Living in Fear of Your Phone 接個電話也會讓你害怕!?

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2019/07/30 第413期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Living in Fear of Your Phone  接個電話也會讓你害怕!?
We’ve become so dependent on our smartphones that it was only a matter of time.


  Does the sound of a ringing telephone give you the shakes? If so, don’t worry, you’re not alone. You might simply suffer from a condition called “telephobia,” the fear of talking on the phone.
  These days, many people avoid talking on the phone. We’re so used to texting and sending direct messages that speaking on the phone has become uncomfortable. For some, this fear becomes so serious that it’s actually a phobia. Knowing that someone is going to call them sparks intense anxiety. They will then try to figure out any way possible to avoid taking the call.
  Telephobia could be caused by a bad experience in the past, such as getting terrible news via the phone. If you suffer from it, know that there is help. Treatment usually involves taking small steps, like calling a store to ask what time it closes. Later, a sufferer might call a restaurant to inquire about the daily specials. Over time, the patient learns that using the phone need not be a terrifying experience. After all, no one should have to live in fear of their phone.


1. dependent a. 依賴的,依靠的
 be dependent on...  依賴……
Even though Matt is 40, he is still dependent on his family for many things.

2. the shakes n. 寒顫,顫抖,哆嗦
Even after years of public speaking, Nicole still gets the shakes before going on stage.

3. suffer from...  飽受(某疾病)之苦
Micky has been suffering from lung cancer for years.

4. text vi. & vt.(用手機)傳簡訊
Some people nowadays text their company to call in sick.

5. spark vt. 引起,導致,激發
The movie sparked an interesting discussion on the internet.

6. intense a. 強烈的;激烈的
The intense heat of summer in southern Taiwan sometimes can be too much for people.

7. anxiety n. 焦慮,不安
You need to calm down and not let anxiety affect your performance.

8. terrifying a. 令人害怕的,很可怕的
= horrible
Being stuck in an elevator alone is terrifying because there is no one who can help you.

via prep. 經由,透過
sufferer n.(尤指某種疾病的)患者,受苦者
inquire vi. 詢問,打聽

phobia 各式各樣的恐懼症
恐懼症(phobia)是焦慮症的一種類型,此症的特徵為發病者對某些事物或情境會產生持續性的恐懼與害怕。除了本文所介紹的 telephobia 外,也介紹幾個較常見的恐懼症(皆為名詞):
aerophobia 高空/飛行恐懼症;懼高症
social phobia 社交恐懼症
agoraphobia 廣場恐懼症
claustrophobia 幽閉恐懼症
blood phobia 恐血症(又稱懼血症)

Social phobia can make being around other people feel like a nightmare.
People who suffer from claustrophobia are afraid of getting into elevators.



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