Life on the Ocean with Oceanix 入住 Oceanix 在海洋上生活

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2019/12/24 第432期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Life on the Ocean with Oceanix 入住 Oceanix 在海洋上生活
A new kind of city could forever change how—and where—humans live.


  Lack of housing and climate change are both global problems with local impacts. Cities worldwide are running out of space for the people who live in them. As sea levels rise due to climate change, the problem is only going to get worse. However, Oceanix has proposed an unusual solution: living on top of the ocean itself.
  The Oceanix city is a unique design that uses floating platforms as new “land.” Each platform is large enough to house a small neighborhood of around 300 people. Six neighborhoods can be connected to become a village where 1,650 people can live. And then six villages can be linked together to form a city of 10,000 people.
  Each neighborhood would include everything that the community needs, including eco-friendly farming, waste management, renewable energy, and water processing. Working together as a village or city gives everyone the means to have even more resources.
  What’s more, Oceanix’s floating cities would be able to survive rough seas and even storms. The platforms would be attached to the sea floor, but otherwise they would not affect ocean life. The idea is even being reviewed by the UN-HABITAT program to help solve the serious lack of housing.


1. global a. 全球的,世界的
The global economy is starting to improve.
2. propose + N/V-ing  提議(做)……
 propose vt. 提議,建議
Peter proposed having a family reunion.
* reunion n. 聚會;重聚
3. floating a. 漂浮的;飄浮的
 float vi. 漂浮;飄浮
Tony and his sisters went to the lake and saw a floating leaf on the water.
Richard was excited to learn how to float in the water in his swimming class.
4. house vt. 安置;存放,收藏
That museum houses a variety of ancient and modern artwork.
5. connect vt. & vi. 連接,接通
Cooper connected the blue wire to the red one, and the phone finally worked again.
6. resource n. 資源(常用複數)
The government should put more effort into the protection of natural resources.
7. rough a.(天氣)風浪大的;有暴雨的
Because the weather got rough, Ben and Sal had to take shelter during their hike.
8. be attached to...  固定/附著在……上
The note was attached to Alice’s cellphone.

▼ housing n. 住房提供
▼ renewable a.(能源)可再生/更新/恢復的
water processing n. 水處理
▼ habitat n. 居住地,棲息地

due to... 的用法
1. due to... 為用來說明「原因」的片語介詞,表「因為/由於……」之意,後面接名詞或動名詞,使用時可置於句首或句尾(如本文用法)。
Due to the heavy fog, the flight will be delayed.
= The flight will be delayed due to the heavy fog.
2. 以下為其他常見表「因為、由於」的片語介詞:
because of、owing to、thanks to、as a result of、on account of
The 30th anniversary was a big success thanks to everyone’s effort.
The platforms would be attached to the sea floor, but otherwise they would not affect ocean life.
1. 本句中的 otherwise 為副詞,表「除此之外」,等同於 apart from that 的意思。
Mindy likes to gossip with her friends, but otherwise she is a good girl.
2. otherwise 作副詞時,還可以表「否則、要不然」,使用時通常置於句首。
You’d better get going. Otherwise, you might miss the train.
你最好現在就出發。 否則,你可能會錯過火車。

  缺乏住宅和氣候變遷都是會對各地方造成影響的全球性問題。居住空間對世界各地城市裡的人們來說越來越少了。而且隨著氣候變遷導致海平面上升,問題只會變得更加嚴重。然而,Oceanix 已經提出了一個少見的解決方案:生活在海洋之上。
  Oceanix 城市是一種獨特的設計,使用漂浮平臺作為新的「土地」。每個平臺大到足夠容納約三百人的小社區。六個社區可以連接在一起,成為一個可供一千六百五十人居住的村莊。然後六個村莊可以連接在一起,形成一個一萬人的城市。
  而且,Oceanix 的漂浮城市將能夠在波濤洶湧的大海甚至風暴中生存。平臺將連接到海底,但除此之外它們不會影響海洋生物。聯合國人類住區規劃署(簡稱聯合國人居署)甚至正在審查這個想法,以幫助解決嚴重的缺乏住宅問題。





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