Longdong—Taiwan’s Northern Paradise 北臺灣無敵海景天堂 ── 龍洞

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2020/06/02 第453期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Longdong—Taiwan’s Northern Paradise 北臺灣無敵海景天堂 ── 龍洞
When it comes to adventure and natural wonder, Longdong can’t be beat.


  On Taiwan’s rocky northeast coast, the perfect getaway awaits. It’s a place of clear blue seas, beautiful cliffs, and some of the best rock climbing action on the island. This is Longdong, a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.
  Longdong, or “Dragon’s Cave,” got its name because the landscape looks like the long, curving body of the mythical flying, fire-breathing beast. From Taipei, Longdong is less than an hour’s drive away and can be a great spot for a day trip. Once there, visitors can find a number of great activities to try. Walking the Longdongwan Cape Trail is a great way to take in the stunning coastal scenery, including the steep cliffs and the whitecap waves crashing against the shore. The rock formations are tens of millions of years old, formed by the same volcanic forces that gave rise to the main island of Taiwan.
  If all that walking works up an appetite, near the entrance to Longdongwan Coast Park, there are a few restaurants serving delicious, fresh seafood. But it’s not the food that is the area’s main draw. It’s the chance for adventure that brings most visitors to this coastal paradise.


1. landscape n.(陸上的)風景,景致
The excellent landscape of the canyons took my breath away.
2. mythical a. 只存在神話中的;杜撰的
The artist is good at painting mythical creatures, such as unicorns.
3. stunning a. 極漂亮的,極迷人的
Everyone in the office was amazed by Gina´s stunning new hairstyle.
4. steep a. 陡峭的
The hill was so steep that it took us almost two hours to reach the top.
5. crash vi. 拍打;猛撞(常造成巨響或破壞,第二天文章中亦用現在分詞作形容詞用)
Without warning, the tree crashed through our roof.
6. give rise to...  引起/導致……
= result in...
The comments from that internet celebrity gave rise to a heated discussion.
* comment n. 評論,意見
7. work up a(n) appetite / thirst / sweat  (尤指運動之後)引起食慾/造成口渴/促使流汗
appetite [ `ApJ:tZIt ] n. 食慾,胃口
Andy really worked up a sweat while painting his house.
8. draw n. 有吸引力的人/事/物
A live band is always a good draw at a party.

getaway n. 短期度假;度假勝地
cliff n. 懸崖,峭壁
gem n. 寶石(也可作 gemstone)
trail n. 小道,小徑
whitecap n. 白浪(常用複數,本文作形容詞用)
formation n.(岩石或雲朵的)形成物;結構
volcanic a. 火山的;由火山作用造成的

複合形容詞就是將兩個以上的字用連字符號 “-” 連接形成的形容詞,通常置於名詞之前,用以修飾該名詞,如本文中的 fire-breathing(噴火的)即是「名詞-現在分詞」所形成的複合形容詞,用以表示被修飾名詞的主動概念,fire-breathing beast 就是從 beast that breathes fire 變化而來。
The tiger is a man-eating animal.
= The tiger is an animal that eats men.
Australia is an English-speaking country.
= Australia is a country where people speak English.
★ 補充用法
This store sells hand-carved wooden statues.
= This store sells wooden statues that are carved by hand.
The snow-covered mountain is beautiful.
= The mountain which is covered with / in snow is beautiful.

北臺灣無敵海景天堂 ── 龍洞



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