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2020/06/26 第518期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 一次學會各式面膜英文說法
【英語學習Plus】 請飯店託管行李
【本月發燒書】 英文字根字首神奇記憶法:再也忘不了的英單速記秘訣【附口袋單字書+字根字首字尾一覽表】
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Clay-Based Masks 黏土型面膜
These are best for absorbing impurities and toxins from the face. Because clay masks remove excess oil, they are ideal for women with oily skin. They also work to minimize pores and make the skin tighter.

Mud Masks 泥漿面膜
These are similar to clay masks. Since they are water-based, however, they provide more moisture and are better for women with drier skin.

Paraffin Masks 蜜蠟面膜
These waxy substances are believed to be good for all types of skins. They infuse the skin with moisture and help improve blood circulation, softening the skin as well.

Peel-Off Masks 剝除式面膜
These are good for removing dead skin, cleaning pores, and refining pores and find lines. Most peel=off masks come in a gel form.

Cream Masks 霜狀面膜
The skin is enriched and replenished by these masks, which are usful for women with dry skin. Hydrating and repairing the skin are two important functions of this category of masks.

Ancient (ad.) 古代的
Benefit (n.) 好處
Excess (adj.) 過量的
Revitalize (v.) 活化
Impurity (n.) 雜質
Toxin (n.) 【生化】毒素
Waxy (adj.) 蠟的;像蠟的
Substance (n.) 物質
Infuse (v.) 將…注入
Enrich (v.) 潤澤

────── 節錄寂天講堂「一次學會各式面膜英文說法 」

請飯店託管行李 Holding baggage

Bell Captain: Good morning, ma'am. How may I help you?
Guest: Hi. Can my husband and I leave our bags at the hotel? We just checked out of our room, but we would like to go downtown to look around before leaving for the airport.
Bell Captain: Sure. Let me store your luggage in our checkroom until you come back. Can I have your name and room number?
Guest: I'm Shirley Carson, and I was in Room 1004.
Bell Captain: I see, Mrs. Carson. Are these your only bags?
Guest: Yes. These three suitcases.
Bell Captain: All right. Here is your baggage claim tag. Please keep this until you pick up your bags. Have a great time.

客人:嗨,我和我先生可以把行李留置在飯店一下嗎? 我們剛退房,但想先去市區逛逛再去機場。
行李員:沒問題。在您回來之前,我先將您的行李放 在行李寄存處。可以告訴我您的大名和房號嗎?
客人:我是雪莉• 卡森,退房前的房號是1004。


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