一次學會各式面膜英文說法 Clay-Based Masks 黏土型面膜 These are best for absorbing impurities and toxins from the face. Because clay masks remove excess oil, they are ideal for women with oily skin. They also work to minimize pores and make the skin tighter. 此類面膜最適用於吸附臉部皮膚的雜質和毒素。由於黏土型面膜可去除多餘皮脂,因此適合油性膚質的女性使用。此種面膜亦能縮小毛孔,讓皮膚更加緊緻。 Mud Masks 泥漿面膜 These are similar to clay masks. Since they are water-based, however, they provide more moisture and are better for women with drier skin. 泥漿面膜類似於黏土型面膜,但由於泥漿面膜具水性成分,因此更能保濕皮膚,較適合膚質偏乾的女性使用。 Paraffin Masks 蜜蠟面膜 These waxy substances are believed to be good for all types of skins. They infuse the skin with moisture and help improve blood circulation, softening the skin as well. 含蠟狀物質的蜜蠟面膜適用於所有膚質類型。蜜蠟面膜能為皮膚注入水分,同時幫助改善血液循環和柔嫩皮膚。 Peel-Off Masks 剝除式面膜 These are good for removing dead skin, cleaning pores, and refining pores and find lines. Most peel=off masks come in a gel form. 剝除式面膜能去除老廢角質、暢通和縮小毛孔、撫平細紋,多呈凝膠狀。 Cream Masks 霜狀面膜 The skin is enriched and replenished by these masks, which are usful for women with dry skin. Hydrating and repairing the skin are two important functions of this category of masks. 此類面膜能潤澤皮膚、補充養分、對於乾性膚質的女性十分實用。而此類面膜的兩項重要功能就是保濕與修護皮膚。 【熱門單字】 Ancient (ad.) 古代的 Benefit (n.) 好處 Excess (adj.) 過量的 Revitalize (v.) 活化 Impurity (n.) 雜質 Toxin (n.) 【生化】毒素 Waxy (adj.) 蠟的;像蠟的 Substance (n.) 物質 Infuse (v.) 將…注入 Enrich (v.) 潤澤 |