two big malls.
•The mathematician invented a complex number system.

3. rid vt. 使擺脫(三態同形)
 rid A of B  使 A 擺脫 B
 get rid of...  擺脫/戒除……(此用法中,rid 為過去分詞)
•John finally rid himself of that old car and bought a new one.
•You have to get rid of that attitude or you’ll lose all your friends.

4. pamper vt. 寵溺(本文為過去分詞作形容詞用)
•My dad pampers my mom by massaging her feet every evening.

5. preference n. 偏好
 have a preference for...  對……有偏好
•Many of my friends enjoy dancing, but I have a preference for singing.

6. roam vi. 漫步;漫遊
•Sarah roamed around the bookstore while waiting for her friend.

7. lounge vi.(懶洋洋地)躺;閒晃
•On Sundays, Jean loves to lounge around the house all day.

8. majestic a. 雄偉的;威嚴的
•We stood in awe before the majestic Westminster Abbey.

9. legacy n. 遺產;留給後代的東西
•Jonathan Swift left behind a legacy of 18th-century political and religious literature.

10. emphasize vt. 強調;重視
•Doctors constantly emphasize the importance of a balanced diet.

11. restore vt. 重建,恢復
•This area needs to be restored after being destroyed by the typhoon.

inhabit vt. 居住於
No living creature can inhabit that wasteland.
a. populate vt. 居住於
•Around six billion people populate this planet.
b. reside vi. 居住
The eagle resides in the mountains where humans rarely visit.
c. dwell vi. 居住
Several thousand people dwell in that small town.
d. live vi. 居住
Roy had numerous bitter experiences when he lived in that area.
a. immigrate vi.(從外)移入
Mr. Chen immigrated to the US with his family in 1975 and now runs a successful chain of restaurants.
 陳先生在 1975 年和家人移民到美國,如今經營著一家相當成功的連鎖餐館。
b. emigrate vi.(往外)移居
If the situation doesn’t improve in this country, I’ll think about emigrating to New Zealand.
c. migrate vi. 遷徙
When do the birds in this area begin to migrate?

Empress Elizabeth had cats brought in to rid the several palace buildings of mice and rats.
使役動詞 have 的用法
※have 當使役動詞時,有下列三種句型:
a. have + 受詞 + 過去分詞
= get + 受詞 + 過去分詞
 •I had my computer fixed.
b. have + 受詞(通常為人)+ 原形動詞
= make + 受詞 + 原形動詞
= get + 受詞 + to + 原形動詞
 I will have David wash my car.
c. have + 受詞 + V-ing
 I don’t like to have Ian standing over there watching us.



1. 貓咪是如何開始住在俄國皇室的冬宮?
(A) 這些貓是從巴黎羅浮宮借來的。
(B) 法國皇室家族將這些貓作為禮物贈與俄羅斯皇室家族。
(C) 一名俄國皇室成員下令將這些貓帶進冬宮。
(D) 來參訪艾米塔吉博物館的藝術家和訪客捐贈了這些貓。
2. 根據本文,下列敘述何者正確?
(A) 艾米塔吉博物館建於羅浮宮之後。
(B) 羅浮宮建於艾米塔吉博物館之後。
(C) 艾米塔吉博物館比羅浮宮還大。
(D) 羅浮宮比艾米塔吉博物館還大。
3. 為何第三段要使用片語 “that is saying a great deal”?
(A) 強調艾米塔吉貓有多受寵愛。
(B) 指出貓咪是受歡迎的寵物。
(C) 讓讀者知道更多有關貓的資訊。
(D) 建議讀者不要寵溺他們的寵物貓。
4. 有關冬宮的建築,本文提及了哪一點?
(A) 裡頭有數棟建築物。
(B) 它需要整修以回復原本的美麗。
(C) 它使用了在全俄羅斯廣受歡迎的風格。
(D) 它是專為貓咪而設計的。
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. A





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