What is Geographical Narcissism? 都市鄉村工作大不同?小心「地緣自戀」

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2020/06/09 第465期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

What is Geographical Narcissism? 都市鄉村工作大不同?小心「地緣自戀」
by Sean Gale


  As the global population steadily increases, more and more people are moving from rural areas to urban centers. It is estimated that 54% of people worldwide live in cities, up from 30% in 1950. And as urban dwellers become increasingly __1__ from rural life, a curious new phenomenon has begun to take shape. This new trend is referred to in academia as geographical narcissism, otherwise known as “urban-splaining.”
  Geographical narcissism is an __2__ that many city dwellers—especially professionals—may hold. It is the attitude of __3__ oneself as superior to those who live outside the city. Many urbanites may be __4__ that they hold this view, but it can unconsciously manifest itself in a number of ways.
  Geographical narcissism may take the form of talking down to country folk or __5__ rural knowledge, experiences, and conventions. Also, there’s the fact that the majority of highly-educated professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers seek __6__ in big cities. As a result, professionals that end up in rural areas are often questioned or scrutinized, based on the __7__ assumption that nobody would actually choose to move to a small, boring town. Some rural professionals are presumed to have chosen the country life because they couldn’t make it in the city, unable to compete with their urban __8__. Others are even assumed to have been banished from the city on __9__ of ethical or personal problems related to crime or drug and alcohol addiction.
  Ultimately, professionals working in both rural and urban environments must deal with a variety of different challenges, and each enjoys __10__ that the other may not. While geographical narcissism is by no means the biggest issue of our time, it is certainly a matter worth exploring if we wish to thrive, work together, and get along.
(A) ignoring (B) envious (C) outlook (D) faulty
(E) suspicion (F) disconnected (G) employment (H) misled
(I) perceiving (J) advantages (K) peers (L) unaware


geographical a. 地理的
narcissism n. 自戀
urban a. 都市的,城市的(僅用於名詞前)
urbanite n. 都市人
dweller n. 居民
phenomenon n. 現象(單數形)
phenomena n. 現象(複數形)
academia n. 學術界
urban-splaining  都市說教
(splaining 是從 explaining 而來的,urban-splaining 意即都市人對鄉下人說教)
convention n. 傳統
scrutinize vt. 仔細檢查

(A) ignore vt. 忽視;不理會
• Vicky was disappointed when the manager ignored her hard work on the project.
(B) envious a. 羨慕的;忌妒的
 be envious of...  羨慕/忌妒……
• All of us are envious of Nick because his parents buy him anything he wants.
(C) outlook n. 觀點,看法
• The experience totally changed my outlook on life.
(D) faulty a. 有錯誤的;有瑕疵的
• The detective’s reasoning was later proven to be faulty.
• I asked for a refund because the device was faulty.
(E) suspicion n. 懷疑
 on suspicion of...  被懷疑……
• Brent was arrested on suspicion of murder.
(F) disconnected a. 不連貫的,斷斷續續的
 disconnect vt. & vi.(使)分離
 become / be disconnected from...  (變得)和……分離/脫離
• The plot of the novel is disconnected and illogical.
• Since the divorce, Daniel has been disconnected from his kids.
(G) employment n. 工作;受僱(皆不可數)
• The government issued guidelines on the employment of foreign workers.
(H) mislead vt. 誤導
三態為:mislead, misled, misled。
• The report misled us into believing what the politician said was the truth.
(I) perceive vt. 認為;察覺
 perceive A as B   把 A 認為是 B
• This kind of gossip magazine is often perceived as superficial.
(J) advantage n. 優點(其後可與介詞 to 或 of 並用)
• The advantage to the jacket is that it’s rainproof.
(K) peer n. 同儕,同輩
• Because of Andrea’s academic performance, she stood out among her peers.
(L) unaware a. 不知道的;未察覺的
 be unaware + that 子句  不知道……
• Al was unaware that he was wearing his sweater inside out.

1. And as urban dwellers become increasingly disconnected from rural life, a curious new phenomenon has begun to take shape.
a. 空格前有連綴動詞 become(變得)及副詞 increasingly(越來越),而空格後有介詞 from,故知空格應置入形容詞(含可作形容詞的分詞)以被 increasingly 修飾。
b. 選項中有 (B) envious、(D) faulty、(F) disconnected、(H) misled 及 (L) unaware 符合條件,根據語意,住在都市的人變得越來越「脫離」鄉村生活,且符合 “become disconnected from...” 的用法,可知答案應選 (F)。

2. Geographical narcissism is an outlook that many city dwellers—especially professionals—may hold.
a. 空格前有不定冠詞 an,空格後有 that 引導的形容詞子句,可知空格應置母音開頭的單數可數名詞。
b. 選項中僅有 (C) outlook 符合條件,置入後表地緣自戀是許多居住在都市的人們可能抱持的一種「看法」,可知答案應選 (C)。

3. It is the attitude of perceiving oneself as superior to those who live outside the city.
a. 空格前有介詞 of,而空格後有反身代名詞 oneself,故知空格應置入及物動詞的動名詞形。
b. 選項中有 (A) ignoring 及 (I) perceiving 符合條件,根據語意,地緣自戀是一種「認為」自己比那些住在都市外的人還要優越的態度,且符合 “perceive A as B” 的用法,可知答案應選 (I)。

4. Many urbanites may be unaware that they hold this view, but it can unconsciously manifest itself in a number of ways.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 be,而空格後有 that 引導的名詞子句,故知空格應置入形容詞、名詞或分詞。
b. 剩餘選項皆符合條件,根據語意,應置入 (L) unaware,表許多都市人可能「不曉得」自己抱有這種看法,且符合 “be unaware + that 子句” 的用法,可知答案應選 (L)。

