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2020/06/22第351期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




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活動快遞: 精選套書 2套折$300
The Great Mask Divide: Asia vs. the West

Whether it's COVID-19, SARS, or H1N1, a virus outbreak often drives the general public to take measures to protect themselves. This is most visible in many Asian countries, where it's common to see people wearing masks in public. However, this practice is almost unheard-of in many Western countries.
The use of surgical masks in public likely began in Japan. When the Spanish flu struck the country in 1918, people began wearing masks to try to avoid becoming sick, a practice that would continue during future influenza outbreaks. As Japan industrialized, its development led to increased air pollution, and mask wearing among the population also increased as a protective measure. Over the years, Japanese people began wearing masks more frequently, and other Asian countries later followed suit.
In many Asian countries, masks are seen as an important way to prevent illness, and people with colds are encouraged to wear them to prevent others from getting sick. Furthermore, some people with allergies to pollen or dust feel that wearing masks helps them breathe better. Besides these practical reasons, masks have also become a fashion accessory. Some people like the mysterious look masks give them, while others enjoy the sense of privacy they provide in public.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.230 6月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

take the bull by the horns

take the bull by the horns 字面意思是「抓住牛角」,想像一下要正面抓住牛角需要多大的勇氣和信心,因此這個說法就是用來表示「勇敢面對困難、不畏艱難」或「當機立斷處理問題」的意思。

• take the plunge 打定主意、決心行動
• bite the bullet 勇敢地面對;硬著頭皮應付
• throw caution to the wind 不顧一切、魯莽行事

A: I got passed over for a promotion again. I don't know what to do.
B: Did your boss tell you why you weren't chosen?
A: Well, no. I've never talked to him about it.
B: Maybe it's time to take the bull by the horns and discuss it with your boss directly.

2020/6/22 (一)

Furthermore, some people with allergies to pollen or dust feel that wearing masks helps them breathe better.

2020/6/23 (二)

In most Western countries, surgical masks are only worn by hospital workers and patients.

2020/6/24 (三)

The Internet has made it easier for criminals to run scams and steal personal information.

2020/6/25 (四)

The music is coming from a garbage truck. In Taiwan, we take our garbage out to the truck when it comes to our neighborhood.

2020/6/26 (五)

They only collect plastic bottles and containers on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I'll throw it out tomorrow.



精選套書 2套折$300

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