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2020/02/10第332期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 走訪南美秘境——玻利維亞
延伸學習: 虛擬餐廳
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 2020 線上國際書展
Walking on the Sky in Bolivia

Bolivia is one of South America's safest countries and surprisingly one of its least visited. Queen Victoria may be to blame, as she once crossed the country off a map and declared that "Bolivia does not exist." That being said, don't let her opinion keep you from visiting this beautiful country.
Many people visit Bolivia to see the Salar de Uyuni, where you can walk on the "sky." This place is actually a salt flat, which is a kind of desert covered in salt. During the rainy season, the salt flat floods─creating a surface like a mirror, which makes it hard to tell where the sky ends and the earth begins. Take a photo, and it will look like you are floating in space.
Another popular spot is Laguna Colorada. This otherworldly salt lake is only one meter deep, and its dark red color creates a jaw-dropping contrast against the deep blue sky. Although some claim the water is the blood of the gods, the blood-red color is in fact caused by red sediments and algae. This stunning natural landscape also provides the perfect background to take in the area's population of rare flamingos.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.226 2月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

virtual restaurant

近年來,外送食物需求快速成長,因此有些餐廳開始經營起無座位、無招牌、全靠外送的「虛擬餐廳」,也稱作「雲端廚房」(cloud kitchen)或「幽靈廚房」(ghost kitchen [gost])。

give rise to n. 迅速發展、(數量)增長;繁榮
unhappiness v. 開展、發起;推出
emotional n. 副產品;衍生產品
attract attention n. (信件、包裹)投遞、運送;運送之物
sympathetic n. 外帶(作形容詞時,寫作take-out)

The recent popularity of third-party food delivery companies has given rise to virtual restaurants, which offer food for delivery or takeout only.

2020/2/10 (一)

Take a photo, and it will look like you are floating in space.

2020/2/11 (二)

Despite Queen Victoria's thoughts on the matter, Bolivia not only exists but also makes for a one-of-a-kind travel experience.

2020/2/12 (三)

However, few tea drinkers know that they may be getting much more than they bargained for in their morning brew.

2020/2/13 (四)

Sweet, don't forget to tag me.

2020/2/14 (五)

It took me five months to make it. The hardest part was attaching the leather for the cover.


2020 線上國際書展


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