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2020/06/01第348期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 雜誌6期990元 限時優惠
Why Veggies Can Be Hard to Stomach

We've all heard that we must eat vegetables to stay healthy. The rainbow of produce available from a garden provides many of the nutrients that our bodies need to grow, repair, protect, and clean themselves. Then why do some people run for the hills every time they see a piece of broccoli? Recent research into our sense of taste may help cast some light on this.
The human mouth has more than 25 taste receptors, which register flavors in our food within the five basic tastes: sweetness, saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and umami. The taste receptor called TAS2R38 influences how we sense the bitter flavor. Genetic differences in TAS2R38 make a quarter of the population "super-tasters," which is not as appealing as it might sound. These people are particularly sensitive to bitterness in ordinary foods like spinach and cabbage and tend to eat far less vegetables as a result. This, in turn, may lead to heart or weight problems and other kinds of diseases.
Scientists are currently trying to come up with less bitter varieties of garden favorites. For now, super-tasters can try different cooking methods and spices to make those all-important vegetables easier to swallow.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.230 6月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

social distancing

新冠肺炎疫情延燒全球,各國政府紛紛勸導民眾避免群聚及保持社交距離等措施來防疫。根據《韋伯字典》(Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary),此詞用來指在傳染病爆發期間,與其他人保持比平常更大的身體距離,或避免在公共場所與人或物體直接接觸以減少感染的傳播。現在來看看一些與疫情相關的字詞。

covidiot n. phr. 不配合防疫措施者;防疫豬隊友
contagious disease n. phr. 傳染性疾病
infection n. 感染;傳染病
precaution n. 預防;預防措施
hoarder n. 囤積者;儲藏者
confirmed case n. phr. 確診病例
imported case n. phr.  境外移入病例
community transmission n. phr. 社區感染
travel warning n. phr. 旅遊警示

A "covidiot" is someone who ignores social distancing rules or who selfishly hoards groceries for themselves.

2020/6/1 (一)

Although the men are attached, they look very different from each other -- one looks younger and more handsome, while the other looks messy and rather unhappy.

2020/6/2 (二)

Mr. Easton fills Miss Fairchild in on his life since they met in Washington all those years ago and explains how he became a marshal.

2020/6/3 (三)

The 25-year-old San Francisco native, whose real name is Ari Leff, first found fame in 2015, but he's been writing music for years.
這名二十五歲的舊金山人本名是Ari Leff,他在二○一五年開始成名,但他已經創作音樂好多年了。

2020/6/4 (四)

With catchy songs that you can identify with, it's easy to see why Lauv has become such a star.

2020/6/5 (五)

These people are particularly sensitive to bitterness in ordinary foods like spinach and cabbage and tend to eat far less vegetables as a result.


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雜誌6期990元 限時優惠

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