The Library of Alexandria 古文明的知識中心 ── 亞歷山大圖書館

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2018/12/18 第394期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Library of Alexandria  古文明的知識中心 ── 亞歷山大圖書館
by Bruce E. Bagnell

Let’s take a journey into one of the most fascinating libraries of the ancient world.


  Every major city in the world today has a library. That was not always the case. Only a few cities in the ancient world were home to libraries. Perhaps the greatest of those was the Library of Alexandria in Egypt.
  Built in the third century BCE, the library was dedicated to the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts, and was made up of several buildings. This center of ancient learning was comprised of not only hundreds of thousands of scrolls but also a reading room, meeting rooms, lecture halls, gardens, and a dining room for local and visiting scholars. Some say it was a blueprint for future university campuses.
  The library’s main collection held works on astronomy, philosophy, architecture, physics, mathematics, geography, medicine, and other important topics of the day. Some of the greatest ancient minds visited and worked there, including Euclid, Galen, Archimedes, and Eratosthenes. Foreign scholars were welcomed and even given stipends by the Egyptian pharaohs to support themselves during their stays. The library housed the known writings and research of the day. To deal with its vast collection, a system of categorization had to be developed, laying the groundwork for today’s library cataloging systems. Another development that was first seen in the Library of Alexandria was the concept of a book. Since many writings could not be completed on a single piece of papyrus, several scrolls were required for lengthy works, and each one became divided like chapters.
  Due to fires, foreign conquest, and even earthquakes, the library was eventually destroyed. Still, the spirit of research and its organization survived, as other libraries came to life afterwards. They are rooted in the glorious accomplishments of the Library of Alexandria.
1. What is the main purpose of this article?
(A) To introduce the world’s smallest library.
(B) To encourage people to study at libraries.
(C) To share the history of the Library of Alexandria.
(D) To compare the Library of Alexandria with modern ones.
2. What is true about the Library of Alexandria?
(A) It was built by international scholars.
(B) It was a complex of buildings and facilities.
(C) It held the world’s tallest buildings at the time.
(D) It was located in the capital of Ancient Egypt.
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A) Who used the Library of Alexandria.
(B) When the Library of Alexandria was built.
(C) How long it took to build the Library of Alexandria.
(D) Where the Library of Alexandria was built.
4. What does the word “stipends” in the third paragraph most likely mean?
(A) Amounts of money.
(B) Comfortable chairs.
(C) House servants.
(D) Research assistants.


blueprint n. 藍圖;計畫
astronomy n. 天文學
physics n. 物理學
mathematics n. 數學
stipend n. 薪俸;津貼
categorization n. 分類
: categorize vt. 對……進行分類
papyrus n. 莎草紙
complex n. 綜合建築

1. be home to...  ……的所在地/棲息地
The ocean is home to lots of marine life.

2. be dedicated to N/V-ing  獻給/致力於……
: dedicate oneself to N/V-ing
That nurse is dedicated to helping her patients recover as quickly as possible.

3. be comprised of...  由……組成
This book is comprised of stories written by children.

4. lay the groundwork for...  為……奠定基礎
groundwork n. 基礎,根基
Mr. Lee is trying to lay the groundwork for the future education of our class.

5. be rooted in...  源自於/根植於……
Our city’s traffic problems are rooted in poor planning and overpopulation.

1. scroll n. 卷軸
Chinese scroll paintings are one of the most distinct art forms in Chinese culture.

2. lecture n.(尤指大學中的)講課,講座 & vt. 告誡;講課
Doreen attended a series of lectures on Emily Dickinson’s poems.
Our teacher always lectures us on the importance of exercise.

3. philosophy n. 哲學;人生觀
My main philosophy in life is treating others as I would want them to treat me.

4. architecture n. 建築學;建築設計
This architecture perfectly unifies Western and Eastern styles.

5. mind n.(某領域裡)有才智的人
Some of the finest minds in this country are working together to fight against poverty.

6. vast a.(量)很大的;廣闊的
The government plans on putting vast amounts of money into the country’s welfare system.

7. catalog vt. 將??編入目錄(本文為動名詞用法)
We hope to catalog the different types of plants during our research in that area.

8. lengthy a. 冗長的
We had a lengthy talk about what to do with the money we found.

9. conquest n. 征服
: conquer vt. 克服;征服
The warriors failed in their conquest of new territory.
Sharon’s strength and determination helped her conquer breast cancer.

10. glorious a. 光榮的,輝煌的
The fans all went crazy after their team’s glorious victory in the championship game.

11. accomplishment n. 成就
: accomplish vt. 完成;達到
Helping others gives Christine a sense of accomplishment.
Unfortunately, we haven’t accomplished our goal this year.

12. assistant n. 助理(常與介詞 to 並用)
Amy had an interview with the special assistant to the chairperson.

Still, the spirit of research and its organization survived, as other libraries came to life afterwards.
as 作副詞連接詞時有下列三種解釋:
a. 表「隨著……」或「當……的時候」,即等於 when。
That actor has become more attractive as he has gotten older.
b. 表「因為」,即等於 because。
As Debbie has apologized to me, I’m going to forgive her.
c. 表「雖然」,即等於 though 或 although。
Tired as Andy was, he still stayed up late.

古文明的知識中心 ── 亞歷山大圖書館


1. 本文的主旨是什麼?
(A) 介紹世界上最小的圖書館。
(B) 鼓勵人們在圖書館讀書。
(C) 分享亞歷山大圖書館的歷史。
(D) 比較亞歷山大圖書館與現代圖書館。
題解:全文皆在介紹亞歷山大圖書館及其歷史,故 (C) 項應為正選。
2. 關於亞歷山大圖書館,下列敘述何者為真?
(A) 它是由國際學者所建造。
(B) 它是擁有幾棟建築物與設施的綜合大樓。
(C) 它擁有當時全世界最高的建築。
(D) 它位於古埃及的首都。
題解:根據本文第二段,這座古老的學術中心不僅藏有數十萬個卷軸,也擁有一間閱覽室、一些會議室、演講廳、花園以及供當地與來訪學者使用的一間餐廳,故 (B) 項應為正選。
3. 本文並未提及下列哪一項敘述?
(A) 誰曾經使用亞歷山大圖書館。
(B) 亞歷山大圖書館何時被建造。
(C) 亞歷山大圖書館是花了多久的時間建造而成。
(D) 亞歷山大圖書館在哪裡被建造。
題解:全文僅提及這間圖書館建於西元前三世紀,並未說明花了多久的時間建造,故 (C) 項應為正選。
4. 本文第三段的 stipends 一詞最接近的意思是什麼?
(A) 一筆一筆的金錢。
(B) 舒適的椅子。
(C) 家庭傭人。
(D) 研究助理。
題解:stipend 一詞意思為「薪俸;津貼」,與 (A) 項敘述最為接近,故為正選。
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A


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