A Modern Problem: Internet Addiction 現代人的「癮」憂

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2020/06/23 第455期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Modern Problem: Internet Addiction 現代人的「癮」憂
The entire internet can fit in a human hand, and some people just can’t put it down.


  People really love their mobile phones. A smartphone is basically the whole internet in a pocket-sized device. It is a tool for communication and a source of entertainment. Most people are able to put their phones away when they are finished. But some people feel the constant need to be on their phone, scrolling through social media, surfing the web, or playing mobile games. This is internet addiction.
  Internet addiction is a real and growing problem. Like addiction to other unhealthy behavior, internet addiction has real physical and psychological dangers. Addicts who are not able to access the internet might feel anxious or depressed. However, with access, the addict may ignore important events or responsibilities. Despite the internet’s ability to connect people, addicts might start to feel lonely or isolated.
  Given how new internet addiction is, doctors are still trying to understand the problem and how to help. Right now, people are trying therapy and other traditional methods to overcome the addiction. Meanwhile, one small town in America offers a potential (but extreme) solution: a complete cellphone and Wi-Fi ban.


1. device n. 設備,裝置
The lazy person wished someone would invent a device that did his work for him.
2. behavior n. 行為,舉止(不可數)
John’s reckless behavior gave rise to endless trouble for his parents.
3. anxious a. 焦慮的
It is normal for students to get anxious before exams.
4. depressed a. 憂鬱的,消沈的
After yet another failed relationship, Teddy felt depressed and needed someone to talk to.
5. responsibility n. 責任
Dalia should take on more responsibility now that she is the head of the department.
6. given prep. 有鑑於/考慮到……
Given his young age, Otis has performed remarkably well.
* remarkably adv. 了不起地,非凡地
7. overcome vt. 克服(三態為:overcome, overcame, overcome)
Liam has worked hard to overcome his stutter.
* stutter n. 結巴,口吃
8. potential a. 潛在的,可能的
The new drug has yet to be approved due to some potential side effects.

psychological a. 心理(學)的
therapy n. 療法
ban n. 禁止

★ addict 家族
addict 這個字跟「癮」有關,除了本身自成一單字外,亦能衍伸出其他字彙,須特別注意其差別及用法。
1. addict 為名詞,表「成癮者;入迷的人」。
Sharon is a chocolate addict; she refuses to eat any dessert without it.
2. addicted為形容詞,表「成癮的;沉溺的」,常見用法如下:
be / become addicted to N/V-ing  對……上癮;沉溺於……

Mr. Chen was addicted to gambling. As a result, he gambled his life away.
Being addicted to alcohol has damaged a lot of people’s health.
3. addictive 也是形容詞,表「會使人上癮/沉迷的」。
Research shows junk food can be just as addictive as drugs.
4. addiction為名詞,表「上癮(的症狀/情形)」,常與介詞 to 並用。
Olivia has an addiction to love; she is always looking to get into a new relationship.





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