Letters to Juliet 給茱麗葉的信

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2019/07/02 第409期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Letters to Juliet 給茱麗葉的信
Need relationship advice? Shakespeare’s famous lover is here to help.



   Nearly everyone knows the tragic love story of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. But not everyone knows it’s possible to write a letter to the leading lady of the story, Juliet, and ask her for romance guidance. Being a fictional character, Juliet of course doesn’t actually reply to the letters. Instead, volunteers patiently respond to the thousands of letters that are sent to her.
  Many years ago, people started sending letters addressed to Juliet to her hometown of Verona, Italy. At first, no one knew what to do with all of the letters, until a local man began replying to them. After he retired from the task, a team of volunteers formed Juliet’s Club, whose members are called Secretaries of Juliet. Following the release of the 2010 movie Letters to Juliet, even more letters began to pour into the city from all over the world.
  People can apply to become a Secretary of Juliet and help answer letters. People of all ages, including many young people, mail in letters. Perhaps they just need someone to talk to, and Juliet never judges them. Some letters are touching, some are heartbreaking, and some ask for help finding the perfect partner—but not even Juliet can help with that!














1. advice n. 建議(不可數)
a piece / word of advice  一項建議
Sarah gave me a piece of advice on how to study English.

2. tragic a. 悲慘的,不幸的
To this day, Ian hasn’t forgotten that tragic accident.

3. romance n. 浪漫的關係/情調
Generally speaking, office romances are not a good idea.

4. guidance n. 指導,指引
Megan has always depended on her tutor for guidance on writing essays.

5. fictional a. 虛構的,編造的
The novel is based on a real event in history, but all the characters are fictional.

6. volunteer n. 義/志工,志願者 & vi. & vt. 自願從事……;當志工
The survey was carried out by volunteers.
I was very touched when I learned that so many of my coworkers volunteered to help me with my work.

7. retire vi. 退休;退役;退職
Mr. Johnson made a formal statement at the meeting that he would retire at the end of this year.

8. release n. 上映;發行;公開
The book you’re looking for should be in the new releases section.




heartbreaking, heartbroken, heartache 這些都是表「心痛(的)」,那到底該怎麼用呢?形容詞 heartbreaking 表「(某事物)使人心碎的/極度失望的」、形容詞 heartbroken 表「(人)感到極度傷心的/心碎的」,而 heartache 不同於前兩者,為名詞表「痛心,傷心」。讓我們來看看生活上的實例:
Luke was heartbroken over his breakup with Lisa, who he kept seeing in his dreams.
This heartbreaking relationship was just another heartache on my list.


   幾乎大家都知道莎士比亞筆下的愛情悲劇《羅密歐與茱麗葉》。但不是大家都知道可以寫封信給故事裡的女主角 —— 茱麗葉,向她諮詢愛情指引。作為一個虛構人物,茱麗葉當然不會真的去回覆這些信件。而是有一群志工代替她耐心地回覆寄給她的上千封信件。
  人們多年前開始寄信到茱麗葉的故鄉 —— 義大利的維洛那。一開始沒人知道該怎麼處理這些信件,直到有位當地男士開始回覆這些信件。在他退出了這項工作之後,一群志工組成了「茱麗葉俱樂部」,其成員都被稱作「茱麗葉的祕書」。隨著 2010 年電影《給茱麗葉的信》上映後,有更多來自世界各地的信件開始湧入這座城市。
  人人都可以申請成為茱麗葉的祕書來幫忙回覆信件。各年齡層的人都寄信來,其中不乏不少年輕人。也許他們只是需要有個人來傾訴,而茱麗葉從不對之品頭論足。有些信很動人、有些則令人心碎、還有些人尋求協尋完美的另一半 —— 但這種事情即使是茱麗葉也無法幫忙啊!


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