Why We Forget Names and What to Do about It 為何我們總是忘記別人的名字?

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2019/07/30 第424期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Why We Forget Names and What to Do about It  為何我們總是忘記別人的名字?
by Brian Foden


  Unless you are one of those rare people with an excellent memory, you probably have trouble remembering the names of people you have just met. This problem can be __1__ and embarrassing. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can help yourself __2__ this human tendency.
  Before examining the methods to help yourself remember people’s names, let’s look at the reason why we are so __3__ in the first place. Experts put a lot of the blame on a lack of motivation and interest. Simply put, remembering names is just not high on the list of __4__ for most people. Another reason is that putting a new face to a name is more __5__ than we think, which leads to another problem. We usually don’t make the effort to commit new names to memory immediately. Not only that, but when meeting someone new, we may be thinking about other things and not be paying enough __6__.
  All of this means that we need to take __7__ to avoid the embarrassment of forgetting a person’s name. One good method is to say a person’s name when you greet them and also repeat it silently to yourself a few times. This type of repetition is __8__ to learning practically any type of skill. Using a memory device, such as associating individual names with something else, also helps. For example, if someone’s name is Ben and he is tall, you can __9__ him (to yourself, of course) “Big Ben.” Additionally, focusing on people and listening more closely when you meet them will assist you in __10__ their names. While forgetting names isn’t a matter of life or death, it is uncomfortable. Putting these tips into practice will help you better avoid this social discomfort.
(A) forgetful (B) attention (C) frustrating (D) label (E) priorities
(F) recalling (G) measures (H) complicated (I) vital (J) overcome

a matter of life and death  攸關生死的事情
 matter n.(重大的)事情
discomfort n. 不舒適

(A) forgetful a. 健忘的
•Joe has to rely on notes because he is rather forgetful.

(B) attention n. 注意
pay attention to...  注意/專心於……
•A good leader should pay attention to any sign of dissatisfaction.

(C) frustrating a. 令人挫折/洩氣的
frustrate vt. 使挫折,使喪氣
•It’s really frustrating that everything I try to do fails.

(D) label vt. 把……稱為 & n. 標籤
label A (as) B  將 A 稱為 B
•The press labeled the politician as a liar.

(E) priority n. 優先考慮的事物;優先權
top priority  第一優先,最重要的事
•Taking care of her children is Diana’s top priority now.

(F) recall vt. 記得;回想,回憶
•Ed recalled many fond memories as he looked at his pictures from high school.

(G) measure n. 措施/方法(常用複數)&
vt. 測量;衡量
take measures to V  採取措施(做)……
•The fishermen took measures to protect their boats from the oncoming storm.

(H) complicated a. 複雜的
complicate vt. 使複雜化
•The book is complicated, so it’s taking me a while to read it.

(I) vital a. 重要的,不可或缺的
be vital to N/V-ing  對……而言極為重要
•Both good food and enough sleep are vital to maintaining our health.

(J) overcome vt. 克服,戰勝
三態為:overcome, overcame, overcome。
•John overcame many difficulties to become an Olympic champion.

1. This problem can be frustrating and embarrassing.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 be,而空格後有對等連接詞 and 及形容詞 embarrassing(尷尬的),故知空格應置入另一形容詞以和 embarrassing 形成對等。
b. 選項中有 (A) forgetful、(C) frustrating、(H) complicated 及 (I) vital 符合條件,根據語意,很難記住剛認識的人的名字這個問題可能會令人既「沮喪」又尷尬,可知答案應選 (C)。

2. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can help yourself overcome this human tendency.
a. 空格前有及物動詞 help(幫助)及反身代名詞 yourself(你自己),而空格後有名詞詞組 this human tendency(這種人類傾向),故知空格應置入原形及物動詞。
b. 選項中有 (D) label 及 (J) overcome 符合條件,根據語意,所幸,有很多方法可以幫助你「克服」這種人類傾向,可知答案應選 (J)。

3. Before examining the methods to help yourself remember people’s names, let’s look at the reason why we are so forgetful in the first place.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 are 及副詞 so(如此地),故知空格應置入形容詞以被 so 修飾。
b. 選項中尚有 (A) forgetful、(H) complicated 及 (I) vital 符合條件,根據語意,在檢視能幫助自己記住人們名字的方法之前,讓我們先來看看為什麼我們會如此「健忘」,可知答案應選 (A)。

4. Simply put, remembering names is just not high on the list of priorities for most people.
a. 空格前有介詞 of,而空格後亦有介詞 for,故知空格應置入名詞。
b. 選項中有 (B) attention、(D) label、(E) priorities 及 (G) measures 符合條件,根據語意,記住名字在大多數人的「優先順序」中排序並不高,可知答案應選 (E)。

5. Another reason is that putting a new face to a name is more complicated than we think, which leads to another problem.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is 及副詞 more(更),而空格後有連接詞 than(比),故知空格應置入形容詞以被 more 修飾。
b. 選項中尚有 (H) complicated 及 (I) vital 符合條件,根據語意,將名字和新面孔連結起來比我們想的更加「複雜」,可知答案應選 (H)。

