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2019/01/18 第445期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 中世紀的藝術
【本月發燒書】 小氣財神 A Christmas Carol【原著雙語彩圖本】
【好康情報局】 【隨買隨抵優惠卷】2019台北國際書展好康GO

【寂天講堂 - 表示地點的介系詞:over, under, above, below, underneath】

英文中常見表示地點的介係詞有很多種,同樣是表「下方」,就有under, below, underneath等,帶大家來看一下各種表「上方、下方」相關的介係詞詳細用法:

● over 表示「某物的位置高於另一物」,通常是垂直的相對關係,也就是「正上方」。

Turn on the light that is over the table.

● under 表示「某物的位置低於另一物」,通常是垂直的相對關係,也就是「正下方」。

Clean up the food on the floor under the table.
I saw a mouse under the sofa this afternoon!

● over 也可以表示「覆蓋」;under 也可以表示「被覆蓋」。

Pour the sauce over the vegetables.
The rice should be under the omelet.


● above 表示「某物的位置高於另一物」,但不在同一垂直線上,也就是「非正上方」。

The birds glided above the lake and trees.

● below 表示「某物的位置低於另一物」,但不在同一垂直線上,也就是「非正下方」。

Bob was standing below the birds.
From the top of the Taipei 101 building, we could see the city below.
我們可以從台北101 的頂樓眺望整個城市。

● underneath 的意義和用法等同於under。

He's hiding underneath/under the blanket.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「表示地點的介系詞:over, under, above, below, underneath」

中世紀的藝術 The Art of the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages lasted for around 1,000 years until 1400s. During this time, many magnificent Gothic cathedrals were built in Europe, and most art was influenced by the Church.

Many Gothic cathedrals had towers and spires that reached high in the air. The height and grandeur of cathedrals inspired people to be more religious. Tall ceilings, paintings, and stained-glass windows depicting stories from the Bible also created aweinspiring spaces.

Another feature of Gothic cathedrals was their buttresses. Because the cathedrals were so tall and enormous, stone braces called buttresses supported the cathedrals and kept them from collapsing. Stone statues of demons called gargoyles were often found on cathedrals, too. Notre Dame Cathedral and Chartres Cathedral in France are two famous medieval cathedrals.

Some of the most beautiful medieval art is also found in books called illuminated manuscripts. During the Middle Ages, books were copied by hand by monks. Monks illuminated many of the pages by drawing pictures with bits of real gold and silver in the books. The Book of Kells is one famous illuminated manuscript.





小氣財神 A Christmas Carol【原著雙語彩圖本】(25K彩色)

心智圖神奇記憶國中英單2000: 聯想記憶不死背

Don't Say It! 600個你一定會錯的英文(20K彩色版)


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