The Colorful Lilac-Breasted Roller 夢幻彩色鳥

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2020/02/25 第439期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Colorful Lilac-Breasted Roller 夢幻彩色鳥
This amazing African bird is named for its color and its impressive moves.



  Native to Africa, the lilac-breasted roller can be found throughout a large part of the African continent. They are so abundant in Kenya that they are the country’s national bird. This bird is also an important part of African folklore, and it has a very unique and colorful appearance. In fact, lilac-breasted rollers can have dazzling color combinations of up to eight colors, including dark blue, reddish brown, turquoise, yellow, green, and, of course, lilac.
The lilac-breasted roller gets part of its name from its pale purple coloring, but where does the roller part of the name come from? To impress females, males will perform flying tricks. One of these tricks is rolling from side to side while flying at high speeds and making loud cries.
  Lilac-breasted rollers are also a key part of some African traditions. For example, one African tribe creates chains out of lilac-breasted roller feathers. When a couple wants to get married, they are tied together with one of these colorful chains. The chain tests their ability to work together. If it falls apart, then they can’t get married.


1. colorful a. 色彩豐富的,顏色鮮豔的
The colorful paintings really liven up the room.
* liven up sth / liven sth up  使某物變得活潑生動
2. impressive a. 令人印象深刻的
impress vt. 使印象深刻;使欽佩
The young singer was impressive during his first public performance.
By putting on her best dress, Kate hoped to impress her date.
3. (be) native to + 地方  是某地特有的,原產於某地
This kind of bird is native to that island.
4. combination n. 結合,組合
The combination of chocolate and coffee ice cream is delicious.
5. pale a. 淡色的;蒼白的
Laura is wearing a pale blue skirt today.
6. chain n. 鏈子
Bill wears a gold chain around his neck.
7. feather n. 羽毛
The peacock has beautiful feathers on its back.
* peacock n. 公孔雀
8. fall apart  裂掉;散掉;瓦解
The old book fell apart as soon as Alice picked it up.

lilac n. & a. 淡紫色(的)
continent n. 大陸,洲
abundant a. 大量的
folklore n. 民間傳說(集合名詞,不可數)
dazzling a. 光彩奪目的;令人目眩的
turquoise n. 藍綠色


  紫胸佛法僧的名字部分來自牠的淡紫色,但牠名字中 roller(編按:意指「翻滾者」)的由來又是什麼呢?它源自於為了打動雌鳥,紫胸佛法僧公鳥會表演飛行特技。其中一種特技是在高速飛行時從一側翻滾到另一側,同時發出嘹亮的叫聲。


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