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2020/02/07 第498期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 「屬於我」英文用belong in me 或belong to me?
【英語學習Plus】 在飯店櫃台辦理退房
【本月發燒書】 理性與感性 Sense and Sensibility
【好康情報局】 ★寂天閱讀網線上國際書展★特選優惠,滿千再贈經典好書


belong in 指的是「應放置在...」,所以表示某人或某物在這個地方正合適、應被放在某處,可以使用belong in。例如:"You and your bikini belong in a fashion show," teased Jeannie. (「妳和妳的比基尼泳裝適合參與時裝展覽。」珍妮開玩笑說。)

belong to 指「屬於」的意思,後面可接人或事物。

(1) belong to somebody:
當belong to 後面接,「人」的時候,代表屬於某人的財產,例如: This motorcycle belongs to Michael.(這輛摩托車是麥克的。)

(2) belong to something:
如果belong to 後接「事物」,則有下面三種用法:

– 屬於某組織的成員
Amy Tub belongs to the Astronomy Club.

– 是同類東西或同類人物的一部分
Sue Nation belongs to my generation.

– 與特定的時間或地點相關
"This gun clearly belongs to the American Civil War period," noted Dr. Sun.

────── 節錄寂天講堂 「「屬於我」英文用belong in me 或belong to me?」


Daphne Ai: Hi. I want to check out now. My room number is 702. Here is the key.
Front Desk: Thank you, Ms. Ai. You have been with us for three nights at CA$78 per night, so your room total is CA$234. You also made one international call to Germany, two longdistance calls to Vancouver, and three local calls. Your telephone bill comes to CA$22.
Daphne Ai: Right.
Front Desk: Our record shows that you also had one bottle of orange juice and one bottle of beer from the fridge. Is that correct?
Daphne Ai: I am afraid there is a mistake. I didn't drink any juice or beer. All I had was two bottles of mineral water, but as I recall, the water is free.
Front Desk: Let me check again. Oh, you are right. I am truly sorry about that. OK, now, let's see. Your total bill is CA$256. How would you like to pay?
Daphne Ai: Credit card, please.
Front Desk:OK. Please sign your name right here.
Daphne Ai::Here you go.
Front Desk: Thank you very much, Ms. Ai. We hope to serve you again in the future.

Daphne Ai: 你好,我要退房,我是702 房的房客,這是鑰匙。
Front Desk: 艾小姐,謝謝您。您在本飯店住了三晚,每晚是78 加元,所以住房費總共是234 加元。另外,您曾撥了一通國際電話到德國,兩通長途電話到溫哥華,以及三通本地電話,所以電話費總共是加幣22 元。
Daphne Ai: 沒錯。
Front Desk:我們的紀錄也顯示,您曾從冰箱取用一瓶柳橙汁與一瓶啤酒,沒錯嗎?
Daphne Ai:好像有問題。我沒喝柳橙汁或啤酒,只喝了兩瓶礦泉水,不過我記得礦泉水是免費的。
Front Desk:我幫您再查查看。噢,您說的沒錯,真的是十分抱歉。好的,可以看到您的帳單總金額是加幣256元。請問您要怎麼付款?
Daphne Ai:用信用卡,麻煩你。
Front Desk: 好的。請在這裡簽名。
Daphne Ai: 簽好了。
Front Desk: 艾小姐,非常謝謝您。希望將來還有機會再為您服務。

──────選自《觀光英語Let's Go!【三版】(25K軟精裝+MP3)》
理性與感性 Sense and Sensibility(25K彩圖經典文學改寫+1MP3)

龍龍與忠狗 The Dog of Flanders【Grade 2經典文學讀本】二版(25K+1MP3)



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