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2020/06/12 第516期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 延後退房
【本月發燒書】 12堂護理人員專業英文進階課(菊8K+1MP3)
【好康情報局】 ★新書推薦★新制多益聽力搶分訓練營:3 STEPS打造高效聽力腦【解題技巧練習本+中譯解析本雙書版】

【口語會話 Follow me 】

You'd better make sure.

A: Why don't you come over on Sunday and help me bake cookies?
B: As long as it's OK with your mom that we use her kitchen. Better make sure first.

A: 星期天來我家,幫我一起烤餅乾吧。
B: 只要你媽准許我們使用廚房的話就行。最好先確定一下。

※ You can also say Better make certain.

────── 節錄《輕鬆秒學英語會話小短句(25K+1MP3)》

延後退房 Extending the checkout

Front Desk Cashier: Good morning. How may I help you?
Guest: Good morning. I'm supposed to leave today, but my flight doesn't depart until late evening. Can I stay in my room until this afternoon? I'm in Room 1202.
Front Desk Cashier: Let me check if the room is available first.... Yes, the room is available tonight, Mr. Hunt. You can stay in your room until 6 P.M., but you would be charged 50% of the room rate.
Guest: I see. If I check out before noon, can I leave my luggage somewhere in the hotel?
Front Desk Cashier: Certainly, sir. You can leave your luggage at the bell desk over there. The bellmen will be happy to take care of it for you, sir.
Guest: That's good. I'll do that.
Front Desk Cashier: Oh, it's almost noon already. If you need some more time to pack your luggage, I can extend your checkout by around 30 minutes at no extra charge.
Guest: That sounds perfect! I appreciate it.
Front Desk Cashier: You're welcome, sir.

客人:早安,我是今天要退房,但我的班機傍晚才起飛,我可以在房間待到下午再退房嗎? 我的房號是1202。
客人:太好了! 感激不盡。


人面巨石 The Great Stone Face【Grade 2經典文學讀本】二版(25K+1MP3)

關鍵英單7000字(2)2201~4400【四版】(16K + 715分鐘MP3)

練英單 3:英單7000字邊背邊練習【4401~7000】 二版(16K+1MP3)

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