Shedding Light on the Origin of the Birthday Candle 祝你生日快樂!

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2019/07/02 第420期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Shedding Light on the Origin of the Birthday Candle  祝你生日快樂!
by Lauren McCarthy


  When you stop and think about it, the idea of birthday cakes is a bit strange. No, it’s not the cake itself that’s weird. After all, marking special occasions with baked goods isn’t new—think of mooncakes for Mid-Autumn Festival or pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. What’s unusual about birthday cakes is the practice of sticking lighted candles into them.
  The concept of a birthday celebration can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians. The pharaohs considered their coronation to be their “birth” as a god. It was the Greeks and Romans who added cake into the mix. The Greeks had cakes to celebrate their gods, while the Romans served sweetened bread for special birthdays. However, it wasn’t until the 17th century that the dessert took on the contemporary form of a layered cake with frosting and decorations. For a long time, this was accessible only for the wealthy, but when prices for ingredients dropped during the Industrial Revolution, birthday cakes became available to the general public.
  The origin behind putting candles on a cake is not as clear. Some people say it started with the Greeks, who placed lighted candles in cakes for Artemis, the goddess of the moon. The flames were meant to symbolize the moon’s glow. Others believe it began in Germany. In 1746, a party for Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf was described as including a cake with a candle for each year of his life plus an extra one in the middle. Still others suggest it originated as a Swiss superstition in which the birthday person had to blow out candles numbering their age that decorated the cake. Wherever it began, candles in cakes are now standard at birthday parties.

1. What does the author imply about birthday cakes in the first paragraph?
(A) Birthday cakes are not as enjoyable as mooncakes.
(B) Cakes have only recently been used in celebrations.
(C) Placing lighted candles in a dessert is an odd practice.
(D) Pumpkin cake is the strangest flavor the author has tasted.

2. According to the passage, when did birthday cakes first begin to resemble the modern version?
(A) In ancient Egypt.
(B) In the 17th century.
(C) After the Industrial Revolution.
(D) During the time of the Romans.

3. What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on birthday cakes?
(A) Factories were able to mass produce cakes.
(B) People had more free time to bake cakes for their children.
(C) Ingredients for cake became more affordable for everyone.
(D) The invention of boxed cake mix made baking easy for all people.

4. Why did the Greeks place candles in cakes?
(A) It started as a superstitious practice.
(B) The candles reflected the age of their gods.
(C) Candles kept the cake warm before they ate it.
(D) The light from the candles symbolized the moon.


pharaoh n. 法老(古代埃及國王的稱呼)
coronation n. 加冕
sweeten vt. 使變甜(本文為過去分詞作形容詞用)
contemporary a. 現代的;當代的
frosting n. 糖霜
revolution n. 革命
count n. 伯爵
mass produce  大量生產

1. shed light on...  闡明……;解釋清楚……
shed vt. 散發(三態同形)
• Can you shed light on the mystery of the missing money?

2. be traced back to...  追溯至……
• This Chinese character can be traced back to the third century.

3. become / be available to...  是……可取得的;可供……利用
available a. 可取得的
• The aerobics class is available to club members.
*aerobics n. 有氧運動

4. be meant to V  目的是要……
= be intended to V
• This medicine is meant to make me sleepy, but I’m wide awake.

5. blow out... / blow... out  吹熄/吹滅……
blow vt. 吹
三態為:blow, blew, blown。
• When Irene arrived at the party, Ed had already made a wish and blown out the candles.


1. origin n. 起源
originate vi. 發源,起源
originate in / from...  起源自……
• I am currently researching the origins of jazz music.
• Automobiles originated in the 19th century.

2. weird a. 奇怪的,奇異的
• Amy knows she’s addicted to shopping because she feels weird if she doesn’t go out and buy things.

3. light vt. 點燃
三態為:light, lit / lighted, lit / lighted。
light up... / light... up  點燃/點亮……
• Fireworks lit up the night sky during the New Year’s celebrations.

4. accessible a. 可得到的,可接近的
• The theater is accessible to people with physical disabilities.

5. ingredient n. 食材;成分
• This dish is made from the best ingredients.

6. symbolize vt. 象徵
= be symbolic of...
symbolic a. 象徵性的
• The red rose in this poem symbolizes the man’s heart.

7. superstition n. 迷信
superstitious a. 迷信的
• Due to an age-old superstition, the number 13 is seen as bad luck in Western cultures.

