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2020/02/03第331期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 「療癒系天王」水豚君
延伸學習: 討拍、取暖
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 互動日本語半年
Curious Facts about the Capybara

You may not know its name, but you've probably seen photos of it soaking in hot springs on social media. This "giant hamster," or capybara, is a favorite among zoogoers and animal experts alike. Here are some amusing facts about these charming creatures.

They are big.
As the world's largest rodent, adult capybaras weigh around 50 kg. That's as heavy as some humans! They average about 1.2 m in length and are up to 60 cm tall. Despite their size, they are fast runners that can reach speeds of up to 35 km an hour.

They love the water.
Capybaras spend a lot of time in water. Their webbed toes help them move quickly through the water, and they can also stay underwater for up to five minutes at a time to avoid predators. Capybaras have even been known to sleep in the water to prevent getting sunburned.

They're highly social animals.
Capybaras generally live in groups of between 10 and 20. Moreover, capybaras enjoy making friends with other animal species . . . and sometimes the capybaras' new friends use them as furniture! It's not uncommon to see monkeys, rabbits, birds, and even other capybaras resting on a capybara's back while it eats.






《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.226 2月號Live互動英語雜誌 》



social media n. 社群媒體
unhappiness n. 不快樂、痛苦
emotional adj. 情緒、情感上的
attract attention v. phr. 吸引注意
sympathetic adj. 同情的;有同情心的(後面常接to/toward + N.表示「對……感到同情的」)
response n. 回應、回答

"Sadfishing" refers to an act of posting about one's emotional problems on social media in order to attract attention and get a sympathetic response.

2020/2/3 (一)

He went to the temple of Athena, where the goddess gave him a golden bridle to tame the winged horse Pegasus with.

2020/2/4 (二)

As Bellerophon's fame grew, so did his ego.

2020/2/5 (三)

This "giant hamster," or capybara, is a favorite among zoogoers and animal experts alike.

2020/2/6 (四)

Whether it's on social media or at your local zoo, these furry friends are sure to put a smile on your face.

2020/2/7 (五)

Online shopping is more convenient and often cheaper than shopping in stores.


2020 線上國際書展

互動日本語 6期特惠

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