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2019/01/21第303期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 南半球的旅遊天堂——澳洲黃金海岸
延伸學習: 加油
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: HIW+後背包
The Richness of Australia's Gold Coast
Which city in the world has golden-sand beaches, exciting activities for both nature and city lovers, and an average of 300 sunny days per year? It's none other than Australia's Gold Coast.
With over 50 kilometers of beautiful coastline, the Gold Coast is a great spot for a seaside vacation. January is a perfect time to visit because the holiday crowds have gone and the weather is pleasantly warm. Swimming, surfing, and whale watching are just some of the activities you can do there. You can also relax by taking walks along the beaches and enjoying the fresh ocean air, the sound of rolling waves, and the feel of sand between your toes.
The Gold Coast's main entertainment area is Surfers Paradise, but it's not just for surfers. The area has many shopping malls, amusement centers, and restaurants as well as the Q1, one of the world's tallest residential buildings. At the top of this 78-floor tower is the SkyPoint Observation Deck, where people go to catch wonderful views of the Gold Coast and beyond.
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.212 1月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
add oil
除了long time no see(好久不見)之外,又有一個中文直翻詞被英文字典認可了,《牛津英語辭典》(Oxford English Dictionary)最近將中文「加油」直譯的「add oil」收錄於字典中,定義為「鼓勵、支持」。OED表示,「加油」一詞源於澳門一級方程式大賽車(Macau Grand Prix),觀眾以「加油(ga yao)」作為口號,希望車主「加滿油後一馬當先」。

literal/word-for-word  adj.  直譯的;逐字翻譯的
metaphrase   n.  直譯;逐字翻譯
encouragement   n.  鼓勵;獎勵
support  n., v.  支持、幫助
entry   n.  (字典、參考書目的)詞條、條目

“Add oil” is a phrase used to express encouragement and support.

Go for it!
Go on!
Chin up!
Come on!
Cheer up!
Keep it up!
Keep at it!
Hang in there!
Keep pushing!

2019/1/21 (一) The Gold Coast's main entertainment area is Surfers Paradise, but it's not just for surfers.

2019/1/22 (二) The Gold Coast combines urban fun with the natural beauty of Australia.

2019/1/23 (三)

Hopefully, seeing these smart birds in action will make people think twice before dropping their litter on the ground.

2019/1/24 (四)

However, it took a long time for glasses to grow into the form we know today.

2019/1/25 (五)

The options are endless!
未來少年雜誌1年 + 英語1年(5刊選1)
知識大圖解國際中文版6期 +時尚簡約帆布後背包
LiveABC智慧點讀筆 + 暢銷語言書(8選1) 
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