8. resemble vt. 與……相像
= take after...
• Though they are twins, the girls barely resemble each other.

9. affordable a. 負擔得起的
• The price of this car isn’t too high. It is quite affordable for us.

10. reflect vt. 反映;反射
• Emily’s tastes in music reflect her unusual personality.

take on...  呈現……(某種樣子、外觀、顏色等)
• Roger took on his father’s good looks as he grew into a teenager.
以下是 “take on...” 的其他常見用法:
a. 表「帶有/具有……(某種神情、性質、特徵等)」。
• Alan’s face took on a horrified expression when he heard the bad news.
b. 表「接受……(任務、工作、角色等)」。
• Do you think you can take on the challenge of doing the project alone?
c. 表「承擔……(責任、職務等)」。
• I don’t think Jerry can take on any more work at the moment.
d. take on sb 表「僱用某人」,此處的 take on 等於 hire。
• My company is going to take on 10 new staff this year.
e. take on sb 亦可表「接受某人的挑戰;與某人比賽/較量」。
• Paul will take on Alexander in the wrestling competition on Sunday.

Some people say it started with the Greeks... Others believe it began in Germany... Still others suggest it originated as a Swiss superstition...
some... others... still others...  
• Hobbies vary with people. Some like to go to the movies, others like to go shopping, and still others like to stay at home and relax.
some... others...  
Some people don’t eat seafood, while others don’t eat meat of any kind.
some... the others...  
Some of the dogs in the pet shop are small, while the others are quite large.
one... another...  
• Every person has a favorite season. One might like summer, while another enjoys winter.
one... the other...  
• Kent has two sons. One is a teacher, and the other is a soldier.
one... another... the other...  
• Ed has three vehicles. One is a van, another is a jeep, and the other is a sports car.
the former... the latter...  前者……後者……
• That is Larry and Bobby. The former is my brother, and the latter is my cousin.



  當你停下來思考一下,會發現生日蛋糕的點子有點奇怪。不,蛋糕本身並不奇怪。畢竟,用烘焙食品來慶祝特別的場合並不是件新鮮事 —— 想想看中秋節的月餅或是感恩節的南瓜派。生日蛋糕的不尋常之處在於在蛋糕上插上點燃的蠟燭。
  將蠟燭放在蛋糕上的起源並不是那麼清楚。有人說是從希臘人那裡開始的,他們為月亮女神阿提米斯的蛋糕放上點亮的蠟燭。火焰是要象徵月亮的光輝。有些人認為它始於德國。1746 年,一個為路德維希.親岑多夫伯爵舉行的派對被描述為:包括一個上面有代表他年齡數量蠟燭的蛋糕以及在蛋糕中間另加一根蠟燭。還有一些人認為它起源於瑞士的迷信,認為壽星必須吹滅裝飾在蛋糕上、代表自己年齡的蠟燭。不論是何地開始的,蛋糕上的蠟燭現在是生日派對上的基本款。

1. 作者在第一段對生日蛋糕有什麼暗示?
(A) 生日蛋糕不像月餅那樣好吃。
(B) 蛋糕最近才被用於慶祝活動中。
(C) 將點燃的蠟燭放在甜點上是一種奇怪的做法。
(D) 南瓜餅是作者嚐過最奇怪的味道。

2. 根據本文,生日蛋糕從什麼時候開始近似於現代的版本?
(A) 在古埃及。
(B) 在十七世紀。
(C) 工業革命後。
(D) 在羅馬時期。

3. 工業革命對生日蛋糕有什麼影響?
(A) 工廠能夠大量生產蛋糕。
(B) 人們有更多空閒時間為子女烤蛋糕。
(C) 蛋糕的食材對每個人來說變得比較負擔得起。
(D) 盒裝蛋糕材料的發明使得烘焙對所有人來說更加簡單。

4. 為什麼希臘人把蠟燭放在蛋糕上?
(A) 它起初是一種迷信的做法。
(B) 蠟燭反映出他們神祇的年齡。
(C) 蠟燭讓他們在吃蛋糕之前為蛋糕保溫。
(D) 蠟燭的光輝象徵月亮。
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D

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像是夏伊、慕提、楊頌斯、肯特.長野、拉圖、葛濟夫,這些曾經是「新世代」指揮們,現在都已經被稱為「巨匠」了。進入50 幾歲的指揮,與正值演奏活動巔峰期的年輕一點的他們,到底區別為何?

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