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2019/02/01 第448期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 和主管約定見面
【本月發燒書】 小氣財神 A Christmas Carol【原著雙語彩圖本】
【好康情報局】 【隨買隨抵優惠卷】2019台北國際書展好康GO

【寂天講堂 - 未來簡單式will怎麼用?】

● 未來簡單式用來表示「預測未來要發生的事情」或是「提供未來資訊」「意圖」。句型是「will + 動詞原形」。
I will weed the garden every Saturday.
I will plant peas this summer.

●  will 通常會以縮寫「'll」的形式呈現。
She'll get married this summer.

● will 可用來表示「在說話時剛做的決定」。
I think I'll have a carrot. No, wait a minute, there are no carrots left. I think I'll eat a cucumber. Oh, I already finished the cucumbers. Maybe I'll quit eating salad.

●  will 常用來表示「未來的生活」。
Soon human beings will travel through space to the planets and beyond. We will live on the Moon, Mars, or maybe in another galaxy. I think I'll go to a nice little planet, not too far from my office on Earth.

●  will 的否定是 will not,縮寫為 won't,經常用來表示「拒絕」、「不願意」。
I won't give you any money.

●  will 常和 think (想)、hope(希望)、perhaps(或許)這些字搭配使用。
I hope I will pass the exam.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「未來簡單式will怎麼用?」

和主管約定見面 Asking for a meeting with a supervisor

Elsa: Hi, Kevin. Have you got a minute?

Kevin:Sure. What's going on, Elsa?

Elsa: I was hoping I could set up a time to talk to you about my responsibility level and my position here. Will you have time in the next week to sit down with

Kevin: Of course. I hope everything is going alright for you here.

Elsa: Oh, it is. I just wanted to talk about where I might be able to go and what
new roles I might be able to take on in the future.

Kevin: Well, that's great, I'm glad you're being proactive about this. It looks like I'm going to be free tomorrow and Friday. Do you have a preference?

Elsa: How about Friday? We can meet over lunch if that's more convenient for you.

Kevin:That'll be great. Listen, please send me an email to confirm this and please let me know exactly what you want to discuss. That'll make it easier for me to answer your questions.

Elsa: 嗨!凱文,現在有空嗎?

Kevin: 有,怎麼啦,艾爾莎?

Elsa: 我希望可以安排時間和您討論我在這的工作職責和職位,下星期您有時間和我一起坐下來談談嗎?

Kevin: 當然可以,希望你在這裡一切順利。

Elsa: 哦,我在這兒一切都很好,只是希望談談我可以有什麼作為,以及未來又可以擔任什麼樣的角色。

Kevin: 那很好呀,真高興你在這件事上這麼主動積極,明天和星期五我好像都有空,你認為哪個時間比較好?

Elsa: 星期五怎麼樣?如果方便的話,我們可以一起用午餐,邊吃邊談。

Kevin: 很好,聽著,請寄給我一封電子郵件確認這件事,並讓我知道你想要討論的議題,這樣我就可以更容易回答你的問題。

──────選自《Get Ready!商務英語溝通力【二版】》
小氣財神 A Christmas Carol【原著雙語彩圖本】(25K彩色)




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