5. Geographical narcissism may take the form of talking down to country folk or ignoring rural knowledge, experiences, and conventions.
a. 空格前有介詞 of、及物片語動詞的動名詞形 talking down to(以高人一等的口氣對……說話)、名詞詞組 country folk(鄉村人)及對等連接詞 or,而空格後有名詞詞組 rural knowledge(鄉村知識),故知空格應置入及物動詞的動名詞形,以和 talking down to 形成對等。
b. 選項中僅剩 (A) ignoring 符合條件,置入後表地緣自戀的形式可能是居高臨下地對鄉村人說話、或者「忽視」鄉村知識、經驗和傳統,可知答案應選 (A)。

6. Also, there’s the fact that the majority of highly-educated professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers seek employment in big cities.
a. 空格前有及物動詞 seek(尋找),而空格後有介詞 in,故知空格應置入名詞以作 seek 的受詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (E) suspicion、(G) employment、(J) advantages 及 (K) peers 符合條件,根據語意,大多數高學歷的專業人士會在大都市找「工作」,可知答案應選 (G)。

7. As a result, professionals that end up in rural areas are often questioned or scrutinized, based on the faulty assumption that nobody would actually choose to move to a small, boring town.
a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,而空格後有名詞 assumption(猜測),故知空格應置入形容詞以修飾 assumption。
b. 選項中尚有 (B) envious、(D) faulty 及 (H) misled 符合條件,根據語意,基於沒有人會選擇搬到又小又無聊的城鎮這個「錯誤的」想法,最後跑到鄉村地區的專業人士通常會受到質疑或檢視,可知答案應選 (D)。

8. Some rural professionals are presumed to have chosen the country life because they couldn’t make it in the city, unable to compete with their urban peers.
a. 空格前有所有格 their 及形容詞 urban(都市的),故知空格應置入名詞以被 urban 修飾。
b. 選項中尚有 (E) suspicion、(J) advantages 及 (K) peers 符合條件,根據語意,人們會認定有些身在鄉村的專家會選擇鄉村生活是因為他們無法和都市裡的「同儕」競爭,可知答案應選 (K)。

9. Others are even assumed to have been banished from the city on suspicion of ethical or personal problems related to crime or drug and alcohol addiction.
a. 空格前有介詞 on,而空格後亦有介詞 of,故知空格應置入名詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (E) suspicion 及 (J) advantages 符合條件,根據語意,其他身在鄉村的專家甚至會被「懷疑」是因為有道德或其他問題而被逐出城市,且符合 “on suspicion of...” 的用法,可知答案應選 (E)。

10. Ultimately, professionals working in both rural and urban environments... and each enjoys advantages that the other may not.
a. 空格前有及物動詞 enjoys(享有),而空格後有 that 引導的形容詞子句,故知空格應置入名詞以作 enjoys 的受詞,並被該 that 子句修飾。
b. 選項中僅剩 (J) advantages 符合條件,置入後表不管是在鄉村或是都市環境工作的專業人士,皆享有對方可能沒有的「優點」,可知答案應選 (J)。

1. take shape  成形
• The idea began to take shape in Amy’s mind two months ago.

2. otherwise / also known as...  或稱為……
• Ping-pong, otherwise known as table tennis, is a fast-action sport that is a lot of fun.

3. take the form of...  以……的形式出現/存在
• Your report can take the form of either a written paper or a presentation.

4. talk down to sb  以高人一等的口氣對某人說話
• No one likes Tony because he talks down to everyone.

5. by no means  絕對不
by no means 可放在句首或句中,且因 by no means 為一否定副詞片語,故置於句首時,其後須採倒裝句構。
• By no means will I cheat on an exam.

1. superior a. 更優越的,更好的
be superior to...  比……優越
• This car is superior to that one in terms of gas mileage.

2. unconsciously adv. 不自覺地,下意識地
• Most people develop a habit unconsciously.

3. manifest vt. 顯示;證明
manifest oneself  彰顯出來
• Rachel’s musical talent manifested itself at the age of three.

4. assumption n. 猜測;認定
assume vt. 猜測;認定
• It’s my assumption that gas prices will decline next month.
• Both of you worked for that company, so I assumed you knew each other.

5. presume vt. 認定;猜想
• The man has been missing for more than three years and is presumed dead.

6. banish vt. 放逐
• After the scandal, Thomas was banished from the club.

7. ethical a. 道德的
• It is not ethical to spread gossip about other people.

8. addiction n. 成癮(與介詞 to 並用)
• Allen is now fighting his addiction to alcohol.

9. ultimately adv. 到頭來,最終
• Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what we should do with the extra money.

10. thrive vi. 茁壯成長,蓬勃發展
• The children thrived once we moved to the countryside.


  隨著全球人口數穩定增加,越來越多人從鄉村地區搬到市中心。居住在都市的人口從 1950 年的 30% 開始增加,據估計至今全球有 54% 的人居住在都市。且隨著住在都市的人變得越來越脫離鄉村生活,一個有趣的新現象開始成形。這種新的趨勢在學術界被稱為地緣自戀,或稱為「都市說教」。
  地緣自戀是許多居住在都市的人們 ── 特別是專業人士 ── 可能抱持的一種看法。它是一種認為自己比那些住在都市外的人還要優越的態度。許多都市人可能不曉得自己抱有這種看法,但此種看法可能會不自覺地以數種形式體現。
答案:1. F 2. C 3. I 4. L 5. A 6. G 7. D 8. K 9. E 10. J


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