6. Not only that, but when meeting someone new, we may be thinking about other things and not be paying enough attention.
a. 空格前有及物動詞 paying 及形容詞 enough(充足的,足夠的),故知空格應置入名詞以被 enough 修飾並作 paying 的受詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (B) attention、(D) label 及 (G) measures 符合條件,根據語意,會記不住名字的另一個原因是,當我們遇到新朋友時,可能想著其他事情而沒有將足夠的「注意力」放在對方身上,可知答案應選 (B)。

7. All of this means that we need to take measures to avoid the embarrassment of forgetting a person’s name.
a. 空格前有及物動詞 take,而空格後有引導不定詞片語的 to,故知空格應置入名詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (D) label 及 (G) measures 符合條件,根據語意,如果我們想避免忘記別人名字的尷尬場面,就必須採取一些「措施」,且 “take measures to V” 為固定用法,可知答案應選 (G)。

8. This type of repetition is vital to learning practically any type of skill.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,而空格後有介詞 to,故知空格應置入名詞、形容詞或分詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (D) label、(F) recalling 及 (I) vital 符合條件,根據語意,問候某人時稱呼他們的名字並在心中默念幾次是記住他們名字的好方法,這樣的重複幾乎對學習各類技能「極其重要」,故答案應選 (I)。

9. For example, if someone’s name is Ben and he is tall, you can label him (to yourself, of course) “Big Ben.”
a. 空格前有助動詞 can,而空格後有受格 him,故知空格應置入原形及物動詞。
b. 選項中僅剩 (D) label 符合條件,且符合語意,如果某人的名字是 Ben 而且身材高大,你可以「稱呼」他為大笨鐘,故答案應選 (D)。

10. Additionally, focusing on people and listening more closely when you meet them will assist you in recalling their names.
a. 空格前有介詞 in,而空格後有名詞詞組 their names(他們的名字),故知空格應置入及物動詞的動名詞形。
b. 選項中僅剩 (F) recalling 符合條件,且符合語意,遇到某人時,專注並更仔細地傾聽將有助於「記得」他們的名字,故答案應選 (F)。

1. have trouble / difficulty / problems / a hard time V-ing  做……有困難
•Mr. Jones had trouble sleeping because he was worried about his finances.

2. in the first place  一開始,最初
•Two hours later, Tom and Mary had forgotten why they began arguing in the first place.

3. put the blame on...  把責任推到……身上
blame sb for sth  將某事歸咎/怪罪於某人
= blame sth on sb
blame n. & vt. 指責,責怪
•The truck driver put the blame on me for the accident.

4. (To be) simply put, ...  簡言之,……
= To put it simply, ...
= In brief / short, ...
•There are going to be many changes soon. Simply put, everything will be different.

5. make the effort to V  努力做……(不想做或是困難的事)
•I wish you’d make the effort to get along with Jasmine.

6. commit sth to memory  牢記某事
•Rachel tried hard to commit all her new classmates’ names to memory.

7. associate A with B  將 A 與 B 聯想在一起
•Most people associate red roses with love.

8. assist sb in V-ing  協助某人從事……
•I assisted Leo in getting his research published.

9. put (sth) into practice  (把某事)付諸實行
•I think it will be difficult to put your ideas into practice.

1. embarrassing a. 令人尷尬/難為情的
embarrassment n. 尷尬,難為情
•It is embarrassing to forget to bring money on a first date.

2. tendency n. 傾向
have a tendency to V  有……的傾向;易於/往往會……
•Henry has a tendency to look at the ground when he is telling a lie.

3. motivation n. 動機
motivate vt. 激發,激勵
•The motivation behind the murder remains unknown.

4. avoid vt. 避免
avoid N/V-ing  避免……
•To avoid getting burned, don’t touch the hot pan without a potholder.

5. repetition n. 重複,反覆
•The repetition of words and key phrases is the best way to practice a language.

6. practically adv. 幾乎;實際上
= virtually adv.
•That actor was practically unknown when he played that part.

7. device n. 手法;裝置,設備
•A clear brand image is a good marketing device.
•This high-tech device can detect when someone is lying.


  這一切全都意味著,如果我們要避免忘記別人名字的尷尬場面,就必須採取一些措施。在問候某人時稱呼他們的名字並在心中默念幾次是一個好方法。這樣的重複幾乎對學習任何一種技能都極其重要。使用特殊的記憶方式也有幫助,像是將某人的名字與其他事物做連結。舉例來說,如果某人的名字是 Ben 而且身材高大,你可以稱呼他為「大笨鐘」(當然是你自己知道就好)。除此之外,遇到他們時,專注並更仔細地傾聽將有助於記得他們的名字。雖然忘記名字不是攸關生死的事,它卻會讓人感到不自在。將這些技巧付諸實踐會幫助你更能避免這種社交上的不愉快。
1. C 2. J 3. A 4. E 5. H 6. B 7. G 8. I 9. D 10. F

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