NORAD’s Holiday Mission  追蹤聖誕老人

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2018/12/25 第381期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

NORAD’s Holiday Mission 追蹤聖誕老人
This military organization helps kids track Santa’s progress around the world every Christmas.



   NORAD is a military organization that was created to stop enemy planes from attacking the US and Canada. The people of this organization take their jobs very seriously. However, every Christmas Eve they take on a special mission. NORAD staff use their advanced equipment to track Santa Claus across the world so that curious children can tell when Santa is on the way.
   This unusual mission started in 1955, when a US newspaper ran an ad inviting children to call Santa. By mistake, the newspaper printed NORAD’s telephone number on the ad. When NORAD workers received these calls, they didn’t want to disappoint the children. So, they pretended to be Santa’s helpers and gave updates on where Santa was flying.
   It’s been over 60 years since then, and the tradition is still alive. Last Christmas, 1,500 volunteers answered more than 150,000 calls about Santa. Kids can also check on Santa by using social media or a special app. Although the tradition is lots of fun, NORAD is serious about doing a good job. It even created a handbook to help soldiers answer questions about Santa. Thanks to NORAD’s protection, it seems certain that Santa will arrive safe and sound wherever he goes.









   這項不尋常的任務始於 1955 年,當時美國有一家報紙刊登著邀請孩童打電話給聖誕老人的廣告。出於失誤,這家報紙在廣告上印了北美空防司令部的電話號碼。北美空防司令部的人員接到這些電話時,他們並不想讓孩子們失望。所以,他們假裝成聖誕老人的助手,並提供聖誕老人要飛往哪裡的最新消息。


1. take...seriously  認真看/對待……
seriously adv. 認真地,嚴肅地
You shouldn’t take Tom’s words so seriously. He was just joking.

2. take on sth  接受(工作);承擔(責任)
Do you think you have time to take on a new part-time job?

3. staff n. 員工,全體職員(集合名詞,不可數)
We have 50 staff members in our company.

4. by mistake  錯誤地,無意地
George took someone else’s luggage at the airport by mistake.

5. disappoint vt. & vi.(使)失望
I really hate to disappoint you, but you’re not the one we’re looking for.

6. pretend vi. & vt. 假裝,裝作
Tammy pretended not to know how late she was, in hopes no one would notice.

7. media n. 媒體
The media is keeping track of the murder investigation.
* investigation n. 調查,偵查

8. safe and sound  安然無恙
Patrick was safe and sound during the flash floods.
* flash a. 突發的(洪水或火災)


▼ update n. 最新消息
▼ handbook
n. 手冊,指南


文中的 run an ad 為「刊登一則廣告」的意思,其中的動詞 run 即表「(在報紙/雜誌上)刊登;(在電視上)播放」;比較特別的是,run 的主語可以是刊登廣告或播放節目的單位,也可以是被刊登的廣告或被播放的節目。例:

That cosmetics company is running a series of ads in all of the top beauty magazines.

This Korean drama ran for 20 episodes and was popular among young people.







大多數人在學習英文的歷程當中,有非常多的字句、單字都是不常會用到的,也因為這樣,而提不起興趣,久久不用就把單字忘光了,其實日常會用到的單字可能 1,000 個都不到,你應該從你真正用的到的字句開始學起



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